Fight Choreography Videos

Hey guys! You might've seen the BTS video we put on Twitter and Facebook showing the fight choreography for Batman: The Enemy Within.
We have a fair amount of this sort of footage, so I want to know... what fights do you want to see? Do you want to see the full fight choreography videos, or do you like the snippets? Side-by-side gameplay footage? Trivia about the stunt team? Let me know what interests you!
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I'd definitely like to see some side-by-side footage of the Selina fight scene near the start of Episode 3, or alternatively, the boss fight at the start of Episode 4, with Batman confronting Bane and Freeze. I'm really digging this sort of stuff -- keep it coming!
I'd love to see how either the fight with Selina from episode 3 or the fight with Bane and Freeze from Episode 4 was made!
I'd be interested in knowing how long it takes to plan a particular fight scene, and what their inspiration is in particular cases (if they can say that).
I'd also be interested in knowing how certain "fantastical" elements of fight scenes (for example, Batman flying, or characters being thrown back very far by Bane) get translated from the real life video going into the actual episode animation/etc.
Side-by-side AND full footage please ! I love to see this kind of thing. I'd like to see scenes with Bane, notably, but if you could release every scene, I would be super happy xD
Spoiler alert: we have a clip from the Bane fight in episode two already scheduled for tomorrow
Thanks for all your help guys! Keep throwing things down here as you think of them. I'll take your feedback to our video team to see what we can cut together
What about the final fight with Lady Arkham? I really would like to see it
In all seriousness, maybe a full documentary/behind the scenes style video on YouTube about the choreography on both seasons of Batman? Interview the guys doing the stunts, comparing the choreography recorded and the actual product, how they did certain moves and scenes, etc. I'd love something like that
[gasp] It has returned!
...One of these was shown in a Player's Space video a while back (I think it was a fight with Bane).
It's really interesting stuff to watch, and cool to see how these things come to life in the development process -- with the fight scenes being modeled after these awesome stunt actors.
I'd love to see some more of this stuff... nothing specific, just anything, really. On a tangent, and for future reference, any other kind of Behind the Scenes stuff for the games would be great to watch. Seeing the creation of characters, writers' impressions on how/why they created certain scenes, general dev interviews, whatever. Just throwing it out there.
(the loss of BTS dev impressions has left a hole in my heart)
Oooh, I would love to do some sort of VH1 Behind the Music style video. I don't know if we'll be able to do that (they're based in Chicago and we're on the west coast), but maybe we can do a low-fi version.
Here's the Bane fight from Episode 1. Next on the priority list are Bane Ep 4 fight, Catwoman Ep 3 fight, Bruce/Selina bar fight from Season 1, and Lady Arkham Season 1 Finale fight. It may be a bit before we can turn these into something (especially if we do side-by-side footage), but I'm psyched that the response has been so positive!
There's also some extra scenes from this same fight in one of the Player's Space videos for Episode 2. It starts at the 1 minute mark.
I really would love to see a video of the Barfight with Bruce and Selina in S1E2. That scene was pretty fantastic!
Someone on Twitter posted the link to the full fight.
EDIT: This very same channel has a bunch of other fight choreography videos for Telltale's Batman, including the fight with Cobblepot in S1E4 and the final fight with Lady Arkham in S1E5, just to name a few.
I love you. You have opened a new door of coolness.
Damn, that's pretty awesome. Shame the fight in the game was way shorter than this.