You know, I would not use these exact words, but I would say, that before jumping into any decisions Selina should take into consideration ALL of the aspects of their relationship
What she did to Harvey was wretched indeed but she admits she feels a lot of guilt due to it. She is not a monster, I think meeting Bruce/Batman brought her to reassess a lot about her in ways she could not suspect.
She is a complex character. I'd like to hear what set her on that path of selfishness, I get she has to do whatever it takes to survive but still, there are other avenues for an attractive woman like her.
Hey, I do not remember her toying with Harley… but if you mean Harvey then… I do not see much of her fault there. Harvey and Selina acted like a friends not a couple. They just recently met after all… Harvey was hoping for too much and Selina knew it perfectly well and used this fact for her advantage, but no one said that she promised him anything. Even Bruce can mention something along the lines that Selina and Harvey were never a couple. Harvey is a victim of his own expectations and he knows it well, judging by the talk he can have with Bruce in the hospital. It is not like she betrayed Harvey, she was not completly honest with him, and she feels guilty but what she did is nothing for what she should pay.
And Selina stealing from Bruce by the end of episode 5? Oh please, it was just a game… If she really wanted to steal from him she would not give it up without a fight. He was able to convince her very easily to give it back.
I don't know why, but every time I looked at this picture of Him I kinda knew that He is hiding something...
Edit: My paint skills are flawless, I know
Bingo. And she bears the distinction of not necessarily being like a Mary-Jane or Lois in a variety of ways but, most significantly, in that she and Batman never have it easy. It's not as though they've always ended up happily ever after but you do always want them to. Not to mention, every version of Catwoman is pretty different from Pfeiffer to Hathaway to Brave and Bold to the Animated Series to Telltale's Catwoman. She's well-rounded enough so that you can have 2 different Catwomen that are still totally true to Selina - a perfect example of this is Hathaway vs Pfeiffer- both very different but very faithful.
Now, if Avesta ends up being Talia there's at least a little competition but I honestly think most people who are anti-Catwoman just can't handle a love interest that isn't god's gift to to mankind. She outsmarts him, she fights him, she provokes him, it's her thing.
Maybe the right way to look at this, is to ask why is Selina always paired with Bruce in all the versions of Bat-verse and all the media? I … morewould say, the answer is: because she is destined to be his other half
What’s more, the interactions between her and Bruce in the story created by Telltale, are in my opinion better executed than many versions of their relationship in other games, movies or TV shows (also including some comic arcs).
Is that Gordon's assistant at the GCPD or the reporter from S1 cos that ship my have sailed....
(This is meant to be a joke. Hence my icon. I would be just fine with Avesta being an option. I actually hope we get /anyone/ other then just Selina. I like options, regardless!)
I think everyone knows what my view is about this. I want Avesta and I REALLY don't want just like you @ShampaFK I don't a villain that just reveals itself has one like Vicki in S1
It's interchangeable. Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle (unlike Iman Avesta) have other identities, created personas. Batman is Bruce's as Catwoman is Selina's. Therefore, the combination of names (either real or stage names) can be used to identify them as a couple.
Is it ? I got the vigilante ending, and aside from some Farsi language there is nothing to suggest any of that. Only her name can still be traced to some Ra's-Al-Ghulestque territory.
Is it ? I got the vigilante ending, and aside from some Farsi language there is nothing to suggest any of that. Only her name can still be traced to some Ra's-Al-Ghulestque territory.
It certainly was fun to speculate.
Slight spoiler
I'm pretty sure she curses in an entirely different language (Arabic I think) in villain route. During the church scene and after disarming the bomb.
But honestly, maybe Selina? I'm hoping that maybe they'll bring Talia and her father in during Season 3, I feel like, if they made her a Love interest like in the comics/games then there possibly might be conflict then between her and Catwoman if they do meet- not to mention if you already romanced Selina;;
Considering Talia is an other huge love interest for Batman along with Catwoman, I wouldn't be surprised if they went that route with Avesta but a Telltale version of her, a version more moral so to speak. Maybe she's running from her father.
How can you forgive her so quickly after what she did to Brucie buh in episode 5 and how she toyed with Harley warvey!!??
She Toyed with Harley?
Don't tell me you didn't know Harvey escaped Arkham, got surgery and changed his name to Harley.
What she did to Harvey was wretched indeed but she admits she feels a lot of guilt due to it. She is not a monster, I think meeting Bruce/Batman brought her to reassess a lot about her in ways she could not suspect.
She is a complex character. I'd like to hear what set her on that path of selfishness, I get she has to do whatever it takes to survive but still, there are other avenues for an attractive woman like her.
I don't know why, but every time I looked at this picture of Him I kinda knew that He is hiding something...
Edit: My paint skills are flawless, I know
Hey, I do not remember her toying with Harley… but if you mean Harvey then… I do not see much of her fault there. Harvey and Selina acted like a friends not a couple. They just recently met after all… Harvey was hoping for too much and Selina knew it perfectly well and used this fact for her advantage, but no one said that she promised him anything. Even Bruce can mention something along the lines that Selina and Harvey were never a couple. Harvey is a victim of his own expectations and he knows it well, judging by the talk he can have with Bruce in the hospital. It is not like she betrayed Harvey, she was not completly honest with him, and she feels guilty but what she did is nothing for what she should pay.
And Selina stealing from Bruce by the end of episode 5? Oh please, it was just a game… If she really wanted to steal from him she would not give it up without a fight. He was able to convince her very easily to give it back.
What a change in style! Nice try Harv, but still, I do not think Selina would fell for it... She prefers the classic ones... like classy Bruce style
Bingo. And she bears the distinction of not necessarily being like a Mary-Jane or Lois in a variety of ways but, most significantly, in that she and Batman never have it easy. It's not as though they've always ended up happily ever after but you do always want them to. Not to mention, every version of Catwoman is pretty different from Pfeiffer to Hathaway to Brave and Bold to the Animated Series to Telltale's Catwoman. She's well-rounded enough so that you can have 2 different Catwomen that are still totally true to Selina - a perfect example of this is Hathaway vs Pfeiffer- both very different but very faithful.
Now, if Avesta ends up being Talia there's at least a little competition but I honestly think most people who are anti-Catwoman just can't handle a love interest that isn't god's gift to to mankind. She outsmarts him, she fights him, she provokes him, it's her thing.
Harley. Easy question.
You came to the wrong neighborhood to talk shit, friend.
No shit. Just an opinion. Carry on.
Opinions that don't put Avesta in the romancing Throne are not allowed here buddy. You've done goofed.
Is that Gordon's assistant at the GCPD or the reporter from S1 cos that ship my have sailed....
(This is meant to be a joke. Hence my icon. I would be just fine with Avesta being an option. I actually hope we get /anyone/ other then just Selina. I like options, regardless!)
Selina hands down
Looks like this will continue into next season>!
^^^^^^Yup!!! I Can't Wait!
After seeing Ep.5 Definitely Avesta is a better option for Bruce which we possible continue in S3>!
I'm leaning towards BruceVesta at this point.
Avesta by default.
Wouldn't it actually be called Brulina?

Well seeing as Avesta is almost certainly Talia Al'Ghul(sp) I would say no to Avesta
You get more time with Selina in Villian playthru. Its def worth it
It's interchangeable. Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle (unlike Iman Avesta) have other identities, created personas. Batman is Bruce's as Catwoman is Selina's. Therefore, the combination of names (either real or stage names) can be used to identify them as a couple.
Almost certainly ? How can you say ? If anything it looks like she does not have anything to do with Ra's Al Ghul or the league of assassins.
Its somewhat hinted in the villain path, or so I think.
Care to elaborate?
Slight spoiler
I'm pretty sure she curses in an entirely different language (Arabic I think) in villain route. During the church scene and after disarming the bomb.
Is it ? I got the vigilante ending, and aside from some Farsi language there is nothing to suggest any of that. Only her name can still be traced to some Ra's-Al-Ghulestque territory.
It certainly was fun to speculate.
Wasn't sure what language she was speaking, just that she did at some point speak in another language.
Ah, okay. She speaks Farsi while on the phone with her mother (I think that's who it is) in the vigilante version.
Yeah I'm off then. I just assumed and made that assumption off the fact that she was Talia Al Ghul.
Ah, that sounds disgusting. ?
I got the impression it was her mother as well.
Clearly.... Bullock is the better option
But honestly, maybe Selina? I'm hoping that maybe they'll bring Talia and her father in during Season 3, I feel like, if they made her a Love interest like in the comics/games then there possibly might be conflict then between her and Catwoman if they do meet- not to mention if you already romanced Selina;;
Considering Talia is an other huge love interest for Batman along with Catwoman, I wouldn't be surprised if they went that route with Avesta but a Telltale version of her, a version more moral so to speak. Maybe she's running from her father.
Talia has to show up at some point, I could see Avesta filling that role.