The reason for Clem not going back to Richmond may be as simple as...

...Clem realizing that every group she ever comes in contact with could wind up dead. She wouldn't want that to happen to Javier's family as well. She wouldn't be the first one to catch onto it either. She may have been on her way out of the facility, spoken to somebody who was living on the Ranch about her experience with groups, and they say something to the effect that "This seems like a pattern for you, Clem. Think about it," and convinces her not to go back for that very reason. It would be sort of like Max Caulfield's conversation with Warren in Episode 5 of Life is Strange regarding her powers. The only hole in this theory is explaining why she would join the Ericson's with all this in mind, which could just be the fact that these people actually needed her help to deal with Marlon and Lilly.


  • its not like a curse or anything its merely a coincidence. Well i don't know if you can call it that since the chances of dying in the zombie apocalypse are extremely die.

    Think of it more like Clem only has everyone around her die because she's with them long enough to see them die.

  • I don't think that's it. I believe that Clem (our Clem, so of course it's dependant on the player if the developers were to make it so) would trust Richmond now that Javi (again determinant on the player) is in charge. They can make it work, they just need to try their hardest that sounds moist but ok

  • Eh, she wouldn't stick around the kids from Ericson if that were the case

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