Save Telltale



  • Because we all know that Valve has a great track record in releasing third instalments... :p

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Maybe Valve because they bought Campo Santo?

  • at this point, I wouldn't even say no to EA buying them out. At least we know they like to take over companies.

  • edited September 2018

    Its pretty much impossible for them to be saved, only hope would be a bigger company buying the scraps that remain if we want to hope for games like Wolf 2 and the rest of Walking Dead to see the light of day. (and it would need to happen soon)

    Yup, like you've said, unless another company buys Telltale (as parent company), all the talent behind the previous projects (for Wolf 2, people like Nicole Martinez, Jessica Krause, Jason Latino etc etc) will be taken by other companies.

    If that happens, it won't be Telltale's Wolf/TWD at all (even if these games somehow happen after those events occur). At least if another company buys Telltale (in quick and decisive manner), perhaps most (if not all) the crew behind these projects can be saved.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its pretty much impossible for them to be saved, only hope would be a bigger company buying the scraps that remain if we want to hope for games like Wolf 2 and the rest of Walking Dead to see the light of day. (and it would need to happen soon)

  • Given what they did with IO and Hitman there is a small chance that Warner could try and pick up the Batman and Fables stuff, rerelease all three games and help fund WAU 2 and possibly a final season of Batman. I say it’s unlikely though.

  • Sad to see telltale end like this. Really wish we could have gotten more MCSM, and I wish we could have seen the Stranger Things game also.?

  • Will the games that already released be pulled of Stream Store?? dose anyone know what will happen??? i know this website will close but what about Sam and Max, the other TWD seasons, batman, Guridans of the Galexy Tales, GOT S1 will they all be pulled from the internet too T_T this is a nightmare it feels too surreal for me

  • Bioware was in similar situation to Telltale (though not quite as bad) when it was taken over by EA. Without them there would have been no Mass Effect 2 + 3 or Dragon Age. That said, in 2008 there was a huge market for MMORPGs, and EA wanted to cash in. Not sure there is really a big market for Telltale style games in 2018, making a potential buyout less likely.

  • It is really disappointing to see telltale fall like this.Especially knowing that there will not be any further games.I am still postif that they will finish the Walking Dead no matter what.

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