Are Telltale listening to the complaints about the difficulty-level of their games?



  • edited February 2007
    Hmm yes i remember that i felt that both were too short. I had quite fun with them although i wouldn't count full throttle as one of the bests. It has great offences and the sound design generally was very good. Very good german localisation too but the game wasn't this round in my opinion and the graphics were not always looking this good.

    I don't know if it's easy as i've never done this genre but if i take e2 for instance i had the feeling that whilst i somehow was fine with the playing time i also missed some more gameplay and detail here and there. The choosen setting was quite perfect for loops which enlarge the playing time without feeling too much artificial due to how these things work and as you're more or less common with them. Take for instance the scene were you had to act. If it was wrong. Next take: Start it all over again. *tic tac* And if i already have such scenes in the game i would have thought to make things a little bit longer. And whilst were at it add some inventory puzzles and so on.

    Anyway the characters were very good, i hope to see the female director (by the way what's her name?) and Hugh again. Now breath in some more depth.

    PS: Myra also was good, only the soda peppers get on my nerves. I wish i could play Max everytime i see them...
  • edited February 2007
    Hey man, don´t look at just the first five. If you´d looked at all 24 of them, you would have noticed that in 17 of them the easy puzzle difficulty was viewed more or less negatively. And in the rest of those reviews easiness was mentioned but the reviewer didn´t mind that much or found the easiness to be a positive thing.

    So, it pretty much is actually brought up everywhere.

    I looked at the first five because I don't have time looking at all of them. But no, I'm taught in logic and math classes that everywhere means everywhere. But the fact that they do not bring up puzzles at all is pretty damning to your point that most reviews say "it has always been like: "It´s a good and funny game, but...and then some bitching about the difficulty or length.."

    This is very different from bringing up that the "puzzle difficulty is viewed more or less negatively."

    I don't think I have to look at all the reviews to believe that most of these reviews probably do not say "It's a good and funny game, but...and then some bitching about the difficulty or length." Most time in these reviews are spent talking about the plot, script, characters, etc.
  • edited February 2007
    numble wrote: »
    I looked at the first five because I don't have time looking at all of them. But no, I'm taught in logic and math classes that everywhere means everywhere. But the fact that they do not bring up puzzles at all is pretty damning to your point that most reviews say "it has always been like: "It´s a good and funny game, but...and then some bitching about the difficulty or length.."

    This is very different from bringing up that the "puzzle difficulty is viewed more or less negatively."

    I don't think I have to look at all the reviews to believe that most of these reviews probably do not say "It's a good and funny game, but...and then some bitching about the difficulty or length." Most time in these reviews are spent talking about the plot, script, characters, etc.

    Anyway, let´s stick to the things that are observable: basically everyone say the games are too easy, some don´t mind, some do, but most say they wouldn´t mind a little challenge.

    Yeah, but I thought we were talking about people´s opinions on puzzles, not their opinions on the quality of the game. First of all, there were like 2 reviews out of 24 where puzzle difficulty wasn´t even mentioned. In the rest of them it was mentioned. ALL of them thought the puzzles were easy. 17 of the reviewers had more or less of a problem with the easiness. Like one person thought it is a good thing that the puzzles are so easy. I think you should take some statistics lessons too, so you would notice how everyone thinks it´s too easy.

    OK, I understand what you mean by saying that they are not like saying that the plot is pretty good and then write five pages of the difficulty level. BUT, the general consensus among the reviewers seems to be that gameplay wise the game pretty much sucks (and it seems that it isn´t even worth writing about) and the strength of the game is in the plot, characters etc. etc.

    Anyway, I probably should have said it in a lot more cleverer way originally. Maybe you partly misunderstood me. I´ll try again:

    As far as puzzle difficulty is concerned basically everyone agrees that even an idiot can beat the game. It´s too fucking easy.
  • edited February 2007
    Yeah, I'd admit that I focused more on your first part and less on the last sentence, which I may be inclined to partially agree with.
  • edited February 2007
    I might have sounded a little harsh, so I hope you didn´t take my previous post as a personal insult.

    Also, I originally expressed myself in a way that wasn´t the clearest in he world. You know, Englisg isn´t my main language. Hopefully you understood what I was trying to say.
  • edited February 2007
    Well it looks like 4-5-6 are going to be more of a challenge, so I'm looking forward to those episodes.. :)
  • edited February 2007
    Let's watch the language, please.
  • edited February 2007
    Heh--Dan Connors mentions this forum thread in this Gamers with Jobs podcast interview that he just recently did. (Interview starts at 23 minutes--the mention of this thread--with context--comes in around the 44:45 mark).
  • edited February 2007
    Yes the guy admitted he's a complete idiot! lets make games for him!

    On a serious note..great interview with Dan..he talked about the difficulty of getting out 6 episodes in 6 months..and working with Gametap..interesting stuff.
  • edited February 2007
    Also hints at developments on the Wii/XBOX360/PS3 front.

    And between the press release and this interview, I feel like I've been sorta spoiled as to what the 6th episode will be about.
  • edited February 2007
    Oh he also said they are hitting their stride with episodes 4 and 5..and that they are really funny
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    numble wrote: »
    And between the press release and this interview, I feel like I've been sorta spoiled as to what the 6th episode will be about.

    Ooh did Dan give away spoilers in the interivew? I haven't listened to it yet. Shady.
  • edited February 2007
    Press release:
    an insidious foe that will challenge the crimefighting duo as never before in a truly out-of-this world season finale.

    GWJ interview:
    "...with Sam and Max you really don't ever have to bring it back to Earth, so we'll see--actually, I guess that's a little foreshadowing right there [in an oops tone]"

    Now of course both these instances taken alone have more figurative meanings... but it's somewhat shady when it happens twice.
  • edited February 2007
    numble wrote: »
    Tobias: If you go to, you'll see that Sam and Max has been the most played game on that network for the past three weeks, and there has not been any adventure games--as far as I recall--in the top rankings, so you might not be entirely correct with your prediction that most players of Culture Shock are experienced adventure gamers. After all, Gametap includes a whole bunch of Sierra's adventure games, a bunch of the Zork adventure games, as well as the Last Express.

    Maybe there are just more Sam and Max fans then those other series - I mean its had a good 10 years to brew a dedicated fan base.
  • edited February 2007
    I think the gametap audience and the hit the road audience is quite different.. I would think gametap would be rapt at how well Sam & Max has done.
  • edited February 2007
    This is now obviously a massive issue, and I wish to know what the developers intend to do about it, so far I feel the value for money is too low at this point having paid for the whole series. Unless the last couple of episodes are longer and significantly harder then I will be left with a bitter taste in my mouth and probably avoid any future Sam and Max endevours.

    This is a very unique and rare circumstance where the developers have chance to listen to their customers thoughts and expectations and actually react to them so that future expectations can be met, I really hope they do because the games are otherwise very good.
  • edited February 2007
    I definalty hope that the next episode of Sam and Max is a bit harder. Episode 3 was good but far too easy,It just felt like a stroll from one thing to the next and before I knew it, I was like "Oh have I completed it already"

    At least I'm hoping the last episode will be good, a bit longer in game length(Just cause it will be the last one in the series) and just a bit harder, surely its not too much to ask is it Telltale??
  • edited February 2007
    Well, I played ep.3. I have pretty much nothing to say about it. Goodbye and fuck you Telltale.
  • edited February 2007
    Well, I played ep.3. I have pretty much nothing to say about it. Goodbye and fuck you Telltale.

    Wow... someone needs to lay off the coffee.

    I was partly disappointed at the near-inexistent difficulty level of Episode 3 as well, but you're just being rambunctious and down-right rude, mate. There's this new fad out called "constructive criticism". Give it a go.
  • edited February 2007
    MrSneeze wrote: »
    Wow... someone needs to lay off the coffee.

    I was partly disappointed at the near-inexistent difficulty level of Episode 3 as well, but you're just being rambunctious and down-right rude, mate. There's this new fad out called "constructive criticism". Give it a go.

    There's seems to be a strain of thought among some that, if one is extremely rude and dismissive, the people they direct such vitriol to will embrace such responses and tailor the product to their needs.

    ...I don't get it either.
  • edited February 2007
    Well..... didn't expect that. I knew he was standoffish, but damn, that was cold.
  • edited February 2007
    Were you guys raised in some super happy farmland or something?

    The guy was pissed and left. Nothing special happened. No need to keep dwelling on it and acting like the world should be super happy and that he was "rude" for getting pissed and leaving... give it a rest.
  • edited February 2007
  • edited February 2007
    Udvarnoky wrote: »

    Couldn't say house... I just think of amish country type stuff when I think of a super happy environment.. plus, it couldn't be a super happy cityscape.
  • edited February 2007
    shadow9d9 wrote: »
    Were you guys raised in some super happy farmland or something?

    The guy was pissed and left. Nothing special happened. No need to keep dwelling on it and acting like the world should be super happy and that he was "rude" for getting pissed and leaving... give it a rest.

    shadow9d9, my comment was based on a long experience with Kunkku-Antti posts, both here and on the Adventure-Europe developer chats (Hint: A lot of unneeded profanity, insults, threats and vitriol). This is coupled with his initial and almost constant reassurance after-the-fact, with things like, "So, don´t take that too seriously and personally. I am actually a laid back and humorous guy and I usually don´t want to offend anyone." He also has mentioned that he feels he needs to use vitriol and--guess what, rudeness--in order for Telltale to respond positively to his comments.

    That's the context of my comment. So don't admonish us for calling him "rude" when he already professes to purposely be rude.

    And no, this isn't about me disliking Kunkku-Antti for having a different opinion--in fact, I was the one that PMed him and directed him to the Adventure-Europe Telltale developer chat while it was in progress, so that he would have a chance to directly give the game designers his opinions on the game.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    The guy was pissed and left. Nothing special happened.

    Telling the company that runs this website and forum to fuck themselves is "something special", and it's not acceptable.

    I'm closing this thread, since it's run its course and then some. Yes, we're listening to users' feedback. No, we won't put up with people getting mean and nasty with us. Simple distinction.
This discussion has been closed.