Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • I’ll never betray John willingly so I hope they give the option.

  • edited March 2018

    Damn, I didn't worried much about this whole season, but now, with the final episode so close... I realized how much I want to keep John as a friend, lmao. I seriously hope this friendship will survive. I'll do all what's in my powers to avoid fighting or betraying him.

  • So it does not bother any of you that John only has one eyebrow if he is the villain? I mean, low standarts and all, but isn't it a little distracting?

  • edited March 2018

    I don't understand what you're saying my Joker isn't a villain.I really don't know what you're talking about.
    ᵇᵃᵈ ʲᵒᵏᵉ

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    So it does not bother any of you that John only has one eyebrow if he is the villain? I mean, low standarts and all, but isn't it a little distracting?

  • Maybe he strategically shaved that eyebrow to distract Batman on the battlefield.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    So it does not bother any of you that John only has one eyebrow if he is the villain? I mean, low standarts and all, but isn't it a little distracting?

  • I don't think you will have to betray him, no.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Yeah i really hope we don't have to betray him..But i'm still happy we're going to fight the Agency with him.

  • I am literally laughing my ass of right now. That is actually a reasonable thing! Thanks

    Tiefling posted: »

    Maybe he strategically shaved that eyebrow to distract Batman on the battlefield.

  • Maybe it is to remind Batman of Gordon's shaven moustache.

    Tiefling posted: »

    Maybe he strategically shaved that eyebrow to distract Batman on the battlefield.

  • edited March 2018

    I declare this puzzle solved. We found out the reasons and the deep meaning for his shaved eyebrow.
    Not only he's distracting The Batman, but also psychologically attacking him in the worst way possible.

    Dan10 posted: »

    Maybe it is to remind Batman of Gordon's shaven moustache.

  • The closer we get to episode 5, the more Waller gets on my nerves. She tried to shoot John once and now she comes back to me with her whole '' hand over John Doe'' madness..
    I may have a ""no killing rule'' Waller but I am this ? close to...

  • Awesome. Can't wait!

    Now to avoid any and all things spoilery for the next trailers... That'll be hard.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Telltale tweeted this teaser trailer

  • Looks like we found the real life version of "glass him"

    Mellorine posted: »

    The closer we get to episode 5, the more Waller gets on my nerves. She tried to shoot John once and now she comes back to me with her whole '' hand over John Doe'' madness.. I may have a ""no killing rule'' Waller but I am this ? close to...

  • But wouldn't it be satisfying to say "lmao, nope" to her?

    Mellorine posted: »

    The closer we get to episode 5, the more Waller gets on my nerves. She tried to shoot John once and now she comes back to me with her whole '' hand over John Doe'' madness.. I may have a ""no killing rule'' Waller but I am this ? close to...

  • My OCD is bad enough of Bruce’s ripped off ear piece, and now with John’s eyebrow? I’m glad I chose the vigilante route?

  • Lol. I didn't notice. New achievement "collect them all": Half-faced Harvey, half-eared Bruce, half-eyebrowed Joker and half-eyed Alfred.

    ANXXX7 posted: »

    My OCD is bad enough of Bruce’s ripped off ear piece, and now with John’s eyebrow? I’m glad I chose the vigilante route?

  • But you can't get both half-eyed Alfred and half-eared Bruce. ? Damn those impossible achievements!

    Tiefling posted: »

    Lol. I didn't notice. New achievement "collect them all": Half-faced Harvey, half-eared Bruce, half-eyebrowed Joker and half-eyed Alfred.

  • Oh... my god, what have you done?!! Why did you had to go and ruin my wooooorld?!?! :s
    my ideal picture of everyone... is DESTROYED

    Pipas posted: »

    But you can't get both half-eyed Alfred and half-eared Bruce. ? Damn those impossible achievements!

  • Next thursday is going to be another 2 trailers

  • Harley seems to be enjoying the suicide squad life.

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    Glad you guys are enjoying the season trailer!

    The villain/vigilante specific trailers will release next Thursday!

  • YEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Glad you guys are enjoying the season trailer! The villain/vigilante specific trailers will release next Thursday!

  • We're getting 2 different trailers?

    Glad you guys are enjoying the season trailer! The villain/vigilante specific trailers will release next Thursday!

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    Three, including the one that went out today ;)

    zeke10 posted: »

    We're getting 2 different trailers?

  • she gets to kill legally and cause mayhem without going to jail.
    What's not to enjoy and like?

    Harley seems to be enjoying the suicide squad life.

  • Explosive collar.

    Dan10 posted: »

    she gets to kill legally and cause mayhem without going to jail. What's not to enjoy and like?

  • Eh that's just a decoration.

    Tiefling posted: »

    Explosive collar.

  • Oh, I misunderstood collar meaning, I apologize. No reasons to be unhappy then. Waller is everyone's best friend, bringing people together.

    Dan10 posted: »

    Eh that's just a decoration.

  • There is no way in hell Waller makes it past this finale. She has to go.

  • Nice.

    Glad you guys are enjoying the season trailer! The villain/vigilante specific trailers will release next Thursday!

  • I wonder who would win in a fight Vigilante Joker or Villain Joker.

  • Villain Joker would probably be less restrained by morality, so I'd go with him.

    Vetominer posted: »

    I wonder who would win in a fight Vigilante Joker or Villain Joker.

  • But he lacks an eyebrow. He ain't complete.

    Villain Joker would probably be less restrained by morality, so I'd go with him.

  • edited March 2018

    Happy to hear we're getting two different trailers for the final episode, so often it's difficult to gauge the situation when the trailer is so different to your own playthrough. I'm going to try and replay the first four episodes in the next few days with opposing choices and go for a Vigilante Joker to counter the Villain Joker I have in my first run. Definitely the first time I've had two playthoughs of a Telltale game so close together. And the idea that EACH situation will be the length of a good sized episode is awesome, like two episodes in one.

  • This episode is gonna be legendary.

  • I hope so. We do not want to see a debacle like we saw with mass effect 3

  • edited March 2018

    So hyped for this finale. Batman's S2 has been fantastic and no doubt one of the best Telltale series (huge step up over the medicore first season). Now they just need to deliver on the ending & it looks like they will (making our choices regarding Joker matter)

  • I realized though you can treat him however you want over the whole series and the whole villain and vigilante choice comes down to that one choice in episode 4. Do our choices in treating him really matter?

  • That has occurred to me too. I mean I actually elected to trust John in my play-through and it was only because I then told him after he hugged me that he would still have to stand trial that he turned against me and I got the Villain Joker ending. But I assume how you have told John to act will influence some of the more small to medium parts of both Jokers - whether he's more the type to lie, to be himself, to manipulate others, to value aggression over smooth talking or not and so forth. Basically you'll likely have to think about every instance you and John have been together and decide what that might do to him, either as your ally or enemy.

    We also have the role of the Agency and Waller to consider, so I assume how you've treated Waller will have an impact as well in both runs, not to mention your relationship with Selina and Tiffany.

    Vetominer posted: »

    I realized though you can treat him however you want over the whole series and the whole villain and vigilante choice comes down to that one choice in episode 4. Do our choices in treating him really matter?

  • I can't freaking wait although the trailer didn't show any of EP5

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