I'm Italian and I'm still waiting for season two

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
Can anyone explain me why the hell Atari is delaying the Season Two release so much?
It's been two (TWO!!!) years since Season Two original release, why are we Italian fans waiting so long for the DVD release?
Is this happening in other european countries too? I don't know, what I know is that I'm really pissed off at Atari. :mad:
At least I hope the subtitles will be perfect (not like the shit work JoWood made with season one!).

Sorry for the rash :D


  • edited October 2009
    You DO realize it was released worldwide dont you.
  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2009
    I think he's talking about the PC/Wii retail release. We'll have news on that soon, I hope!
  • edited October 2009
    Of course I'm talking about the PC release, I'm not that dumb :)
  • edited October 2009
    Vitoner wrote: »
    Can anyone explain me why the hell Atari is delaying the Season Two release so much?
    It's been two (TWO!!!) years since Season Two original release, why are we Italian fans waiting so long for the DVD release?
    Is this happening in other european countries too? I don't know, what I know is that I'm really pissed off at Atari. :mad:
    At least I hope the subtitles will be perfect (not like the shit work JoWood made with season one!).

    Sorry for the rash :D

    I understand you, i'm italian too (siamo compari, insomma :D), and I was forced to play it in english due to these long times.
  • edited October 2009
    Pure io alla fine ci ho giocato in inglese, un mese fa. Non ne potevo più di aspettare! Fatto sta che con 'sto giochetto me la sono dovuta comprare, e me la ricomprerò in italiano... [cit.:e io pago!] :(
    In the end I played it in english too, a month ago. I couldn't wait much longer! But the problem is that with this "trick" I had to buy it, and I will re-buy it when it'll be released in Italian... [italian movie citation :P] :(
  • edited October 2009
    Are you getting an Italian dub or just Italian subtitles?

    I can understand the dubbing taking a long time, but having to wait 2 years for a subtitle job is not so nice indeed.
  • edited October 2009
    Heh, yeah I've also been wondering about Atari. It surely takes long. How many languages are they going to translate the game in, anyway?

    I'm Finnish, and although S&M isn't going to get a finnish dub/sub, we're most likely getting an European package with all the language options, so.. we'll have to wait for about as long as you guys. In fact, I think none of the European countries have the retail release yet. I hope they are done with it soon. :(

    But you're definitely not the only one waiting, that's for sure. :D
  • edited October 2009
    I'm still waiting for the release on Wii in England. Seems like it's been forever. I don't understand why it's taking so long. :(
  • edited October 2009
    I'm from Spain, and I'm also waiting for the game. The worst thing of all is that the store I usually buy my videogames told me they would have it on June. Then, they changed it to July. They then told me they would sell it on September, and I'm still waiting ^^U.

    I think this one is the last one: They'll have it this week, Oct. 31 . I REALLY hope it's true, I want to buy it with spanish subtitles for my PC.

    Thank you all, I don't feel alone any more :)
  • edited October 2009
    I'm from Spain, and I'm also waiting for the game. The worst thing of all is that the store I usually buy my videogames told me they would have it on June. Then, they changed it to July. They then told me they would sell it on September, and I'm still waiting ^^U.

    I think this one is the last one: They'll have it this week, Oct. 31 . I REALLY hope it's true, I want to buy it with spanish subtitles for my PC.

    Thank you all, I don't feel alone any more :)

    I wouldn't hold your breath. I have had this on pre-order from Amazon UK (who were initially promising it for August) and I have just had this email:
    We regret to inform you that we have been unable to obtain the following item:
    "Sam & Max: Season 2 (PC)"

    We apologise for the length of time it has taken us to reach this conclusion. Until recently, we had still hoped to obtain this item for you.

    This item has now been cancelled from your order <XXX> and we can confirm that you have not been charged for it.

    We are no longer able to offer this item for sale. Our supplier has informed us that this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.

    Please accept our apologies for any disappointment or inconvenience caused.

    I'm hoping that this simply means that Amazon got bored, but I have a nasty feeling that it means that the retail release by Atari may have been canned...
  • edited October 2009
    I think I'm going to cry in a few seconds...
  • edited October 2009
    Aww ... *hugs* I'm sure if Atari were really canceling it they'd tell Telltale about it.
  • edited October 2009

    Well, at least their official site has still the game up.. but there's no release date shown anymore.

    Yeah, I'm sure they'd have informed Telltale first. Atari can't do this to us! They just can't, and I'm sure they wouldn't want to meet the rage of all the European fans.. + our torches and pitchforks. :D
  • edited October 2009
    Trica wrote: »

    Well, at least their official site has still the game up.. but there's no release date shown anymore.

    Yeah, I'm sure they'd have informed Telltale first. Atari can't do this to us! They just can't, and I'm sure they wouldn't want to meet the rage of all the European fans.. + our torches and pitchforks. :D
    I think it's been already said by somebody somewhere, but if not, I say it again here.
    Namco Bandai/Atari, the European retailers, have delayed the launch of the game to 2010 fiscal year. That is: Don't you expect the game to be out any earlier than April-May 2010
  • edited October 2009
    Same stuff in Germany. Right now it's scheduled for December 2009. And it's even not guaranteed that they will get the same voices as in Season One, because the distributor has changed from Jowood to Atari.
  • edited November 2009
    Ok... Seems were not having it for last week, as they told me...

    Well... does anyone know if Telltale Games will have the individual episodes with european subtitles? Becuase I preffer buying them one by one rather than waiting even more months for de DVD...
  • edited November 2009
    the funny thing:rolleyes: is that now we can buy the english dvd version for 19.95$(13,45€).But if we want italians subtitles, we have to wait till april-may 2010 and spend 40€(59$).:mad:
  • edited November 2009
    Sincerly, i played the first Season with ita Subs...but, playing the second one in Eng it was better...some jokes could not be translated...so...i think this time (i bought Season one two times) i'll not buy the reatail Version...
  • edited November 2009
    I've also been wondering about this. I actually have Season Two already, but I'm still gonna buy the DVD... That is, whenever it comes out.

    One gaming store's website has claimed for a long while that the game should have been released today, however, it hasn't been released. Now it's telling me that the game will be released on 22th of January 2010, but I guess it gets delayed - Again.
    Oddly enough, the website hasn't changed the release date for the Wii version - Maybe they just forgot about it, or maybe it really was released today. But then again, the website claims that the Wii version is "out of stock"... *shrug* So yeah, I'm pretty sure they just forgot to change the release date.

    Hopefully Season Two will be released soon. =)
  • edited November 2009
    What I don't understand is why can't we have the translated game when they already have it translated for XBLA... I always thought that the delay came because of the translation, but now I see this and... well, don't understand.

    I wouldn't mind buying the XBLA version, but... I don't know, I'd like to play it on PC, and have a DVD, with its box, booklet... :D
  • edited November 2009
    Well, they usually don't just translate the subtitles, but also to voice dubbing, and that can take some time. Or didn't they do it for Italian version of Season 1?
    PS: it's probably a sales thing, too. Like getting more money when releasing it around Christmas season.
  • edited November 2009
    I don't know if the italian version had translated voices. I'm pretty sure it didn't have spanish voices...

    Let us see if they don't make us wait more than 2 months more... (I hope season three won't have nothing to do with Atari, please!!!)
  • edited November 2009
    What I don't get is: Why don't you just buy Season 2 in the Telltale store? You could've had the games ages ago that way.
  • edited November 2009
    I hope future Sam&Max season would be like Wallace&Gromit: XBLA from day one, and therefore multilanguage from day one.
  • edited November 2009
    What I don't get is: Why don't you just buy Season 2 in the Telltale store? You could've had the games ages ago that way.

    Becuase I'd like to have the DVD and the spanish subtitles. Bringing the DVD to Spain would cost at least 10$, and it wouldn't have spanish subtitles.
  • edited November 2009
    What I don't get is: Why don't you just buy Season 2 in the Telltale store? You could've had the games ages ago that way.

    Credit Card. I don't have one, and my family is resistent for letting me to borrow theirs. :) (although they have let me use it a few times before, but this time it's a strict no.)

    No offense, but I'm getting tired of people asking the same thing all over and over again. I'm sure all of us retail-waiters have a valid reason for not buying the game from the Telltale store. :D Heck, if I just were able to, I'd go and order one right away!
  • edited November 2009
    From GAMESTOP store: S&M season 2 from 18/02/2010...

    2 years (season 2 was out on november 2007!) waiting for a translation.... and 99% without voices, only with subtitles...
  • edited November 2009
    Vitoner wrote: »
    Sorry for the rash :D

    It's not the rash i'm angry at, it's that you didn't tell me! :mad:

    Ahhhh :), I think the important thing here is, that I think i'm funny
  • edited November 2009
    @ Bloody Eugene:
    The delay of Sam & Max Season 2 on Europe is not Telltale's fault. Well, not mainly Telltale's.
    The biggest fault belongs to Namco Bandai/Atari, who is the European distributor of the game. I don't know their motives to delay the launch of the game, but they are, not Telltale, who are having bad marketing strategies. In my opinion, the only valid motive for such a delay is they are doing a full translation, dubbing it to several languages, which I sincerely doubt. And if they finally only localice the subtitles, I will not buy it. Yes, bad marketing, but from Namco Bandai/Atari.
    The only thing I can blame on Telltale is that they could have press Namco Bandai/Atari a little more to get the game launched earlier, or that they could have give us more news about the retailer, launching dates, etc... But they are a small company, and maybe they haven't enough power to press the big companies such as Atari
  • edited November 2009
    Well, I think bloody eugine said it right: They made a bad choice.

    And I suppose they haven't pressed enough. But on top of it, TTG should at least know when the game will be released on Europe, instead of leaving us without any information for us Europeans...

    I'm very sad for this, really sad. I don't know if I'll finally buy the game when it comes to Europe. Atari doesn't deserve my money.
  • edited November 2009
    Well, I think bloody eugine said it right: They made a bad choice.

    A bad choice. Right. Of course, we have no idea if they actually had a better choice. For the record.
  • edited November 2009
    Well, I would buy the game from the Telltale Store, but my English is pretty poor an Sam & Max are the series with the most difficult English. Why they can't put the subtitles from the XBLA-Version in the PC-Version. That would be enough. I don't need the German voices, just the subtitles.
  • edited November 2009
    JPS257 wrote: »
    Well, I would buy the game from the Telltale Store, but my English is pretty poor an Sam & Max are the series with the most difficult English. Why they can't put the subtitles from the XBLA-Version in the PC-Version. That would be enough. I don't need the German voices, just the subtitles.
    Do Xbox360 version have subtitles and translation in other language than english?:mad::mad::mad:
    i want subtitles in other language in pc downloadable version too, this is really meaningless!
    Just why don't add at least subtitles?:confused:
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2009
    XBLA just has subtitles, not voices.
  • edited November 2009
    This is why I wish TTG allowed for us to modify the subtitle files so that we could do unofficial translations for the English version. I hope they build in this ability in future versions of the Telltale Tool.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2009
    Translated versions will happen sooner or later, we promise. Sometimes international licensing is a tricky beast.
  • edited November 2009
    From GAMESTOP store: S&M season 2 from 18/02/2010...

    2 years (season 2 was out on november 2007!) waiting for a translation.... and 99% without voices, only with subtitles...

    That's why I love the fact that games are rarely subbed or dubbed in my language. I'm interested in only one version of a game, and that's the one which is most worked on, English that is. So that I don't go apeturd if something bad happens on the version I was waiting, which is unluckily a version that's not that well done. Yeah, I'm awesome.

  • edited December 2009
    I'm still waiting for the release on Wii in England. Seems like it's been forever. I don't understand why it's taking so long. :(
    Why don't you buy it from here, it's in english, I don't have to wait for it because of this site, Though to be honest, I bought season 1 from amazon, before I was a member on this, of course.
  • edited February 2010
    Just to say that now Gamestop says the game will be release on 27/05/2010:rolleyes: http://www.gamestop.it/29123_157971852_PC_Sam_Max_Season_Two.aspx
  • edited February 2010
    For the record, the first episode was released in November of 2007, but the season wasn't completed until April of 2008 so it hasn't been two years yet. Second of all, I realize it's frustrating not to be able to a play a game the way you'd like, and to wait so long a time for it besides, but at least you'll be able to play it. There are British radio plays I'd love to buy, but they're not available for sale in the US due to copyright issues, supposedly. They're in English and on CDs, so there is absolutely no region encoding problem, but I can only order them from the BBC website and they will not ship to any but a British address. The chance of a US release is slim to none since they're hardly known even in the UK, let alone the States.
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