Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • That makes sense u just blew my mind.

    That has occurred to me too. I mean I actually elected to trust John in my play-through and it was only because I then told him after he hug

  • Season 1 was good as well.

  • If Tiffany joined the agency, and realises what Waller is up to.....oof.

    Will gordon help you?

  • that's pretty much what I think. Especially with the script for E5 being as long as it is. I have a feeling TT is going to deliver several different variations on the Villain or Vigilante Joker based off of how you treated him.

    That has occurred to me too. I mean I actually elected to trust John in my play-through and it was only because I then told him after he hug

  • It shows a little bit of new content from episode five and some new dialogue, but not that much. We will need to wait another week until we get the really good stuff with the "real" trailers.

    Sbs1280 posted: »

    I can't freaking wait although the trailer didn't show any of EP5

  • edited March 2018

    When episodes 1-2 came out, I had a theory that our actions will shape the type of Joker we will get: like a harmful prankster, a cunning manipulator, or a cruel maniac. I think, to a smaller extent we are getting that. Like he would handle things differently depending on our previous choices (for example, how we handled Willy in the bar, how we handled Bullock, etc.). At least that would have been cool

    Vetominer posted: »

    I realized though you can treat him however you want over the whole series and the whole villain and vigilante choice comes down to that one choice in episode 4. Do our choices in treating him really matter?

  • Will Gordon be in the finale to help us against waller and the agency. If we have the Viligante path.

  • Wouldn't mind if he doesn't show up at all. He's been really annoying this season.

    Shadow2122 posted: »

    Will Gordon be in the finale to help us against waller and the agency. If we have the Viligante path.

  • edited March 2018

    Like you said before, I hope and I think too our choices will affect his behaviour in the last episode making him more or less cruel/merciful or something like that.
    Derek Metaltron:

    We also have the role of the Agency and Waller to consider, so I assume how you've treated Waller will have an impact as well in both runs, not to mention your relationship with Selina and Tiffany.

    I really hope so.
    I think how we treated the Pact members will matter too. Harley's relationship - 100% imho. I like her, too bad my horrific relationship with her will unlikely help to settle things between us in a friendly manner. But I hold hope for Freeze, and also for Bane.

    Vetominer posted: »

    I realized though you can treat him however you want over the whole series and the whole villain and vigilante choice comes down to that one choice in episode 4. Do our choices in treating him really matter?

  • I'm still hoping to romance Harley after or maybe even before we free here from Waller! Come on telltale! Please make it happend!

  • Romance is pretty much off the table at this point. Will be interesting to see how they interact though, she seemed pretty happy in the trailer considering she has a bomb collar round her neck.. Maybe Waller was bluffing about all of Riddler's blood being destroyed.

    max_pain943 posted: »

    I'm still hoping to romance Harley after or maybe even before we free here from Waller! Come on telltale! Please make it happend!

  • edited March 2018

    Nah gordon was annoying in this season just in episode 3 when he tried to arrest selina and bruce. But then again he was just doing his job... He has to show up in the final episode.

    Wouldn't mind if he doesn't show up at all. He's been really annoying this season.

  • Considering she's facing Batman and the Joker she's more likely happy at the thought of bashing their skulls.

    Romance is pretty much off the table at this point. Will be interesting to see how they interact though, she seemed pretty happy in the trai

  • Pretty much.

    Tiefling posted: »

    Considering she's facing Batman and the Joker she's more likely happy at the thought of bashing their skulls.

  • I agree. This is one of the consequences of him not knowing Batman's identity.

    Samuel2496 posted: »

    Nah gordon was annoying in this season just in episode 3 when he tried to arrest selina and bruce. But then again he was just doing his job... He has to show up in the final episode.

  • edited March 2018

    Not to stomp on anyone's parade, but Telltale may be overhyping a binary choice by the end of the penultimate episode a bit too much? It's not really a "What Joker did you build!!!!!!?????" situation if it all comes down to "Trust John" vs "He's lying".

    ...also, wasn't this exact same thing done in Thrones? :sweat_smile:

  • Pretty much.
    I'm keeping my expectations according to the the screenshots and absolute minimum(ish)

    Not to stomp on anyone's parade, but Telltale may be overhyping a binary choice by the end of the penultimate episode a bit too much? It's n

  • No. GoT only changed about 20-30 minutes of the episode, wich is around the same time you can change in episode 4 with the mole choice.

    Here we are having two completely different episodes, with only three scenes in common.

    Not to stomp on anyone's parade, but Telltale may be overhyping a binary choice by the end of the penultimate episode a bit too much? It's n

  • Sorry but it depends on how many scenes are there and length of scenes.
    I'm not saying Telltale are lying but the last time we put too much faith in something it was more spoiled than a 5 year old candy bar.

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    No. GoT only changed about 20-30 minutes of the episode, wich is around the same time you can change in episode 4 with the mole choice. Here we are having two completely different episodes, with only three scenes in common.

  • edited March 2018

    Maybe, but I still won't lose my hope :)

    Romance is pretty much off the table at this point. Will be interesting to see how they interact though, she seemed pretty happy in the trai

  • I choose to belive telltale will deliver. They’re really good at what they do and even with the two jokers their stories would have to be completely different because one is good and the other is evil. Besides if telltale over hypes for this episode and it’s not as good as they say it is that’s just gonna be bad for business.

  • edited March 2018

    I agree. + so far they did much more than we could have expected.

    Vetominer posted: »

    I choose to belive telltale will deliver. They’re really good at what they do and even with the two jokers their stories would have to be co

  • No need to be a party pooper. A lot of us are really excited for the final episode, and even little things like villain Joker's eyebrow can become subjects of discussion to keep up the hype.

  • The fact that Telltale is confident enough to make two separate episode trailers for each Joker setup shows that they believe they have the most varied episode yet. I would opt for cautious optimism, that usually works well for me. ;)

    As for romance with Harley or anyone outside Selina like Avesta, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Telltale clearly prefer the Batman and Catwoman path or we would have had a solid alternative option by now.

  • I mean Tales from the Borderlands seemed like Telltale was going to 100% be hellbent on one romance option but at the end theres another choice, but then again those characters also spent more time together and didnt seem so "out there."

    If I had to guess if a second option did come up, it would most likely be Avesta, although I dont really think anything will happen in episode 5. Im not sure why anyone thought a Harley romance was ever going to happen though...

    The fact that Telltale is confident enough to make two separate episode trailers for each Joker setup shows that they believe they have the

  • Sure it would have been a bit far-fetched for Bruce to be in a romance with a villian but the Episode 2 interaction got some speculation going.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I mean Tales from the Borderlands seemed like Telltale was going to 100% be hellbent on one romance option but at the end theres another cho

  • I am ready for this episode! This week is gonna feel so long.

  • Me too.

    Vetominer posted: »

    I am ready for this episode! This week is gonna feel so long.

  • Well yeah but it was just flirting, and was just Harley trying to just mess with Bruce. I mean if a girl compliments you, doesn't mean she loves you smh

    Dan10 posted: »

    Sure it would have been a bit far-fetched for Bruce to be in a romance with a villian but the Episode 2 interaction got some speculation going.

  • Yeah but that's the forums for ya.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well yeah but it was just flirting, and was just Harley trying to just mess with Bruce. I mean if a girl compliments you, doesn't mean she loves you smh

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    I'd encourage you to play again (or watch some playthroughs where people make different choices to yours). There are several points in Episode Four where you can determine what you really think of John, and those are colored by what you've decided in previous episodes. Some of these deciding points you can come back from, others you can't. Depending on your choices, you may arrive at that bridge and already have John's fate set in stone... or you might have several opportunities to go back on your word.

    There's a lot of nuance to the bridge scene that I think is being missed, because it's SUCH a small tightrope to walk. After all, John's emotions snap pretty easily, I'd think we'd all agree!

    Vetominer posted: »

    I realized though you can treat him however you want over the whole series and the whole villain and vigilante choice comes down to that one choice in episode 4. Do our choices in treating him really matter?

  • [Slap Him]

    I'd encourage you to play again (or watch some playthroughs where people make different choices to yours). There are several points in Episo

  • hey poparts whats better for vigilante joker at the funeral mean (blue) or nice (yellow) cause aint blue the good choices and i really want a good vigilante joker

  • edited March 2018

    We got a percentage of 90-95% difference for both routes from staff, so I'm guessing we are looking at 5-10 mins of previous content out of two 105 min episodes. That's still incredibly impressive. The fact that we are getting 2 trailers for both routes should scream how confident they are in this finale.

    Dan10 posted: »

    Sorry but it depends on how many scenes are there and length of scenes. I'm not saying Telltale are lying but the last time we put too much faith in something it was more spoiled than a 5 year old candy bar.

  • I don't think it really matters what colors you get. For whatever reason the colors are backwards for John. I'm sure this has something to do with his character. I never promised I'd help John in S1 so I basically yanked him away from Tiffany and tried to brush him off until he mentioned Riddler (I did tell him the card was thoughtful though, since it seemed like he was genuinely trying to be nice)

    hey poparts whats better for vigilante joker at the funeral mean (blue) or nice (yellow) cause aint blue the good choices and i really want a good vigilante joker

  • The relationships from past episodes likely don't matter at all considering that vigilante/villain Joker is only determined by the last 15 minutes of episode 4.

    hey poparts whats better for vigilante joker at the funeral mean (blue) or nice (yellow) cause aint blue the good choices and i really want a good vigilante joker

  • edited March 2018

    Well, I don't know about you people, but I have faith in this episode.
    Other series' "big choice events" were raved about, and maybe didn't that big of an impact as you'd hoped. Regardless, this is for sure big. We've got 2 separate trailers coming, Telltale has confirmed the length themselves (without using vague words like "big") that you'll get at least 3 hours of content for both playthroughs, and not only that, our very own community manager is chiming in very frequently about the finale specifics.
    Whether or not this episode has different endings for John, I'm sure this is a big, tailored episode. We've never seen activity like this.

  • edited March 2018

    I have faith in you Telltale.

  • I don't understand why some people have to be so skeptical considering every episode of BTEW has been effing amazing.

  • Yes, I loved playing every episode.

    DanteTimes2 posted: »

    I don't understand why some people have to be so skeptical considering every episode of BTEW has been effing amazing.

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