I'm talking about giving Bruce's identity away. And that's not betrayal. Catwoman doesn't actually owe Bruce/Batman anything unless he gave himself up as the mole. Especially if they left off as enemies, you really expect her to play nice?
She has no reason to. She wouldn't gain anything from telling anyone that Bruce is Batman. Avesta was doing her job. You saw what kind of boss Waller is. I don't think she betrayed his trust, he had no reason to trust her anyway and there was nothing to trust her with. And she's actually sorry for it. When has Selina said she's sorry for betraying Harvey's trust and turning him into an even bigger monster? When has she said she was sorry for stealing the phalanx key from Bruce in season 1? When has Selina ever admitted she did something wrong? All she does is taunt us about it, telling us she used us for her own selfish reasons and when we call her out, she acts as if we betrayed her and we're somehow the bad one in this. And on the contrary, Selina owes me quite a bit: I saved her ass at the debate, I let her stay in my home, I forgave her after she stole the key and then she handcuffs me to a chair, tries to beat me up and steal the only way I have of stopping the Pact. I'm sorry but after that happened, I will never trust her again nor will I ever put her before anyone else. And I don't see how anyone else could. Avesta has great respect for Batman, she's obviously extremely good and capable at her job, she actually knows the importance of self-sacrifice, she's good looking and she prevented Riddler's blood from being misused. The choice is clear.
Actually, in her eyes she doesn't owe us anything anymore, since for some reason, taking the blame for the laptop and being put in an ice box is the same as warning you that there are enemies behind some door.
I'm talking about giving Bruce's identity away. And that's not betrayal. Catwoman doesn't actually owe Bruce/Batman anything unless he gave himself up as the mole. Especially if they left off as enemies, you really expect her to play nice?
lol. Yeah that was funny. But she does help you out if you let her. I'm more just saying both Avesta and Selina are at equal footing for me. And I was against Avesta being a romance option before because I'm not all for the romances but after this episode I actually think it is a potentially cute idea.
Actually, in her eyes she doesn't owe us anything anymore, since for some reason, taking the blame for the laptop and being put in an ice box is the same as warning you that there are enemies behind some door.
She's going to end up like a crazy cat lady, single and with 40 cats because she keeps running from Bruce, and you're going to regret not having Avesta at your side to mock her!
Actually, probably no one mention it here, but despite the little screen time in ep4, these scenes were pivotal for Selina’s character.
For the first time, even despite her own injury, she decides to risk her life just for stopping the villains from hurting people. Even Bruce may question if she is in condition to fight, but she pushes for it, wants to help. She saves Batman’s life at least twice at this scene. It shows her character’s growth, proves that she really changed and picked the right side of the barricade. Not that this is unexpected, she was never nowhere close to the level of the villains in this series. Even the promo banner for this episode was a small evidence that this will happen. As for now, convincing Selina to stand for the right principles was the most meaningful (or even the only) success of Batman this season, and it was needed especially now, when all the other things are going down.
I do not know how things will go when it comes to the relationship between Bruce and Selina, but from now on, saying that she is only the selfish thief would have no justification.
I hope their relationship will get more focus in the 5th episode, because what we got so far, even despite the small amount of their scenes together in this season, is really well handled.
Honestly I'm not even sure she will appear in episode 5 at all. What's in it for her now ? The Pact is dissolved, Harley can be in custody depending on your choices.
She got what she came for in the first place, if you romanced her maybe she will stay but if you settled with being friends I'm not so sure.
Honestly I'm not even sure she will appear in episode 5 at all. What's in it for her now ? The Pact is dissolved, Harley can be in custody d… moreepending on your choices.
She got what she came for in the first place, if you romanced her maybe she will stay but if you settled with being friends I'm not so sure.
"For the first time, even despite her own injury, she decides to risk her life just for stopping the villains from hurting people."
Actually, she does that to stop feelings guilty, Selina character is all about that, guilt, she even says that she didn't even try to stop Harley and Bane from murdering everyone so she wants to make things right. She doesn't do that out of care for the citizens of Gotham, is because she feels bad.
When does she save her life? Batman survives the scene even if he doesn't have catwoman, and I remember her only stopping Harley, and failing at it because she ends up with a hammer in her neck
This time is not about picking sides though, she came willingly to do something, unlike Season 1 that she just was caught in the cross fire
Only the players who took the blame and ended up with everyone in the Spa and Sanctus tortured and killed were able to convince her to stand for her principles, and I'm not sure a good principle is having guilt and owing someone a favor. (Like in Season 2 Ep 2, she only helps you in the debate because she owes you for the Bar Fight, not because she cared about saving lives, otherwise she would have stayed to help you against the Children of Arkham.
Actually, probably no one mention it here, but despite the little screen time in ep4, these scenes were pivotal for Selina’s character.
F… moreor the first time, even despite her own injury, she decides to risk her life just for stopping the villains from hurting people. Even Bruce may question if she is in condition to fight, but she pushes for it, wants to help. She saves Batman’s life at least twice at this scene. It shows her character’s growth, proves that she really changed and picked the right side of the barricade. Not that this is unexpected, she was never nowhere close to the level of the villains in this series. Even the promo banner for this episode was a small evidence that this will happen. As for now, convincing Selina to stand for the right principles was the most meaningful (or even the only) success of Batman this season, and it was needed especially now, when all the other things are going down.
I do not know how things wi… [view original content]
I'm thinking all characters will get screen time in episode 5. I think they have to. If they don't its gonna feel unfinished. Part of why I was surprised episode 4 ended when it did. It kinda seems they're gonna hafta smash a lot into episode 5.
Actually, probably no one mention it here, but despite the little screen time in ep4, these scenes were pivotal for Selina’s character.
F… moreor the first time, even despite her own injury, she decides to risk her life just for stopping the villains from hurting people. Even Bruce may question if she is in condition to fight, but she pushes for it, wants to help. She saves Batman’s life at least twice at this scene. It shows her character’s growth, proves that she really changed and picked the right side of the barricade. Not that this is unexpected, she was never nowhere close to the level of the villains in this series. Even the promo banner for this episode was a small evidence that this will happen. As for now, convincing Selina to stand for the right principles was the most meaningful (or even the only) success of Batman this season, and it was needed especially now, when all the other things are going down.
I do not know how things wi… [view original content]
How I see it, even when she will do something good, she is so stubborn, that she will not admit it. She will always find some other reason why she has to help Batman, than just admitting that she does it because it is the right thing to do. If she feels guilty because she did not prevent the slaughter, that only means that she has the right moral code and empathy for the victims. Even if this guilt may be unjustified, because I am sure that fight between Catwoman alone against the full Pact squad would be a suicide wish on her end (she is not a soldier, she is a thief after all).
Honestly, why does Bruce fight against crime? Because he feels somehow better by doing so. What he does, does not come from a high level empathy or caring for people of Gotham, he saves people because by preventing crimes he feels like he is making up for what happened to his parents and this feels right for him, because when they died he was unable to do anything, and as a sole survivor from that night, he may see it as his failure (which was not, of course). If to think about it, from different perspective most (if not all) things that people do, they do because of subconscious selfishness. Even helping other people without getting anything in return, as a result makes the person who was helping feel better ( so still, there is always something in helping for a person who helps).
Selina was unable to know if Harley would shoot Batman or not. She did a bold move, preventing it from happening. There was no time for calculation. And in the first place she warned him about 'what is behind the door' and as she said, unprepared he would not have a chance there.
I do not believe anyone would suspect her run to Body Spa to stop Pact and save people just after she was left for dead, by the person who is considered the hero of Gotham. To be fair, no one knows what happened to her in that scenario. Maybe she is even unable to do anything? She wants to change her way of life, she asks Batman for partnership. If he is turning her down on every step, letting her die or loose a hand, instead of protecting her, then I am not surprised that she sees no point in changing the way she lives. But if he tries to guide her to start walking the right path, she follows him – she would not do that if she would be an immoral person.
"For the first time, even despite her own injury, she decides to risk her life just for stopping the villains from hurting people."
Actua… morelly, she does that to stop feelings guilty, Selina character is all about that, guilt, she even says that she didn't even try to stop Harley and Bane from murdering everyone so she wants to make things right. She doesn't do that out of care for the citizens of Gotham, is because she feels bad.
When does she save her life? Batman survives the scene even if he doesn't have catwoman, and I remember her only stopping Harley, and failing at it because she ends up with a hammer in her neck
This time is not about picking sides though, she came willingly to do something, unlike Season 1 that she just was caught in the cross fire
Only the players who took the blame and ended up with everyone in the Spa and Sanctus tortured and killed were able to convince her to stand for her principles, and I'm not sure … [view original content]
If you take the blaming Selina beginning, you're able to save almost all the employees without needing to fight the pack, so she didn't need to confront them, she literally just watched how Bane tore a man in half, that's not exactly "cool of her"
Can't argue with that, Bruce is in a personal quest for revenge, but he still cares about the citizens of Gotham, in Season 1 Bruce couldn't walk 5 blocks without saying "A safer gotham where children can play outside and families are not scared of being killed"
Of course Selina's help was appreciated at the moment, but I wouldn't say she saved his life, if his life was in no risk at all, the only time she truly saved his life was in Season 1 Ep 3 in the fight against Lady Arkham. And telling Batman that they are after that door wasn't necessary at all, Batman is not stupid and is full of gadgets that can detect people.
I agree that there was no way she could help in the ending in which you blame her since she basically lost her arm. I am not sure she wants to change her way of life, she came back to Gotham not for Bruce, but for vengeance for Riddler, she herself says that everything else, the relationship with Bruce, etc is just "icing on the cake".
She's not immoral but she's not a hero neither, she abandoned us in Season 1 and was going to steal that key artifact, Bruce was damn busy against the children of Arkham for her to start trying to get his attention, and if you refuse her help in Season 2 Ep 4 she just leaves, if she truly cared about stopping the Pack she would have stayed, since when she needs Bruce permission to do something? Most of the time she just expects Bruce to go behind her like a dog, she even admits in Ep 3 that what she truly wants is for Bruce to say that he needs her.
Let me use my right to disagree on that.
How I see it, even when she will do something good, she is so stubborn, that she will not admit … moreit. She will always find some other reason why she has to help Batman, than just admitting that she does it because it is the right thing to do. If she feels guilty because she did not prevent the slaughter, that only means that she has the right moral code and empathy for the victims. Even if this guilt may be unjustified, because I am sure that fight between Catwoman alone against the full Pact squad would be a suicide wish on her end (she is not a soldier, she is a thief after all).
Honestly, why does Bruce fight against crime? Because he feels somehow better by doing so. What he does, does not come from a high level empathy or caring for people of Gotham, he saves people because by preventing crimes he feels like he is making up for what happened to his parents and this feels right for him, because… [view original content]
Well she lost an arm. So... there'd be no way for her to help. Not only does she need medical attention but she'd also not be in the right state of mind. I'm just agreeing with you basically. But responding about the betrayal. I think she would have gone to Bhodi Spa if not for the arm thing. She may feel betrayed but she didn't come back to Gotham for Bruce she came back to end the pact. I could be 100% wrong though.
Let me use my right to disagree on that.
How I see it, even when she will do something good, she is so stubborn, that she will not admit … moreit. She will always find some other reason why she has to help Batman, than just admitting that she does it because it is the right thing to do. If she feels guilty because she did not prevent the slaughter, that only means that she has the right moral code and empathy for the victims. Even if this guilt may be unjustified, because I am sure that fight between Catwoman alone against the full Pact squad would be a suicide wish on her end (she is not a soldier, she is a thief after all).
Honestly, why does Bruce fight against crime? Because he feels somehow better by doing so. What he does, does not come from a high level empathy or caring for people of Gotham, he saves people because by preventing crimes he feels like he is making up for what happened to his parents and this feels right for him, because… [view original content]
Well she lost an arm. So... there'd be no way for her to help. Not only does she need medical attention but she'd also not be in the right s… moretate of mind. I'm just agreeing with you basically. But responding about the betrayal. I think she would have gone to Bhodi Spa if not for the arm thing. She may feel betrayed but she didn't come back to Gotham for Bruce she came back to end the pact. I could be 100% wrong though.
He's also a fable. And he was totally curled up in a corner cryin' like a baby!! Even if you don't pull his arm off. ...Is it bad that I was totally laughing at that?
"If you take the blaming Selina beginning, you're able to save almost all the employees without needing to fight the pack, so she didn't need to confront them, she literally just watched how Bane tore a man in half, that's not exactly "cool of her""
The point here is - She tried to stop them, She was unable to do so, because the plot demanded it! It's not her fault!
If you take the blaming Selina beginning, you're able to save almost all the employees without needing to fight the pack, so she didn't need… more to confront them, she literally just watched how Bane tore a man in half, that's not exactly "cool of her"
Can't argue with that, Bruce is in a personal quest for revenge, but he still cares about the citizens of Gotham, in Season 1 Bruce couldn't walk 5 blocks without saying "A safer gotham where children can play outside and families are not scared of being killed"
Of course Selina's help was appreciated at the moment, but I wouldn't say she saved his life, if his life was in no risk at all, the only time she truly saved his life was in Season 1 Ep 3 in the fight against Lady Arkham. And telling Batman that they are after that door wasn't necessary at all, Batman is not stupid and is full of gadgets that can detect people.
I agree that there was no way she could help in the ending in which you… [view original content]
People are only saying Avesta because she's a safebet- she worships Batman, she wants to do the right thing, she's pretty. Yawn. By the way, she probably stole the serum for herself and she never disclosed how she found out Batman's identity- I'd think twice before voting her Miss Congeniality.
Selina is way better for Bruce, she's one of the only characters who rounds out his grittiness and actually makes him seem like a human being. Outside of Telltale, he has a lot of sidekicks and subordinates who support Batman as kind of a caricature of himself- dark, brooding, militaristic, cynical, angry. When he's with Catwoman, she doesn't feel as though he's towering over her in the same way, she's not intimidated and she's able to tease out a realness in Bruce that goes beyond the repression required to be Batman. That, in and of itself, is awesome but it's even better for Telltale and their storytelling.
No. I'm saying Avesta because she's new while Selina has been done to death and is stale as hell as a love interest. Or did you miss the other thousand comic books, video games, cartoons, tv shows and movies where Selina has been the love interest?
People are only saying Avesta because she's a safebet- she worships Batman, she wants to do the right thing, she's pretty. Yawn. By the way,… more she probably stole the serum for herself and she never disclosed how she found out Batman's identity- I'd think twice before voting her Miss Congeniality.
Selina is way better for Bruce, she's one of the only characters who rounds out his grittiness and actually makes him seem like a human being. Outside of Telltale, he has a lot of sidekicks and subordinates who support Batman as kind of a caricature of himself- dark, brooding, militaristic, cynical, angry. When he's with Catwoman, she doesn't feel as though he's towering over her in the same way, she's not intimidated and she's able to tease out a realness in Bruce that goes beyond the repression required to be Batman. That, in and of itself, is awesome but it's even better for Telltale and their storytelling.
Maybe the right way to look at this, is to ask why is Selina always paired with Bruce in all the versions of Bat-verse and all the media? I would say, the answer is: because she is destined to be his other half
What’s more, the interactions between her and Bruce in the story created by Telltale, are in my opinion better executed than many versions of their relationship in other games, movies or TV shows (also including some comic arcs).
No. I'm saying Avesta because she's new while Selina has been done to death and is stale as hell as a love interest. Or did you miss the other thousand comic books, video games, cartoons, tv shows and movies where Selina has been the love interest?
I think it's a safe bet that Selina will leave at the end of season two or, perhaps, be completely absent from episode five. I hope it isn't the latter because that would be too forced, and I'd like to see her at least once more before the season ends.
If this would be the case, then I hope her leaving will be optional, determined by how she was treated by Bruce. In my playtrough (for now) she has no single reason to leave, quite the oposite - there are some solid reasons for her to stay
I think it's a safe bet that Selina will leave at the end of season two or, perhaps, be completely absent from episode five. I hope it isn't… more the latter because that would be too forced, and I'd like to see her at least once more before the season ends.
But I think, like usual, she'll leave.
If this would be the case, then I hope her leaving will be optional, determined by how she was treated by Bruce. In my playtrough (for now) she has no single reason to leave, quite the oposite - there are some solid reasons for her to stay
I hope it will be optional. It would be nice if she stuck around some. She isn't Bruce's romantic interest in my playthrough, but she is a good friend and ally.
If this would be the case, then I hope her leaving will be optional, determined by how she was treated by Bruce. In my playtrough (for now) she has no single reason to leave, quite the oposite - there are some solid reasons for her to stay
You know, I would not use these exact words, but I would say, that before jumping into any decisions Selina should take into consideration ALL of the aspects of their relationship
I like Selina more as an ally at this point, not a romance.
I'm talking about giving Bruce's identity away. And that's not betrayal. Catwoman doesn't actually owe Bruce/Batman anything unless he gave himself up as the mole. Especially if they left off as enemies, you really expect her to play nice?
She has no reason to. She wouldn't gain anything from telling anyone that Bruce is Batman. Avesta was doing her job. You saw what kind of boss Waller is. I don't think she betrayed his trust, he had no reason to trust her anyway and there was nothing to trust her with. And she's actually sorry for it. When has Selina said she's sorry for betraying Harvey's trust and turning him into an even bigger monster? When has she said she was sorry for stealing the phalanx key from Bruce in season 1? When has Selina ever admitted she did something wrong? All she does is taunt us about it, telling us she used us for her own selfish reasons and when we call her out, she acts as if we betrayed her and we're somehow the bad one in this. And on the contrary, Selina owes me quite a bit: I saved her ass at the debate, I let her stay in my home, I forgave her after she stole the key and then she handcuffs me to a chair, tries to beat me up and steal the only way I have of stopping the Pact. I'm sorry but after that happened, I will never trust her again nor will I ever put her before anyone else. And I don't see how anyone else could. Avesta has great respect for Batman, she's obviously extremely good and capable at her job, she actually knows the importance of self-sacrifice, she's good looking and she prevented Riddler's blood from being misused. The choice is clear.
Actually, in her eyes she doesn't owe us anything anymore, since for some reason, taking the blame for the laptop and being put in an ice box is the same as warning you that there are enemies behind some door.
lol. Yeah that was funny. But she does help you out if you let her. I'm more just saying both Avesta and Selina are at equal footing for me. And I was against Avesta being a romance option before because I'm not all for the romances but after this episode I actually think it is a potentially cute idea.
After Episode 4, I'll say Avesta, I'm starting to like her character and honestly I'm getting tired of Selina.
I'm far from tired of Selina, I still think she is one of the best characters and if there is a season three I hope she will be involved.
She's going to end up like a crazy cat lady, single and with 40 cats because she keeps running from Bruce, and you're going to regret not having Avesta at your side to mock her!
Actually, probably no one mention it here, but despite the little screen time in ep4, these scenes were pivotal for Selina’s character.
For the first time, even despite her own injury, she decides to risk her life just for stopping the villains from hurting people. Even Bruce may question if she is in condition to fight, but she pushes for it, wants to help. She saves Batman’s life at least twice at this scene. It shows her character’s growth, proves that she really changed and picked the right side of the barricade. Not that this is unexpected, she was never nowhere close to the level of the villains in this series. Even the promo banner for this episode was a small evidence that this will happen. As for now, convincing Selina to stand for the right principles was the most meaningful (or even the only) success of Batman this season, and it was needed especially now, when all the other things are going down.
I do not know how things will go when it comes to the relationship between Bruce and Selina, but from now on, saying that she is only the selfish thief would have no justification.
I hope their relationship will get more focus in the 5th episode, because what we got so far, even despite the small amount of their scenes together in this season, is really well handled.
Honestly I'm not even sure she will appear in episode 5 at all. What's in it for her now ? The Pact is dissolved, Harley can be in custody depending on your choices.
She got what she came for in the first place, if you romanced her maybe she will stay but if you settled with being friends I'm not so sure.
Well She came for revenge, if I'm not mistaken, and I wouldn't say, that She's got that already
"For the first time, even despite her own injury, she decides to risk her life just for stopping the villains from hurting people."
Actually, she does that to stop feelings guilty, Selina character is all about that, guilt, she even says that she didn't even try to stop Harley and Bane from murdering everyone so she wants to make things right. She doesn't do that out of care for the citizens of Gotham, is because she feels bad.
When does she save her life? Batman survives the scene even if he doesn't have catwoman, and I remember her only stopping Harley, and failing at it because she ends up with a hammer in her neck
This time is not about picking sides though, she came willingly to do something, unlike Season 1 that she just was caught in the cross fire
Only the players who took the blame and ended up with everyone in the Spa and Sanctus tortured and killed were able to convince her to stand for her principles, and I'm not sure a good principle is having guilt and owing someone a favor. (Like in Season 2 Ep 2, she only helps you in the debate because she owes you for the Bar Fight, not because she cared about saving lives, otherwise she would have stayed to help you against the Children of Arkham.
I'm thinking all characters will get screen time in episode 5. I think they have to. If they don't its gonna feel unfinished. Part of why I was surprised episode 4 ended when it did. It kinda seems they're gonna hafta smash a lot into episode 5.
Let me use my right to disagree on that.
How I see it, even when she will do something good, she is so stubborn, that she will not admit it. She will always find some other reason why she has to help Batman, than just admitting that she does it because it is the right thing to do. If she feels guilty because she did not prevent the slaughter, that only means that she has the right moral code and empathy for the victims. Even if this guilt may be unjustified, because I am sure that fight between Catwoman alone against the full Pact squad would be a suicide wish on her end (she is not a soldier, she is a thief after all).
Honestly, why does Bruce fight against crime? Because he feels somehow better by doing so. What he does, does not come from a high level empathy or caring for people of Gotham, he saves people because by preventing crimes he feels like he is making up for what happened to his parents and this feels right for him, because when they died he was unable to do anything, and as a sole survivor from that night, he may see it as his failure (which was not, of course). If to think about it, from different perspective most (if not all) things that people do, they do because of subconscious selfishness. Even helping other people without getting anything in return, as a result makes the person who was helping feel better ( so still, there is always something in helping for a person who helps).
Selina was unable to know if Harley would shoot Batman or not. She did a bold move, preventing it from happening. There was no time for calculation. And in the first place she warned him about 'what is behind the door' and as she said, unprepared he would not have a chance there.
I do not believe anyone would suspect her run to Body Spa to stop Pact and save people just after she was left for dead, by the person who is considered the hero of Gotham. To be fair, no one knows what happened to her in that scenario. Maybe she is even unable to do anything? She wants to change her way of life, she asks Batman for partnership. If he is turning her down on every step, letting her die or loose a hand, instead of protecting her, then I am not surprised that she sees no point in changing the way she lives. But if he tries to guide her to start walking the right path, she follows him – she would not do that if she would be an immoral person.
If you take the blaming Selina beginning, you're able to save almost all the employees without needing to fight the pack, so she didn't need to confront them, she literally just watched how Bane tore a man in half, that's not exactly "cool of her"
Can't argue with that, Bruce is in a personal quest for revenge, but he still cares about the citizens of Gotham, in Season 1 Bruce couldn't walk 5 blocks without saying "A safer gotham where children can play outside and families are not scared of being killed"
Of course Selina's help was appreciated at the moment, but I wouldn't say she saved his life, if his life was in no risk at all, the only time she truly saved his life was in Season 1 Ep 3 in the fight against Lady Arkham. And telling Batman that they are after that door wasn't necessary at all, Batman is not stupid and is full of gadgets that can detect people.
I agree that there was no way she could help in the ending in which you blame her since she basically lost her arm. I am not sure she wants to change her way of life, she came back to Gotham not for Bruce, but for vengeance for Riddler, she herself says that everything else, the relationship with Bruce, etc is just "icing on the cake".
She's not immoral but she's not a hero neither, she abandoned us in Season 1 and was going to steal that key artifact, Bruce was damn busy against the children of Arkham for her to start trying to get his attention, and if you refuse her help in Season 2 Ep 4 she just leaves, if she truly cared about stopping the Pack she would have stayed, since when she needs Bruce permission to do something? Most of the time she just expects Bruce to go behind her like a dog, she even admits in Ep 3 that what she truly wants is for Bruce to say that he needs her.
Well she lost an arm. So... there'd be no way for her to help. Not only does she need medical attention but she'd also not be in the right state of mind. I'm just agreeing with you basically. But responding about the betrayal. I think she would have gone to Bhodi Spa if not for the arm thing. She may feel betrayed but she didn't come back to Gotham for Bruce she came back to end the pact. I could be 100% wrong though.
He lost an arm too and he's not being a pussy (heh) about it

He's also a fable. And he was totally curled up in a corner cryin' like a baby!! Even if you don't pull his arm off. ...Is it bad that I was totally laughing at that?
Have to agree with you here my brudda. I do see the appeal with Avesta though, but I'm going to ride or die with Selina till the end!
I like Selina I just feel like the will they won't they can get played out.
"If you take the blaming Selina beginning, you're able to save almost all the employees without needing to fight the pack, so she didn't need to confront them, she literally just watched how Bane tore a man in half, that's not exactly "cool of her""
The point here is - She tried to stop them, She was unable to do so, because the plot demanded it! It's not her fault!
Should be interesting in Episode 5.
Avesta is better after Episode 4.
Selina is stale

Avesta is boring.
So both are as bad as each other.
Then who do you want to bang?
Why cant Bruce bang Batman?
Because bats are disgusting and you never know where they have been before.
I was expecting you to answer "You" and I had a gif prepared for that but oh well, don't you go breaking my heart. ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
pls forgive
Selina, just because she is the badass one.
Or Alfred, same reason.
People are only saying Avesta because she's a safebet- she worships Batman, she wants to do the right thing, she's pretty. Yawn. By the way, she probably stole the serum for herself and she never disclosed how she found out Batman's identity- I'd think twice before voting her Miss Congeniality.
Selina is way better for Bruce, she's one of the only characters who rounds out his grittiness and actually makes him seem like a human being. Outside of Telltale, he has a lot of sidekicks and subordinates who support Batman as kind of a caricature of himself- dark, brooding, militaristic, cynical, angry. When he's with Catwoman, she doesn't feel as though he's towering over her in the same way, she's not intimidated and she's able to tease out a realness in Bruce that goes beyond the repression required to be Batman. That, in and of itself, is awesome but it's even better for Telltale and their storytelling.
I'm 99% sure that Avesta is the traitor in the Agency... It seems so obvious, don't you think??
No. I'm saying Avesta because she's new while Selina has been done to death and is stale as hell as a love interest. Or did you miss the other thousand comic books, video games, cartoons, tv shows and movies where Selina has been the love interest?
Maybe the right way to look at this, is to ask why is Selina always paired with Bruce in all the versions of Bat-verse and all the media? I would say, the answer is: because she is destined to be his other half
What’s more, the interactions between her and Bruce in the story created by Telltale, are in my opinion better executed than many versions of their relationship in other games, movies or TV shows (also including some comic arcs).
I think it's a safe bet that Selina will leave at the end of season two or, perhaps, be completely absent from episode five. I hope it isn't the latter because that would be too forced, and I'd like to see her at least once more before the season ends.
But I think, like usual, she'll leave.
If this would be the case, then I hope her leaving will be optional, determined by how she was treated by Bruce. In my playtrough (for now) she has no single reason to leave, quite the oposite - there are some solid reasons for her to stay
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The batdick is reason enough.
I hope it will be optional. It would be nice if she stuck around some. She isn't Bruce's romantic interest in my playthrough, but she is a good friend and ally.
You know, I would not use these exact words, but I would say, that before jumping into any decisions Selina should take into consideration ALL of the aspects of their relationship