The Final Season NOT officially cancelled (YET) - Mike Futter discussing its future w/ Telltale CEO



  • Good news is Skybound opened their gaming division so there’s a chance they can finish TFS fun Telltale can’tz

  • It's not that new and it's only for publishing.


    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Good news is Skybound opened their gaming division so there’s a chance they can finish TFS fun Telltale can’tz

  • Might be our only hope to see an ending for TFS.

  • damn...

    Turns out the situation between Telltale and its workers is even more unpleasant than we first thought.

  • I just heard about all this, so what does this mean for future titles such as Wolf and Super Show? Is the company shutting down?

  • edited September 2018

    All planned projects are cancelled... and Super Show was cancelled years back.

    I just heard about all this, so what does this mean for future titles such as Wolf and Super Show? Is the company shutting down?

  • Cancelled, probably

    I just heard about all this, so what does this mean for future titles such as Wolf and Super Show? Is the company shutting down?

  • Pretty much, all future titles have been cancelled, TFS' looks like will end with ep2, and there are 25 people left to finish a deal made with Netflix to put Minecraft Story Mode on the platform.

    After that it looks like TellTale closes for good.

    I just heard about all this, so what does this mean for future titles such as Wolf and Super Show? Is the company shutting down?

  • I am 28 years old.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    I am sorry but I have a question for you. Since the forums might shut down soon, I might not get another chance to ask. I've been seeing a l

  • At this point I am just gonna accept that TWD will end at Ep 2. Unless a miracle happens and Telltale find more money and re-hire all the staff, then there won't be an episode 3 or 4.

  • edited September 2018

    I was just about to start my replay of all 4 walking dead games in preparation for the final season.
    Good lord. This is abominable. How could this happen? :#

  • Same

    bluewalker posted: »

    I'm praying for the chance of they finishing the game using what they already have for episode 3. I don't know man, I'll accept anything at this point.

  • Ye I was doing the same thing, but everything is irrelevant now.

    Louche posted: »

    I LEAVE FOR TWO MONTHS AND THIS IS WHAT I COME BACK TO? I was just about to start my replay of all 4 walking dead games in preparation for the final season. Good lord. This is abominable. How could this happen?

  • edited September 2018

    Sorry but thats the lead director

    Edit: OMG oops wrong gif but i cbb to get the proper image so just idk

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