Most Difficult Sam & Max Episode?

edited November 2009 in Sam & Max
Which episode from any season do you think had the most challenging puzzles so far?

Having played through both seasons I came to the conclusion that 204's Chariot of the Dogs was the hardest of the bunch, a large part of the reason due to making one time jump after another just to figure out what in the heck you're supposed to do next.


  • edited August 2009
    Which episode from any season do you think had the most challenging puzzles so far?

    Having played through both seasons I came to the conclusion that 204's Chariot of the Dogs was the hardest of the bunch, a large part of the reason due to making one time jump after another just to figure out what in the heck you're supposed to do next.

    Strange.I found that to be one of the easiest, but maybe just because it was so much fun :D.

    Anyway, I'd say What's New Beelzebub was the hardest one for me.
  • edited August 2009
    Bright Side of the Moon gave me the most trouble, as far as I recall.
  • edited August 2009
    Culture Shock was difficult because I spent 3 hours on the dream part because I didn't see the donut box.
  • edited August 2009
    I think it was a tie between Chariots of the Dogs and Moai Better Blues for me. When I play these games, I rarely ever get stuck, but I got stuck quite a few times on those two episodes.
  • edited August 2009
    Probably Chariots of the Dogs, because it's not as clear what you're supposed to do. But I was upset when I first played it, and I can't concentrate when I'm upset, so that could've been a factor as well.

    When I realised my mood was impacting my ability to play the game, I had a good nights sleep, and didn't have any trouble when I went back to it. So who knows.
  • edited September 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    I think it was a tie between Chariots of the Dogs and Moai Better Blues for me. When I play these games, I rarely ever get stuck, but I got stuck quite a few times on those two episodes.
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Probably Chariots of the Dogs, because it's not as clear what you're supposed to do. But I was upset when I first played it, and I can't concentrate when I'm upset, so that could've been a factor as well.

    Hmmmmm, for me, Chariots was probably the easiest episode. To be honest, at some puzzles I was feeling quite crazy for finding the right solution at first attempt :D (most memorably, when my idea
    about sending past Sam and past Max to Superball asking for a time travelling phone booth
    actually worked)
  • edited September 2009
    Hmmmmm, for me, Chariots was probably the easiest episode. To be honest, at some puzzles I was feeling quite crazy for finding the right solution at first attempt :D (most memorably, when my idea
    about sending past Sam and past Max to Superball asking for a time travelling phone booth
    actually worked)

    Yeah, Chariots of the Dogs was ridiculously easy for me, it was like a slap in the face, which is why the brilliant episode isn't in my top 5, because it failed to challenge me at all.

    I think What's New Beezlebub was completely the hardest episode for me, and the most frustrating as a result...
  • edited September 2009
    I just cleared Beezlebub last night and found it well easy, i'd say Reality 2.0 maybe as that's when the ideas scenarios and puzzles started getting REALLY abstract and I wasn't prepared for it at all
  • edited September 2009
    It's a tie for me between Chariots of the Dogs and Ice Station Santa. I spent two hours trying to use the elf tears on everything before I noticed that time shrub in the corner!
  • edited September 2009
    Chariots of the dogs was pretty easy for me, but I probably found 106 the hardest, I talked to max for hints a few times.

    But I love the difficulty in sam and max. It's challenging, without being too bad.
  • edited September 2009
    I haven't played S2, but I think that the licence plate puzzle in Reality 2.0 was almost as bad as the mirror puzzle from Alone in the Dark. That game gave me a very hard's still one of my favourite episodes though. I never actually beat Dark Side of the Moon, so I guess that is the most difficult for me.
  • edited September 2009
    natlinxz wrote: »
    I haven't played S2, but I think that the licence plate puzzle in Reality 2.0 was almost as bad as the mirror puzzle from Alone in the Dark. That game gave me a very hard's still one of my favourite episodes though. I never actually beat Dark Side of the Moon, so I guess that is the most difficult for me.

    Dude, go and beat it, now.

    That puzzle from 105 took me awhile to get, I think I changed colours 3 or 4 times before going OH!. I thought that was an awesome puzzle.
  • edited September 2009
    I thought the paint puzzle in 105 was one of the most frustrating puzzles in all of season one. :-)
  • edited September 2009
    It's "Moai Better Blues" for me
    and "What's New Beelzebub" is easiest.
  • edited October 2009
    cdaz wrote: »
    It's "Moai Better Blues" for me
    and "What's New Beelzebub" is easiest.

    I hade the most trouble with Moai better blues.
  • edited October 2009
    Weird. Chariot of the Dogs and What's New, Beezlebub are the rare distinction of the two TT episodes I beat without a walkthrough or any outside help, so they are easiest.
  • edited October 2009
    Can't really say. I end up spending most of the 'puzzle solving time' on looking for stuff I may have missed.
    For example I didn't notice the
    newspaper article on the memo board
    in Chariots and because of that the episode lasted 2 hours longer for me :)
  • edited November 2009
    For some reason, I found Reality 2.0, Chariots of the Dogs and What's New, Beelzebub? as the hardest episodes. I mean, they were like "Ooh, what am I supposed to do now?". As for an example, that license plate thing in Reality 2.0 was a hard one for me. Took me a while to figure it out. xD

    The easiest ones? Culture Shock, Situation: Comedy and/or The Mole, the Mob and the Meatball. Can't really pick the easiest one. D=

    But yeah. Those have been the hardest ones for me. Of course, they're not so hard anymore... :D
  • edited November 2009
    All of them at one point or another I had to use a walkthrough... often on straight-forward puzzles... (apparently I think too far outside the box...) thought I think What's New was the worst of S2 with Chariots of the Dogs being the most annoying but not particularily difficult...

    I also felt that Night of the Raving Dead was hard because I spent so long trying to avoid death,
    despite it being inevitable (I acctually reloaded at the point where it says "You are Dead" I thought I did something wrong and it was "game over")
  • edited November 2009
    The easiest was Culture Shock for me(but that was telltales first sam and max game and maybe first game ever?) and the hardest bright side of the moon. It took me forever to get all the power thingies(I didn't know you could
    feed Max the one spoon device
    ) and I barely knew how to use them(I didn't you could interact with the items over a wall you can see through, and some puzzles are hard to do even when you know what to do(tic tac doom you try to
    but bluster blaster is that bad) Then when I finally confront
    Hugh Bliss
    he destroy smaxes personality and I have to fix it followed by a final boss that also took forever to figure out.
  • edited November 2009
    Gman, Bone was TT's first game. Sam and Max was second.
  • edited November 2009
    Night of the Raving Dead most likely.
    Brain on gargoyle plate? Chocolate to gold? Giving the monster the soul thingie to make use of Jesse James' hand? Oh just COME ON!

    Chariots was an ease though.
  • edited November 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    Night of the Raving Dead most likely.
    Brain on gargoyle plate? Chocolate to gold? Giving the monster the soul thingie to make use of Jesse James' hand? Oh just COME ON!

    Chariots was an ease though.

    All of those were the easy parts!
  • edited November 2009
    All of those were the easy parts!

    Not to mention hilarious. I love that episode!
  • edited November 2009
    Not to mention hilarious. I love that episode!

    Yup. I just think the whole thing is genius. The opening cutscene sells it, bcause of Sam's "DAMN YOU JURGEN!" and them breaking the fourth wall with the main titles
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