future sam as villian

edited November 2009 in Sam & Max
I read somewhere that future sam was in consideration of being the season 2 villian. What do you think the end of the season would of been like if he had been the mastermind instead of the soda poppers?


  • edited October 2009
    "I can't use those two things together!"
  • edited October 2009
    "I can't use those two things together!"

    "I can't shoot max!"... Promtly followed by him shooting max!
  • edited October 2009
    It would have been better if it was Flint Paper.

    Chair turns around.
    Flint: Hiya fellas!
  • edited October 2009
    It would have been better if it was Flint Paper.

    Chair turns around.
    Flint: Hiya fellas!

    Yeah, that would be awesome!
    When i saw the first episode of the second season I totally thought it was going to be him. Because everyone Max loves turn out to be villains(Hugh Bliss, Soda Poppers)!
  • edited October 2009
    Yeah, that would be awesome!
    When i saw the first episode of the second season I totally thought it was going to be him. Because everyone Max loves turn out to be villains(Hugh Bliss, Soda Poppers)!

    It would be master vs. apprentice as they have an epic gunfight throughout hell on the soul train! Sam, however, rigs it by feeding him Satan's pork rinds, unveiling his true form: A formation of sentient bacteria! Oh, wait. Erm... A Bloated Pagan God! Hmm... GOD HIMSELF! and then you throw him off the train, and Max, upon killing god, becomes god.
  • edited October 2009
    I read somewhere that future sam was in consideration of being the season 2 villian. What do you think the end of the season would of been like if he had been the mastermind instead of the soda poppers?
    Where did you read that? I know he appeared as a villain in one of the alternate endings on the Season 2 DVD.

    I don't think future Sam is in a state to mastermind anything. The only lucid thing he says "I shot him! Five times! I almost hit him."

    I really liked the Homestar Runner alternate ending. I'm pretty sure Homestar isn't evil, but it would've been funny if he was the villain. Maybe it was
    Dangeresque Too's evil robot duplicate Uzi Bazooka
    ! (spoilers for Dangeresque 3)
  • edited October 2009
    I read somewhere that future sam was in consideration of being the season 2 villian. What do you think the end of the season would of been like if he had been the mastermind instead of the soda poppers?
    Could you please put spoilers on who is the main villan
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Where did you read that? I know he appeared as a villain in one of the alternate endings on the Season 2 DVD.

    I don't think future Sam is in a state to mastermind anything. The only lucid thing he says "I shot him! Five times! I almost hit him."

    I really liked the Homestar Runner alternate ending. I'm pretty sure Homestar isn't evil, but it would've been funny if he was the villain. Maybe it was
    Dangeresque Too's evil robot duplicate Uzi Bazooka[/spoilers]! (spoilers for Dangeresque 3)

    You didn't put the spoilers on right. it is [ /spoiler] minus the space(if I add the space, it oddly puts spoilers around your post:o) not [/spoilers] on that last spoiler tag.
  • edited October 2009
    I know, it was a typo. Thanks for telling me, though.
  • edited October 2009
    I kind of like the idea of an alternate timeline Max being the main antagonist.
  • edited October 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I kind of like the idea of an alternate timeline Max being the main antagonist.

    I've been dreaming about this for a long time. I think a good storyline for that would be if the two got into a fight and Max decided he wanted to oppose Sam as a villain.
    That would be awesome. :D
  • edited October 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    I've been dreaming about this for a long time. I think a good storyline for that would be if the two got into a fight and Max decided he wanted to oppose Sam as a villain.
    That would be awesome. :D

    I second it! Though Max should be doing it in secret, with only the subtlest hints, like when sam is about to find the clue to crack the (current) case (before it's ever revealed it's Max) say "I dont think you should do that, sam" trying to lead him astray. All the while he slips off occasionally, either to "use the bathroom" or for some other ludicrus excuse and is giving orders to his minions.

    Even better idea!

    As above, but in the last eppisode, Sam is about to pick up a rare artifact, extensive electronic component, etc, and....

    Max: I wouldnt do that sam
    Sam: We always do things we shoudlnt do, little buddy
    Max: *draws his gun* I really wouldnt do that sam
    Sam: Max, how many times were you told not to point guns at people
    Max: I figured out the truth sam, It wasnt Dicaprio behind all the heists, it was you!

    At this point the interface fades and enters a cutscene

    Sam: *manical laugh* I'm amazed you figured it out! Indeed all those cases we "solved" I was using them to get together hte components for my doomsday device. Now I will take over hte world and you cant stop me!

    Now the interface reapears and the player controls Max and has to stop Sam from taking over the world!

    Of course this has the undortunate sid-eeffect of ending the franchise... Unless "sam" was really an evil robot clone that replace the REAL sam in S3E1! And we didnt even notice! So Max defeats the evil sam and the REAL sam escapes and explains everything!

    ...amd Max would laugh and say "I knew it wasnt you all the time, Sam, he didndt taste the same as you!"

    ...leaving the audience to wonder what the hell was going on between eppisodes...
  • edited October 2009
    I meant that Max would be the villain, but whatever.
    I could just picture him running around in a dark cloak. :)
  • edited November 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    Unless "sam" was really an evil robot clone that replace the REAL sam in S3E1! And we didnt even notice!
    Well how about this: It happened during
    that year and a half that they relived(but which we didn't see).
  • edited November 2009
    Yeah, that would be awesome!
    When i saw the first episode of the second season I totally thought it was going to be him. Because everyone Max loves turn out to be villains(Hugh Bliss, Soda Poppers)!

    Yep, and Sam ussually hates them or can't stand them. For the other side, Sam loves Flint too. So... no...
  • edited November 2009
    Hubert wrote: »
    Well how about this: It happened during
    that year and a half that they relived(but which we didn't see).

    But we know what happened during that year, and a half.(S1.)

    I agree with Ginny.
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