Violet is not to be trusted

I saw a couple people mention this and I too agree that there's going to be something about Violet that makes her "not to be trusted'. She'll most likely act very similar to Paige from the michonne games but when it comes to compassion with others she'll be a mini Jane.

She'll probably end up killing Marlons dog and then it will be a Kenny vs Jane scenario but with Violet and Marlon lol



  • interesting telltale also said Violet will be like Clem in a away so maybe she could be clementines best friend like how kenny was with lee

  • or she could be the Jane that doesn't kill herself

    Erinour posted: »

    interesting telltale also said Violet will be like Clem in a away so maybe she could be clementines best friend like how kenny was with lee

  • So, what Sarah was supposed be and/or could've been? Wonderful. :expressionless:

    Erinour posted: »

    interesting telltale also said Violet will be like Clem in a away so maybe she could be clementines best friend like how kenny was with lee

  • edited April 2018

    Yeah, she's got a bit of an Unalaq air to her.


    She'll probably end up killing Marlons dog and then it will be a Kenny vs Jane scenario but with Violet and Marlon lol

    Okay, gettin a little too suggestive right there, buddy.
    Even if Telltale basically ate this kinda shit up in the 2nd half of ANF

  • All we know about Violet is that she is a pragmatic survivor similar to Clementine. It is too early to know for sure what she'll be like in the actual game.

  • Yea but it’s fun speculating

    Veeeee posted: »

    All we know about Violet is that she is a pragmatic survivor similar to Clementine. It is too early to know for sure what she'll be like in the actual game.

  • All we know about Violet is that she is a pragmatic survivor similar to Clementine.

    And that's the source of this problem, among others.

    Veeeee posted: »

    All we know about Violet is that she is a pragmatic survivor similar to Clementine. It is too early to know for sure what she'll be like in the actual game.

  • it's also to early to judge the game in its entirety yet but people still do that

    Veeeee posted: »

    All we know about Violet is that she is a pragmatic survivor similar to Clementine. It is too early to know for sure what she'll be like in the actual game.

  • She'll probably end up killing Marlons dog and then it will be a Kenny vs Jane scenario but with Violet and Marlon lol

    Might as well just let them kill each other unless one of them gives me reasons to care about them.

  • edited April 2018

    And that's the source of this problem, among others.

    How is that a problem? Being pragmatic is what keeps you alive. It makes sense for people to be like that in the apocalyse.

    DabigRG posted: »

    All we know about Violet is that she is a pragmatic survivor similar to Clementine. And that's the source of this problem, among others.

  • The way she looks and was described gave me some strong Jane vibes. She will either be much more compassionate or she will remind Clem that the children will only weigh her down. Time will tell but right now if I had to trust anybody it would be Marlon.

  • Oh no, don't get me twisted naa--pragmatism is good, within reason.

    What I meant was that Violet is incredibly basic/generic, especially next to...well, just about everyone else.

    Veeeee posted: »

    And that's the source of this problem, among others. How is that a problem? Being pragmatic is what keeps you alive. It makes sense for people to be like that in the apocalyse.

  • The way she looks and was described gave me some strong Jane vibes.

    Pretty much this.

    The way she looks and was described gave me some strong Jane vibes. She will either be much more compassionate or she will remind Clem that

  • They pretty much described her as a survivor like Jane but if i remember correctly they said she's a little lost or don't know her place yet,something like that.

  • edited April 2018

    I'm interested to see what they do with her. She strikes me as the character that doesn't appear interesting at first glance but ends up being pretty interesting once you get to know her. It will be refreshing to see Clem finally interact with another girl her age who is on par with her when it comes to survival. I could see them being best friends or rivals. Hopefully determined by how you make Clementine act and what choices you make.

  • I'm interested to see what they do with her. She strikes me as the character that doesn't appear interesting at first glance but ends up being pretty interesting once you get to know her.

    That's another thing actually: in other words, she's most likely the character who'll get the most emphasis and interaction time.

    Veeeee posted: »

    I'm interested to see what they do with her. She strikes me as the character that doesn't appear interesting at first glance but ends up bei

  • if Violet does end up being the Badass survivor character of the final season i hope she leans more towards either Molly or Ava instead of Jane ((As in i dont want her to keep saying ´´Oh that person has problems meaning we should leave them behind/devise a complicated and stupid plan to get their friend to murder them.))

  • edited April 2018

    I can try to drink to that.
    (Says the non-alcoholic)

    UrbanRodrik posted: »

    if Violet does end up being the Badass survivor character of the final season i hope she leans more towards either Molly or Ava instead of J

  • edited April 2018

    I get the feeling that the Voice of Kate might do the Vocals for Violet. Or Snow from TWAU. Idk.

    Erinour posted: »

    interesting telltale also said Violet will be like Clem in a away so maybe she could be clementines best friend like how kenny was with lee

  • edited April 2018

    Goddamn it, I just considered a joke about Christine Lakin last night! :lol:

    Also, not to question her talents, but Shelly Shenoy is unlikely. Have you listened to Kate's pitch?

    patrickrc95 posted: »

    I get the feeling that the Voice of Kate might do the Vocals for Violet. Or Snow from TWAU. Idk.

  • She reminds me of what Molly could've been like at a young age.

  • Yeah, I definitely noticed that as well.

    She reminds me of what Molly could've been like at a young age.

  • Melissa Hutchison adjusted her voice for Clementine across all seasons. Why couldn't Shelly do the same?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Goddamn it, I just considered a joke about Christine Lakin last night! Also, not to question her talents, but Shelly Shenoy is unlikely. Have you listened to Kate's pitch?

  • I didn't even wanna mention it, but during Pax east, did you know some asshole had the audacity to say "Make some noise if you killed Kenny"? They proceeded to make the noise, then Captain Asshat follows up with "Make some noise if you made the wrong decision"...Dude I was so triggered!!! :angry:.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, I definitely noticed that as well.

  • I had that possibility in mind.

    It's just that Ms. Hutchison was always meant to play a little 8yo Blasian girl that obviously grows noticeably older each game, while Ms. Shenoy was originally cast to play a White(?) woman in her mid to late thirties and was held over when the design changed.

    patrickrc95 posted: »

    Melissa Hutchison adjusted her voice for Clementine across all seasons. Why couldn't Shelly do the same?

  • edited April 2018

    Admittedly, that sounds more like a fairly funny one-two joke. EDIT: Oh shit, I just reread that.

    That was Greg Miller, though. Let's...let's just say he has a history of triggering people somewhat brazenly.

    I didn't even wanna mention it, but during Pax east, did you know some asshole had the audacity to say "Make some noise if you killed Kenny"

  • Although erin yvette would be fucking amazing to have back!! Her and Katjaa's voice actress are the best in the entire series, it would be too much like molly since molly's va was also erin

    patrickrc95 posted: »

    I get the feeling that the Voice of Kate might do the Vocals for Violet. Or Snow from TWAU. Idk.

  • Ah, Greg Miller. I have a feeling his success rate on triggering is somewhat admirable. I wouldn't enjoy seeing him do stand-up though.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Admittedly, that sounds more like a fairly funny one-two joke. EDIT: Oh shit, I just reread that. That was Greg Miller, though. Let's...let's just say he has a history of triggering people somewhat brazenly.

  • I think that Violet will be like Bonnie, but more selfish, so selfish that she'll maybe kill one of them and escape.

  • I just hope it's ORIGINAL, not Jane's archetype as it was said on the panel. It would be too disappointing.

  • Jane jr needs to be taken out

  • You're saying she needs to die, before we even meet her?

    That's harsh

    xxplvb posted: »

    Jane jr needs to be taken out

  • Seemed like an accurate thing to ask.

    I didn't even wanna mention it, but during Pax east, did you know some asshole had the audacity to say "Make some noise if you killed Kenny"

  • I love all these posts...we know next to nothing...but that does not stop you from making wild ass assumptions.

  • edited April 2018

    Could of been wonderful if they kept Sarah alive with Clementine in a friendship up until this point in the series. Maybe they'd finally have a fallout between each other and Clementine would have to save the only best friend she had a disagreement with or AJ whom has become her "son" practically weird way of saying that. But it is most likely they'd had been and killed Sarah in A New Frontier in some dumb way had she somehow survived season 2 all the way anyway. hahaha Oh wait.. that's not funny....

    DabigRG posted: »

    So, what Sarah was supposed be and/or could've been? Wonderful.

  • edited April 2018

    Might as well just let them kill each other unless one of them gives me reasons to care about them.

    Lol, that sounds sooo messed up if that was taken out of context.

    AronDracula posted: »

    She'll probably end up killing Marlons dog and then it will be a Kenny vs Jane scenario but with Violet and Marlon lol Might as well just let them kill each other unless one of them gives me reasons to care about them.

  • If you're a troll, yeah. But not for a functional human being. It's absurd!

    Seemed like an accurate thing to ask.

  • Only if you are insane enough to keep that psycho Kenny.

    If you're a troll, yeah. But not for a functional human being. It's absurd!

  • edited April 2018

    I hope none of the new characters parallel pre-existing characters, no mini Kenny or Jane please, I don't think we need more people arguing with eachother because they said something good about one or bad about the other.

  • Not die at all just scraped I meant sorry.

    You're saying she needs to die, before we even meet her? That's harsh

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