I've been playing it for the last couple of days and I like it. It is frustrating though. The levels get hard, fast. It's hard enough just trying to survive them let alone try to collect all the fireflies. However, it does feel very rewarding when you do succeed at getting them all in a level.
Has anyone else noticed that one of the bonus levels is called "Ask me about Loom[?]" Classic!
After the feedback i've read about lucidity so far, i don't think i'll bother. It does look very good aesthetically but the game play seems pretty stale. I was excited about this when it was announced but the more i see the less I'm interested. I had high hopes for it being something original, but it seems to come across as something with the functionality of an atari game with a lick of millennium paint on it.
Like Jucius Maximus said, Machinaruim is the game that's currently got me rattling with anticipation. When you think about how much money and staff LA have to develop new IP's and then compare that to what a couple of Czech guys have whipped up with very little money, it make Lucidity look like a dogs dinner.
I am not gonna lie- the ending made me a little misty-eyed.
I was frustrated with the controls at first because it felt like the mouse cursor just kept sticking and it was making it hard to put pieces where I wanted them. However, I noticed the game itself was being a little choppy, so I brought the resolution down and not only did that make the game run smoother, but I had almost zero problems with the controls after that.
The randomly selected pieces are both a good and a bad thing. Good in that you really have to think outside the box to figure out how to get Sofi across obstacles, and bad because it makes getting all the fireflies a bit of a pain. If there was one thing I would fix or add to this game, it would be something like once you beat it once, you can unlock the ability to select what piece you want or at least be able to pick from several at a time. That way you could build your own paths without having to be at the whim of the computer.
Oh, and it needs a level editor. That would be awesome.
All in all the mechanics are a little wonky, but the game as a whole is still very enjoyable and charming.
I bought it on Steam and I've been playing it a bit, and so far I'm kinda bored by it. The art is pretty, but the gameplay is slow and boring to me. People who like a very slow simple puzzler might enjoy it, but I need a little more.
Has anyone else noticed that one of the bonus levels is called "Ask me about Loom[?]" Classic!
Like Jucius Maximus said, Machinaruim is the game that's currently got me rattling with anticipation. When you think about how much money and staff LA have to develop new IP's and then compare that to what a couple of Czech guys have whipped up with very little money, it make Lucidity look like a dogs dinner.
I was frustrated with the controls at first because it felt like the mouse cursor just kept sticking and it was making it hard to put pieces where I wanted them. However, I noticed the game itself was being a little choppy, so I brought the resolution down and not only did that make the game run smoother, but I had almost zero problems with the controls after that.
The randomly selected pieces are both a good and a bad thing. Good in that you really have to think outside the box to figure out how to get Sofi across obstacles, and bad because it makes getting all the fireflies a bit of a pain. If there was one thing I would fix or add to this game, it would be something like once you beat it once, you can unlock the ability to select what piece you want or at least be able to pick from several at a time. That way you could build your own paths without having to be at the whim of the computer.
Oh, and it needs a level editor. That would be awesome.
All in all the mechanics are a little wonky, but the game as a whole is still very enjoyable and charming.
Decided to pass.
Gameplay sounds fun but the randomness sounds like a game killer to me.