The S.S Louine! (Romance Discussion)



  • Um...

    SS Louis Boys in uniforms ????? amirite?

  • we can still fix louis guys

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    Since we are low on fanarts then maybe we should switch to memes instead. @Poogers555 , got somethin' in ya pocket?



    Poogers555 posted: »

    we can still fix louis guys

  • Oh my gosh

    Poogers555 posted: »

    we can still fix louis guys

  • Since it's been confirmed by the boy himself that he's basically rich as hell, I keep thinking about the day he first got to that school.
    Louis, rolling up to ericson: damn y'all smell broke?

  • Guys, we actually should make "Louis Gang" an official thing, don't you think?

  • I bet Violet never got a Flush R O Y A L E

  • Apparently, the gag was supposed to stop the bleeding from Louis’s tongue but the team didn’t have the budget for it.

    I just found out that, originally, Louis was only going to be gagged in Episode 3, but then they changed it to him having his tongue cut out later. You bastards are cruel.

  • You are right, Kent Mudle did clarify his original statement.

    Apparently, the gag was supposed to stop the bleeding from Louis’s tongue but the team didn’t have the budget for it.

  • I don't think that we've talked about this yet so what do you think about the story of how Louis got sent to Ericson? I was sure as hell that he just didn't give a shit about anything. When I heard why he got sent there I was suprised quite much to be honest.

  • I think it was interesting. Certainly something I would never have expected. Apparently he didn't care about anything, he broke his parents up over singing lessons.

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    I don't think that we've talked about this yet so what do you think about the story of how Louis got sent to Ericson? I was sure as hell tha

  • I was surprised Ruby used to be a complete bully before she went to Ericson.

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    I don't think that we've talked about this yet so what do you think about the story of how Louis got sent to Ericson? I was sure as hell tha

  • "That little motherfucker..." :D :D :D

    I was surprised Ruby used to be a complete bully before she went to Ericson.

  • edited January 2019

    When Louis said “So, I decided I’d teach HIM a lesson.”, for a second, I thought he was going to say that he beat up his father. :anguished:

    He deeply regrets his actions for breaking the happiness between his parents, and I know that he tries to atone to it by bringing joy to others when he got sent to the boarding school. He even said to Clementine that it’s worth it when he makes Violet laugh, it just goes to show that he’ll always go out of his way to make everyone happy. :)

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    I don't think that we've talked about this yet so what do you think about the story of how Louis got sent to Ericson? I was sure as hell tha

  • Huh. Didn't think about it that far.

    When Louis said “So, I decided I’d teach HIM a lesson.”, for a second, I thought he was going to say that he beat up his father. He deep

  • Ship War has been initiated! :lol:

    MaikelRR_ posted: »


  • get out

    ZombieKenny posted: »

    Ship War has been initiated!

  • Well he is a decent person afterall.

    When Louis said “So, I decided I’d teach HIM a lesson.”, for a second, I thought he was going to say that he beat up his father. He deep

  • Tbh I did think that he was just bad as a kid however Ericsion just worked out for him so I guess I was right about that?

    As someone who wants to be an actress and was shut down by my parents at first, I totally get his mindset just not being able to justify his actions but it does make you question if your parents really give a shit about what makes you happy and in Louis' case his dad LITERALLY said he cannot be happy. And the thing is you know his dad would've had the money to put toward anything he needed for him to become a successful musician.

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    I don't think that we've talked about this yet so what do you think about the story of how Louis got sent to Ericson? I was sure as hell tha

  • Wow I’m kinda sad this thread is dead

  • Considering some of these posts, not really tearin up.

    Erinour posted: »

    Wow I’m kinda sad this thread is dead

  • Why, ZombieKen, why?

    ZombieKenny posted: »

    Ship War has been initiated!

  • Oh shit, it was this one!

  • ...

    ZombieKenny posted: »

    Ship War has been initiated!

  • Well I guess it’s not really a war if the voice of Clem herself prefers the gay one

  • Here's some fan art bois. Good luck in reviving this thread it's back to making unfunny and shitty comments on other threads for me:

    By klaviergavinwiki

  • Woah, been liftin there, buddy?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Here's some fan art bois. Good luck in reviving this thread it's back to making unfunny and shitty comments on other threads for me: By klaviergavinwiki

  • edited February 2019

    This thread has officially reached 100K views!

  • just realized that violet's love thread has 47k views and 2.4k comments while here we have 100k views and 1.1k comments....nani the fuck is going on.

    This thread has officially reached 100K views!

  • We've won ;)

    just realized that violet's love thread has 47k views and 2.4k comments while here we have 100k views and 1.1k comments....nani the fuck is going on.

  • I'm guessin that may partly have somethin to do with me.

    just realized that violet's love thread has 47k views and 2.4k comments while here we have 100k views and 1.1k comments....nani the fuck is going on.

  • edited February 2019

    Not if you go by the end stats, I think that means more than views.

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    We've won

  • edited February 2019

    What end stats? The one that a huge amount of people were misleaded because they thought that Violet is actually going to do something useful (checking defenses) and Louis is doing something unimportant? If you take a look at Youtube videos about Louis, GMVs, fanarts basically all those ship things it's pretty clear for me that Clouis' fanbase is a lot bigger.

    Not if you go by the end stats, I think that means more than views.

  • edited February 2019


    Made by Clouis_Y (

  • 0__0  That's too happy

    If this is what you're hoping for you're going to be sorely disappointed.

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    WATCH OUT!!! EPISODE 4 MAJOR SPOILERS!!! Made by Clouis_Y (

  • They still decided to pursue the romance with Violet. And that seems disingenuous don't you think, equating a small handful of people who may have been misled as the majority or a large quantity of people. The amount of stuff that exists for a particular ship does not always equate to popularity and fanbase size, but can be a very vocal minority (Example: Zutara from Avatar: The Last Airbender).

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    What end stats? The one that a huge amount of people were misleaded because they thought that Violet is actually going to do something usefu

  • I don't think there was a stat about players friendzoning or romancing Lou/Vi, right? There only was a stat "You either went stargazing with Violet or you went playing piano with Louis". And actually quite many people were misleaded by this. A bigger number than you probably think. I read a lot of comments and trust me - a huge amount of people were misleaded by this. Even Youtubers were like "oh c'mon it's not right time to play the piano, let's check defences".

    About Zutara - there were a lot more of scenes with Katara and Aang than Katara and Zuko. I think that people prefered Zuatara due to it being more interesting and more deep.

    We can talk about it forever and we will probably never come to an understanding. The only way to solve this would be to do some kind of worldwide voting for every person that played/watched TFS, but it is impossible to do so.

    They still decided to pursue the romance with Violet. And that seems disingenuous don't you think, equating a small handful of people who ma

  • You are right in that there wasn't a stat that explicitly stated what you did with either Louis or Violet. And yes, as I said, some people were misled. However, that's still not enough to really say with certainty that Clouis beats out Violetine. There are people that went with Violet that didn't pursue a romantic route, but likewise, there are people that went with Louis that didn't pursue a romantic route either. You also have the final stat of the episode, where more people saved Violet over Louis, and I'd go so far as to say that this is probably more of an accurate representation of what people prefer. It's not perfect as there were people that romanced Violet and saved Louis, and vice versa, but I'd still say this is probably more of an accurate indicator.

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    I don't think there was a stat about players friendzoning or romancing Lou/Vi, right? There only was a stat "You either went stargazing with

  • I don't agree with last part. People could be saving Violet because they thought she is a better fit for the eventual rescue mission. It's just like Ep.1 ending's case when more people were chosing Violet because they were thinking that she fits better as she was close to Sophie and Minnie and that Louis is Marlon's best friend. I'm not saying that by looking at whole TWD community, let's say 75% like Louis and 25% like Violet, but overall I will still stand with my point - I' sure that Clouis is overall more popular and more supported ship than Violentine... but as I stated before - we can't really prove that.

    You are right in that there wasn't a stat that explicitly stated what you did with either Louis or Violet. And yes, as I said, some people w

  • And I'm pretty sure 90% of these views are just me looking back on my comments to see if anyone upvoted them

    Not if you go by the end stats, I think that means more than views.

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