Rank Every Episode From Worst To Best
I’m going to try and rank every single episode of TWDG so far from worst to best. Would love to hear everyone else’s rankings too. Probably gonna be spoilers for released episodes so far just so you know.
20: Ties That Bind Part 1 - Total letdown of a premiere episode. After the long wait time between season 2 and ANF, our season 2 endings are thrown out like trash in a matter of 5 minute flashbacks. Couple that with the fact that most of the episode centers around characters that the majority of people didn’t care about and the short length, and you’ve got a bad episode.
19: Ties That Bind Part 2 - This and the previous episode should have just been one single episode. This “episode” has the same bad writing as the previous episode. It also pretty much sets the stage for the rest of the season, and it’s already apparent that the story isn’t as strong as the previous seasons and that for some reason the characters that we actually care about are being pushed to the sidelines. Then you’ve also got a pretty stupid final choice and a predictable twist ending.
18: Above The Law - Better than the previous episodes but still pretty bad. Once again focuses on characters that are irrelevant and also has some insanely bad writing. Very bad flashback devoid of any logic as well.
17: From The Gallows - the worst finale episode of all the game seasons. There really isn’t much emotional impact due to the writing and the characters being so poor, and there isn’t really any hard choices that should be present in a season finale.
16: In Too Deep - not very fun to get through and most of it is just boring set up. The cliffhanger ending is cool though.
15: Thicker Than Water - The best ANF episode is still a bad TWDG episode. The big reason this episode is above all ty other ANF episodes is because the flashbacks are actually decent this time. The ending is also cool and has a clever choice between Trip and Ava. Too bad it didn’t really matter in the end.
14: Give No Shelter - the second episode of the michonne miniseries is slightly better than the first episode, as it introduces more characters that give the story more weight. The big problem is that most of the main conflict is just copied from season 2.
13: What We Deserve - the big standoff with Norma and Randall’s group is pretty tense and exciting to play through, but sadly we didn’t have enough time with the characters to really care as much as we should have. Still a decent episode though.
12: 400 Days - I don’t really know exactly why, but I can just never get into this episode. I think it had too many protagonists that ultimately ended up not mattering at all in the end other than future cameos in season 2.
11: Amid The Ruins - this episode is pretty good on the first play through, but then playing it again reveals that none of your choices really matter. Definitely the weakest episode of season 2.
10: A New Day - this is the episode that started it all. It isn’t a bad episode, it’s just a slog to get through after multiple playthroughs, however, it does do a good job of beginning the entire story.
9: Around Every Corner - Same deal as with A New Day. Not bad, but a slog after multiple playthroughs. Sadly all of the new characters introduced in this episode just disappear by the end of it.
8: In Harm’s Way - an okay episode that could have been WAY better. Still has some good pivotal moments for the story and the characters though.
7: All That Remains - A good season premiere, but also another slog to get through. The main conflict of the episode and Clementine’s struggle to survive is very interesting though.
6: Long Road Ahead - An episode with lots of great character development as the original group is whittled down. The only problem is starting the train, which is a bit tedious.
5: A House Divided - A very good episode that has a really good example of great pacing. The twist of Kenny returning still gets to me emotionally.
4: Done Running - A season premiere done right. The episode can stand on its own while it also sets up the rest of the season. Telltale proved that TWDG could still be good quality after the shitstorm that was ANF. This episode felt like the true sequel to season 2.
3: No Time Left - The Season One finale is such a special episode. It closes out the original story and brings Lee’s story arc to an emotional end. The entire episode is very grim and tense and the hard choices and good character development are plentiful.
2: No Going Back - It might be unpopular to put the Season Two Finale above The Season One Finale, but this episode is still the only vido game that has made me bawl crying like a baby. No Time Left made me tear up too, but this episode had me crying my eyes out. My choice of staying at Wellington and leaving Kenny still sticks with me to this day.
1: Starved For Help - I may love and enjoy some episodes notebook than this one, but the second episode of Season One will always be the episode that showed us all what we were really dealing with. This was the first episode that showed us that TWDG was truly something special. The choices, writing, character development and conflict in this episode are superb. The events in this episode also set off a chain reaction that is still felt in the most recent episode, Done Running. This will always be the first episode that showed us what TWDG was really made of and how good it can get.
I will remove "Michonne" from this list because I did not make a big impact when I played it, in fact I did not like almost any of the characters, starting with the 2 idiot brothers. I liked all the seasons, but like all the people, some more than others.
17 - All that Remains: With saying that the "Omid effect" already screwed me from the beginning I think that's enough. Also, there were some loose ends that today we do not know how they ended. It's not bad, but it's boring and it has only a couple of things to salvage, like the "Still not bitten" and the final decision between Pete and Nick.
16 - Above The Law: Let's say that from the beginning David fell badly to me, and at the moment when he is determined to leave you to your fate, since he has not seen you for 4 years and even more, taking care of his family, without worrying about be his brother, I really get mad.
15 - Amid The Ruins: That Kenny behaved like an idiot from the beginning to the end of the episode made him become a character that I "respected" to want him to leave and never see his face again. The only thing I agreed with was when he beat up the Russian garbage of Arvo.
14 - 400 Days: It's not bad, but let's say I did not have a special affection for any of the characters except for Eddie, that guy had to have been in Season 2.
13 - A House Divided: I still think that having brought Kenny back was Telltale's worst mistake in a TWD game. Many will hate me for this but I really do not have any affection for him, and less after, as I explained before, he became a complete idiot for the rest of the season, because in fact from episode 3 he did not another thing more than shit.
12 - Ties that Bind 2: It was quite predictable that Clem was part of ANF and that David was there, it was great to see Jesus but then his role was completely irrelevant.
11 - Ties that Bind 1: Until the ANF group did not appear I got bored incredibly. It was not bad the episode itself, but taking those first 25/30 minutes. Another "Omid effect" in the end, was totally unnecessary. Poor Mari.
10 - In Harm's Way: Wonderful the part where Kenny breaks Carver's head, enjoy it to the fullest. After that, more of the same, Kenny being a moron (taking out the part where he gives himself up) and really the only characters that I really cared about were Luke and Nick.
9 - A New Day: From now on I find all episodes great, but I have to follow a list xD. Maybe the worst of the best episodes, the introduction to the characters and the beginning of this wonderful story.
8 - Thicker than Water: I loved this episode, but there is one of the mistakes of ANF was the one that made me feel that feeling that something could happen at any time, although I hate the part of Kate's caprice loving.
7 - Long Road Ahead: Sentimental and educational, a great episode. When I discovered what Ben had done I felt very angry but I also realized that the boy was scared and that he thought that doing what he did could calm things down. Something like the Marlon case.
6 - Around Every Corner: Another incredible episode, more intense and revealing. Every time I play it I try to do something different so that Lee is not bitten xD. I did not get over it, my first reaction was almost of despair.
5 - From The Gallows: I loved this episode, I insist that more of the mistakes of ANF, I liked a little more than season 2, because despite the little affection that people could have with the characters, the family theme It was very well implemented, and the end of David's death saying goodbye to Javi, Gabe and remembering Mariana really made me release some tears.
4 - Done Running: Impressive, removing the "Omid effect" from the end, it was a great episode and I can not wait for the next one. It's great to see our Clem becoming not only a woman, but also a mother. Seeing how she does her best to be a great maternal figure with AJ really makes me very proud.
3 - Starved for Help: I'm still disgusted to know what St. John's did to survive. I think it was the episode that most brought out the universe of TWD, where people are capable of everything to survive.
2 - No Going Back.
1 - No Time Left.
I think you do not need a description for these last 2, right? xD
I’m typing this on an iPad so I real.y don’t want to give a long description for all of these episodes for obvious reasons. If you want an explanation for an individual episode, I’ll give you one if you ask.
EDIT: On a computer, felt like giving an explanation for these episodes.
I didn't play Michonne myself & it's been forever since I've seen it, 400 Days is a little too it's own limited thing to effectively count, and I don't really feel like talking about Done Running in that sense, so let's just do the first three full seasons/installments:
1. In Harm's Way
2. From the Gallows
3. Ties that Bind Part 2 Divided We Fall
4. Amid the Ruins
5. Ties that Bind Part 1
6. Thicker Than Water
7. A New Day
8. Around Every Corner
9. Long Road Ahead
10. Above the Law
11. No Going Back
12. No Time Left
13. All That Remains
14. A House Divided
15. Starved for Help
19.Ties That Bind Part One
18.Ties That Bind Part Two
17.In Too Deep
16.Above The Law
15.Thicker Than Water
14.Around Every Corner
13.What We Deserve
12.From The Gallows
11.A House Divided
10.Give No Shelter
9.All That Remains
8.No Time Left
7.A New Day
6.Starved For Help
5.In Harm's Way
4.Amid The Ruins
3.No Going Back
2.Long Road Ahead
1.Done Running
Yes, Done Running was that amazing for me.
I adore all of Season 1 and 2 and I am absolutely loving The Final Season so far (I think TFS might be my favorite if it keeps up this level of quality) so it’s pretty hard for me to choose between the episodes from these seasons.
I don’t hate A New Frontier as much as some people but I was definitely disappointed with it. I really don’t get why they decided to shift the focus to a new main character who had absolutely nothing to do with the first two seasons instead of Clementine… but at the very least I think it was a good learning season for Telltale. It is the feedback from that game that has given us The Final Season.
I’m excluding Michonne and 400 days from my list because both of them hardly have anything to do with the main series.
16. From the Gallows
15. Ties That Bind Part – 2
14. Ties That Bind Part – 1
13. Above The Law
12. Thicker Than Water
11. A New Day
10. Around Every Corner
9. Amid The Ruins
8. All That Remains
7. Starved For Help
6. Long Road Ahead
5. A House Divided
4. In Harms Way
3. Done Running
2. No Time Left
1. No Going Back
Not including Michonne
16. From The Gallows
15. Ties That Bind
14. Above The Law
13. Thicker Than Water
12. Amid The Ruins
11. No Going Back
10. All That Remains
9. Starved For Help
8. 400 Days
7. In Harm's Way
6. A New Day
5. Around Every Corner
4. A House Divided
3. Done Running
2. No Time Left
1. Long Road Ahead
Worst to best
Wow you sure hated No time left and LOVED from the Gallows
(I jooooke)
My top 10
10. Done Running
9. In Harms Way
8. Thicker Than Water
7. Ties That Bind
6. A New Day
5. Around Every corner
4. No Going Back
3. Starved for Help
2. Long Road Ahead
1. No Time Left
I think Ties That Bind and Thicker Than Water get a bad rap. Are they rushed? Yes. Do I wish they had slower moments? Yes. But I can hardly point to any episodes that pound for pound have as many impossible decisions and moments that made me feel the feelings I wasn't expecting to be feeling.
Hell the 2nd Kenny flashback actually made me cry. Not just tear up, but actually start sobbing like a baby. And call me crazy all you want, but the choices I made in Ties that Bind are the toughest choices in ANY game I've ever played.
So...they're not the best written, which is why they aren't higher, but they ARE the best at creating impossible decision and emotional/jaw dropping moments, for me at least.
Truth be told I can't figure out Done Running. I definetely really enjoyed it, but I'm sure if I can hop on the bandwagon of it being the best opening episode. I'll have to replay the episode a few more times so I can really get a handle on it
Here’s my (I am also not including Michonne)
16- From the Gallows
15- Ties That Bind 1/2
14- Above The Law
13- Thicker Than Water
12- Amid The Ruins
11- 400 Days
10- Around Every Corner
9- All That Remains
8- In Harm's Way
7- A House Divided
6- A New Day
5- Done Running
4- Starved For Help
3- Long Road Ahead
2- No Going Back
1- No Time Left
I'm counting Michonne because while despite not liking the premiere all that much the rest of the story is really good, and episode 2 especially deserves so much more love. (Also every episode after Ties that bind Part 2 is a 8/10 or higher)
19 - In Too Deep
18 - Ties That Bind Part 2
17 - A New Day
16 - Starved for Help
15 - All that Remains
14 - What We Deserve
13 - In Harm's Way
12 -Ties That Bind Part 1
11 - Above The Law
10 - From The Gallows
9 - Amid The Ruins
8 - Around Every Corner
7 - Thicker than Water
6 - Done Running
5 - Give No Shelter
4 - Long Road Ahead
3 - No Time Left
2 - A House Divided
1 - No Going Back
Not including Michonne or 400 days. ANF's episodes were hard to place. There were definitely things to like about them, but a whole lot of shit in the middle of it as well.
1. No Time Left
2. Done Running
3. Starved For Help
4. Around Every Corner
5. A House Divided
6. A New Day
7. Long Road Ahead
8. All That Remains
9. Above The Law
10. From The Gallows
11. In Harm's Way
12. Amid The Ruins
13. No Going Back
14. Ties That Bind 2
15. Ties That Bind 1
16. Thicker Than Water
I typed my post on an iPhone lol. It’s fine, I know it’s tedious on any mobile device.
I'm lazy so I'm just gonna put my top 5 episodes
1. Starved for help
2. A house dividend
3. No going Back
4. No time left
5. Done running
Uh um... Uh.... Uh.... The one where you find out about the cannibal family? And uh.... Idk.
No Time Left sucks. Lee dying, what the hell was that all about, such a stupid and totally not emotional ending. From The Gallows, that’s just (deep breath) masterful writing with great pacing, character development, and offers a satisfying ending to several character arcs and plot lines.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go bash my head up against the wall.
Yup, Lee's death was way too predictable after finishing "Around Every Corner"

Lee's death completely broke me. It took years to put the pieces back together.
I wouldn't say predictable so much as telegraphed.
Yea, it was just a shitty pun
20 ties that bind part 1
19 what we deserve
18 in too deep
17 from the gallows
16 400 days
15 give no shelter
14 ties that bind part 2
13 all that remains
12 above the law
11 amid the ruins
10 in harms way
9 a new day
8 thicker than water
7 a house divided
6 around every corner
5 no time left
4 long road ahead
3 no going back
2 done running
1 starved for help
Not counting 400 Days.
It's kinda suprising how evenly its listed. Lots of S2 in my top 10.
Well this should be fun.
20. In Too Deep - Underwhelming and short.
19. Ties That Bind Part 1 - Fuck this episode. Only thing saving it was Javier.
18. Ties That Bind Part 2 - Slightly better than the first part, still leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
17. What We Deserve - Decent climax weighed down by terrible dream sequences/hallucinations.
16. Give No Shelter - A fun episode with good atmosphere, satisfying choices. Best of the Worst. Best of Michonne.
15. Thicker Than Water - The characters act in such a frustrating manner, you feel as if you want to murder half of them.
14. Above The Law - Decent middle piece that raises the quality of ANF by a slight bit plus the option to go Negan on a bald man.
13. All That Remains - Surprise! A S2 episode that's worse than the best of ANF. Why? Time skip, incredibly short length, kills or disposes of fan favorite characters in the first five minutes, pointless choices. Also introduces a group of unlikable douchebags that lock Clementine in a shed. Also no Kenny.
12. From The Gallows - Though the main conflict of the episode is oh so incredibly predictable and cliche, I did feel as if my choices had an impact on the ending and was satisfied with most of the outcomes. Outstanding action scenes compared to the rest of ANF.
11. A House Divided - More pointless choices, characters do a complete 180° and suddenly treat Clementine as a trusted friend, local redneck with a cap (no not Kenny, the other one) ruins everything because drama. But despite all that this episode had great atmosphere and tension, mainly thanks to the new threatening antagonist. Some of the choices do actually matter (for a short time) and can cause you quite the stress. Also this episode has Kenny.
10. 400 Days - A very unique DLC with lots of interesting characters and choices. Some of the stories feel more developed than the rest, but they're all well done. Fun to replay.
9. Amid The Ruins - A lengthy and depressing penultimate with some unexpected twists and developments, a lot of tough decisions and good character development. Yes, yes, choices don't matter pretty much at all, mainly in Nick's case, but since he got so little development in the previous episodes, I couldn't really care that much about his fate. Not a fault of this episode. Also features the biggest and the most dreadful cliffhanger in all of the Telltale games.
8. In Harm's Way - And episode that made me feel vulnerable, scared, destroyed, hateful, vengeful, happy, disgusted, shocked and a whole lot of other emotions. Great pacing and feeling of a self contained story and focus. Carver serves his role as antagonist well and Kenny becomes a god tier character. Shame that some characters get very little development before their short time as a determinant character runs out.
7. A New Day - The one that started it all, kicked off this incredible journey. Great in all aspects. All the following episodes on the list are simply even better. But goddamn, the times I've had to mess around in the game files just to transfer the saves to the second episode do not hold fond memories for me. Also probably not that much replayability after you've played it about a hundred times.
6. Long Road Ahead - There's so much horrible depressing stuff that happens in this episode, it's enough to traumatize a person. Incredibly powerful, this is the kind of episode that you play and just sit there for a while in complete silence.
5. Starved For Help - The most twisted, shocking and terrifying episode. Features some of the most memorable scenes in TT's TWD. An absolute perfect example of how a great climax and buildup should look like. Also includes very very tough choices that leave you questioning yourself, your morals and your guts.
4. Around Every Corner - Personally, I think this episode doesn't get the praise it deserves. The story of Crawford and Savannah's fall are chilling to the bone, easily haunting on par with Starved For Help and beyond. The attic scene with Kenny, the belltower, the bite, the opening, the ending are all phenomenal. The length, writng and character development are at the very peak of Telltale's craft and all together create the best penultimate episode I've ever played.
3. Done Running - Maybe it's just the lingering feeling of amazement that I had when I finished the episode, but I seriously believe this episode deserves a spot in the top three, at least for now. It's just such a welcome change to have an episode that rivals the quality of the first Season and in certain places, even surpasses it. The fresh new gameplay, the characters, the choices, the twist and the atmosphere are all top notch and I can't wait for more. Best opening episode.
2. No Going Back - The stakes in the S2 finale are raised up to the max from the very beginning - every minute of the episode you're expecting something terrible to happen, it's inevitability driving you mad, every peaceful moment a treasure. And then it happens, and then again and again and again. This episode pulls your heartstrings and doesn't let go until the very ending. Featuring an almost impossible choice that still ignites conflicts to this day and a variety of endings that define who your Clementine really is, this episode is not to be taken lightly. Also probably the only one that made me feel genuine joy and happiness at the end. (leavewellingtoncannonending)
1. No Time Left - There will never come a day where I won't dread playing this episode for it has emotionally destroyed me dozens of times, each time just as bad as the first. The best of Telltale and some of the best I've played in my entire life. Cannot ever forget.
Michonne was so boring, I couldn't bother finishing the first episode. I refuse to even consider buying TFS until it fully comes out. So those won't be on here.
Amid The Ruins
Thicker Than Water
From The Gallows
No Going Back
Ties That Bind - Part 1
Ties That Bind - Part 2
In Harm's Way
Above The Law
A House Divided
Around Every Corner
400 Days
All That Remains
Long Road Ahead
A New Day
No Time Left
Starved For Help
If I'm being honest, I don't like anything before ATL, and I can only tolerate ATL, AHD, & AEC.
Best to worst.
No Time Left - Most monumental episode not only for Telltale’s TWD, but for Telltale as a company. No one who plays this episode will forget its emotional impact.
No Going Back - Saved a dying season. Amazing multiple endings that will make your jaw drop and eyes water upon a first playthrough.
Done Running - Yep, I’m going this far. An episode that takes it slow and takes its sweet time to set the stage for the rest of the season by introducing and developing new, interesting characters. Many gameplay/visual changes are also a welcome edition.
All That Remains - A personal favorite that embraces the darker side of TWD. With Clem constantly receiving hope to only get punished x2 later, this episode represents the bleak world of TWD.
Starved for help - Most overrated episode in the series, but it’s still fantastic. While the first episode set the ground rules, this episode really set the stage for what this series is gonna be. With some of the most iconic moments in S1 and decisions that actually matter, this episode blew everyone away.
A House Divided - Showed a promising future for S2. Amazing writing, 2 determinant characters, 2 starting points, and KENNY!
Long Road Ahead - Solid episode with many bleak moments. Many great characters die, and 3 new iconic characters emerge. Lots of character development for Kenny.
A New Day - The one that started it all. Introduces the iconic duo and has many choices that impact the rest of the season.
Around Every Corner - Best fourth episode in the series (Until Take Us Back comes out). Gets way to much hate, has some awesome moments like the bell tower scene and the final scene were many of your previous choices come into play. It does exactly what it’s meant to do, build up the finale.
In Harms Way - The start of S2’s downfall. Ruins Carvers character, disrespects Alvin’s and Nicks determinant status, can’t remember a single choice that matters in this episode. Has some cool moments but ultimately fails as an episode.
Amid the Ruins - No choices matter AT ALL. Gives the finale jack shit to work off of. Worst episode of S2.
400 Days - Eh... that’s what I feel when I play this episode. It’s more of gimmick then an episode sense it doesn’t affect S2 for shit.
Thicker then Water - has the best moment in all of S3: the Kenny flashback. This episode was trash, like all of ANF.
Above the law - Snooze fest.
Ties that Bind Part 1 & 2: Its one fucking episode. Thanks for killing off one of the most iconic characters in a 5 min flashback, I don’t care about Javi and his dipshit family fuck you.
From the Gallows: The final shit in the pot. Fails as a WD finale in almost every way.
What We Deserve - THIS
Give No Shelter - GAME
In To Deep - SUCKS.
He was being sarcastic in his previous comment
This is going to be hard but something I wanna do! I'm not including Michonne or a ANF.
All that happened in No Going Back.
Hey, I have an opportunity to piss some people off again by making a list
To tell you the truth, that list gets super hard for me after the first 5 or 6. But I had to put them in some order. Also, for a frame of reference, even my lowest ranked episode would probably get a 5/10 at worst.
Yeah I have low standards OKAY SHUT UP
Ok I’m sorry if I sound like a dick but...
What tf?
I’ll just give a top three I love and three I hate
1. Starved for help (overrated but it’s still a really good episode)
2. Done Running (Season 4 episode 1)
3. No time left (Season 1 episode 5)
Don’t like
1.Ties that bind part 1
2. Thicker than water
3. In too deep
My man! Giving Give No Shelter that much needed love.
Yeah I saw that particular episode pretty low on some lists, so I was expecting someone to be asking that.
Honestly, I just really fucking liked that episode. It was short, but a lot of the cinematography and set pieces were stand-outs to me: trying to sneak away along the shoreline as people take potshots at you from a distance, climbing the fallen tower, and that final fight against Randall and his guys. Furthermore, I like how they didn't shy away from the visceral and brutal nature of Michonne as a character. In the comic, her preferred method of killing other people is... not the cleanest, to say the least. So I'm glad they held true to that with how gritty the gore and violence was in that episode. A lot of bloody and painful deaths for humans and walkers alike. The fight scenes, namely those against Randall (when you try to grab his gun in the beginning, and that final fight in the courtyard). There was this very sloppy, underhanded feel to them. Not choreographed stuff like say, Batman fights, but more like two survivors duking it out with each other, using whatever they can to their advantage to get the upper hand.
But alongside the action, I like how the back half became a bit more reflective, getting to see how Greg's death impacted the rest of Sam's family, as well as a glimpse into the turmoil and pressure the family's under as a whole (say whatever you want, but I was pretty engaged/captivated with that talk with Sam's dad outside... before he gets half of his face blown off out of nowhere, which actually got me. I mean, it was a bit telegraphed in hindsight, but it worked in the moment).
Then you have that really neat flashback/hallucination sequence around halfway through, which I think from an atmospheric standpoint was pretty much perfect. It gave off that same unsettling vibe that places like the St. John's barn did.
And you got Randall, who as you can probably tell looking at my profile picture is a bit of a guilty pleasure character for me. I mean don't get me wrong, he's a psychotic son of a bitch and I bashed his head in when I played, but at least he was entertaining through all of it. I also like how there was a bit of depth to him beyond simply being a psychopath; shit like his final speech before the choice to kill him. Maybe it's not a lot, but it's still a hell of a lot better than Badger was.
Also, that infamous flare gun kill is in this episode, and that's hands down one of the best kills in this entire series.
I'm awful with names so i'm going to have to look up a few lol.
2.- Done Running- Wow, Talk about a opener lol. I've said it a few times. This episode is truly a masterpiece. The way it develops Clem into her new mommy roles, introduces AJ in such a exciting and overwhelming way and how it toyed with both Romances and Tensions to it's favor. It's got amazing backstory, depth and the art style of the new season is the best it's ever been. Story telling is as good as it's ever been. Truly blown away. I can't wait to dive more into all the new characters who have been expertly conveyed and introduced in such unique ways. Crazy how in just 2 hours they can really give such a deep dive into about 5 characters deep personalities. The erratic nature of AJ, The flirtacious gentlemen nature of Louis, the depth of Violet's reminiscing about Minnie and what she has lost and the interaction in the room where you get to learn so much about her personality in like a 5 minute span, and Marlon's dark understory and his efforts to hide it all in one episode. It's probably my number 1 once nostalgia sets in.
From the Gallows I think? - Was this the episode where you confess to that roid head David that you been smashing his wife Kate? If so I love this episode lol. I love throwing fists with the alcoholic prick but most of all I love making out with his girl in front of him. Of course maybe a bit harsh, I really thought David was a pain in the ass. Aside from thickening the plot for a fairly awesome ending. I thought the episode was amazing. The ending was incredible imo. I love how we get insight to where Clem's story is heading, where Javier and Kate's future lies and their plans to rebuild, grow and propser as a new couple. It's really cute.
No Time Left- Lee Dies, Clem cries, nuff said
Nostalgic ending to the best season of telltale history imo. It was the prime example of the classic "Your choices you make effect the story" verbage they put before every episode. Where it all wraps up in a bow. So masterfully done in a way I don't think can be topped. Where the main antagonist of the game intertwines with a thought minor decision many episodes prior. How the whole plot line comes back on you. The words Lee says to Clem as he dies that get carried over for seasons and seasons in the future. It's truly incredible.
In Harms Way- Finally got to bash Carver's head in lol. The demise of one of the greatest Villains in TT history. Boy was that gruesome af and it showed a Kenny in a new light, his hardened dark mentality. The "She isn't like the others, she's not scared to look it in the eyes" not word for word but that quote he said when Clem decided to stay was dark. I love this whole episode, from sneaking and trying to escape.
My 5 worst episodes will be the first 2 episodes from TNF and the whole Michonne season lol.
Im only going to list my top 5 from best to worst because I’m lazy, but here we go.
Randall and Nora were definitely the best part of that game, especially Randall. I totally forgot that the episode had the ‘kill/spare Randall’ which was definitely the best/hardest choice in the whole game, just wish it would’ve actually affected ep 3 more. Now that I think about it, Randall was probably my favorite villain in the whole series. I just hated the whole ‘Michonne seeing her dead children’ thing, and the final choice in the game was probably the dumbest decision Telltale could’ve made, like I laughed the first time I played cuz y would I stay with these imaginary children who have been jump scaring me the whole game lmao.
--for HALF-assed!?!
Discounting 400 Days and never played Michonne.
Season One:
1) Around Every Corner - yep, you're reading that right. As much as it dragged at times (especially between meeting Molly and meeting Vernon), I really enjoyed meeting the new characters and exploring areas such as the school. My main gripe was being forced to snap at Vernon rather than politely reject his Clementine proposal.
2) Starved For Help
3) No Time Left
4) A New Day
5) Long Road Ahead - starting the train was a very tedious procedure. The only real positive from then onwards IMO was teaching Clem to shoot.
Season Two:
1) No Going Back
2) In Harm's Way
3) All That Remains
4) A House Divided
5) Amid The Ruins
A New Frontier:
1) Thicker Than Water
2) Above The Law
3) From The Gallows
4) TTB I