Sam & Max Xbox Avatar Clothing

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
Why don't they release Sam & Max Avatar Items!


  • edited October 2009
    Agent P29 wrote: »
    Why don't they release Sam & Max Avatar Items!

    Probably because, it takes a lot of time to create them for XBL. Telltale, as I'm guessing doesn't have the time to work on them.
  • edited October 2009
    I wish they would make askull max bones shirt. I would gladly pay 60 microsoft points for that.
  • edited October 2009
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I wish they would make askull max bones shirt. I would gladly pay 60 microsoft points for that.

    The hat and shirt combo.
  • edited January 2010
    My Lil Bro wants Sams Suit and Hat so badly. Me, I just want anything from Sam and Max for my Avatar.
  • edited January 2010
    There's another one of these threads floaitng about...

    I still want a little Max to run rabbid around my feet firing his gun randomly! :D
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