Happy birthday max!

edited November 2009 in Sam & Max
Did anyone else remember Max's birthday today? At least, I hope it's today, or I'd look pretty stupid right now. XD
I've got no life.

So, how old do you guys think he is?

I dare someone to bring up the mariachis in this thread.
Aw, dang it, I just did that, didn't I?


  • edited October 2009
    Here was Yesterday, but who cares.


    Did somebody say birthday?
  • edited October 2009
    Well...I know I'll just shoot off some rounds, and rip someone kidney's out in honor.
  • edited October 2009
    I can only remember Sam's birthday. For some reason I find October birthdays to be very hard to remember. Half the time I think they're in September.

    Also, Sam's is easier to remember because it's four days before mine and the day the sequel to Hit the Road was cancelled.
    So, how old do you guys think he is?
    He's been giving his age as sixteen for a very long, except when buying alcohol or running for president?
  • edited October 2009
    I'd like to see what jumps out of the cake at Max's birthday.
  • edited October 2009
    I'd like to see what jumps out of the cake at Max's birthday.

    Would he have a cake or a giant glazed McGuffin?
  • edited October 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    He's been giving his age as sixteen for a very long, except when buying alcohol or running for president?

    Ok, I'm not that versed in Sam and Max: When did he give that age?
  • edited October 2009
    Never, I made it up. I don't think his age is ever mentioned, but he was an impressionable preteen in 1980, which would make him about forty.
  • edited October 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Never, I made it up. I don't think his age is ever mentioned, but he was an impressionable preteen in 1980, which would make him about forty.


    I always imagine them about 30-35 or something. And Max younger than Sam by one year. Of, course, since they are cartoon characters, they have the same age until their birthdays, suddenly go down 1 year in this day, go back to their actual age and repeat the process.
  • edited October 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »

    I always imagine them about 30-35 or something. And Max younger than Sam by one year. Of, course, since they are cartoon characters, they have the same age until their birthdays, suddenly go down 1 year in this day, go back to their actual age and repeat the process.

    Max is younger than Sam? But they were in the same classes together. That would mean that either Sam would have to have failed a grade, or Max would have to have been skipped ahead a grade, and I really don't think either has happened.
  • edited October 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Never, I made it up. I don't think his age is ever mentioned, but he was an impressionable preteen in 1980, which would make him about forty.

    Well, I think they changed the charachter backgrounds, because in the animated show, he went to High school in the 70's.

    I don't think it's ever mentioned in the comics what era, they went to school in either.
  • edited October 2009
    It's vaguely alluded to. In the Pondering of the Ages one-page thing, there's a panel that's captioned "Swap yearbooks with someone roughly your own age and take a look- they're all the same people!"

    Max is reading a yearbook labelled 1977, and Sam is reading one labelled 1978.
  • edited October 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    It's vaguely alluded to. In the Pondering of the Ages one-page thing, there's a panel that's captioned "Swap yearbooks with someone roughly your own age and take a look- they're all the same people!"

    Max is reading a yearbook labelled 1977, and Sam is reading one labelled 1978.

    In fact, I just made this one up. I feel they had that difference of years, just because for their relationship, that all.

    I just checked, and the one Sam is holding said 1976, which means Max is older than Sam by a year. (Of course, assuming he's holding Max's Yearbook) Well, considering how I behave with my little sister, that could be too!

    Of course, we can also assuming they're holding the Yearbook of someone else of their own age, which makes Sam older than Max by a year (Did I already said I like to overthink stuff?)

    So, well, using calculations (And still assuming Sam is holding Max's Yearbook), since pondering of the ages is from 1992, that means Max go out school 16 years ago. 18 + 16 equals 34. And since he's a cartoon character, he's 34. To the end of everything.
  • edited October 2009
    He's gotta be at LEAST 35, since he's the President...
  • edited October 2009
    Has anyone noticed that in the future Sam is realy old and max is just the same as now except wearing the weird glasses.
    Also there may be a ratio between rabbit years and dog years.
  • edited October 2009
    Has anyone noticed that in the future Sam is realy old and max is just the same as now except wearing the weird glasses.
    Also there may be a ratio between rabbit years and dog years.

    Rabbits die sooner, than dogs..just my experience with them.
  • edited October 2009
    Has anyone noticed that in the future Sam is realy old and max is just the same as now except wearing the weird glasses.

    That always happen with cougholdcouplescough.

    You see, there's always one who fares really well and ends taking care of the other one who didn't fare that well. Considering Sam likes sweets, probably his dementia comes from diabetes.
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    He's gotta be at LEAST 35, since he's the President...

    They can also lie. Fake documents and what not. Considering were the Commissioner idea (And since I calculated either Sam or Max are 35), probably he takes care of that part ^^!

    (Also, there's the fact were an Emergency Election againt the Robotic Reanimated Version of Abraham Lincoln Memorial :D. Desesperate Move, Like 1000 hits)
  • edited October 2009
    Can diabetes really cause dementia? I don't know much about it, so I wouldn't know.

    And Sam's need for a wheelchair is clearly caused by hip dysplasia. It's more common in big dogs, you know.
  • edited October 2009
    It's not like I'm studing medicine, buuutttt.... My Grandmother has diabetes, which causes her memory loses, which, at the end, causes her dementia (In resume. Other stuff CAN happens). She loves sweets too, so, she didn't really take care of herself (And considering how they already live, I don't believe Sam is cappable of do that either). It's funny, because she can remember stuff from, like 30 years ago with no troubles, but something which happened like 1 hour ago is completely forgotten. When I saw Future Sam I remember her instantly, and since he also loves sweets...

    The Hip Dysplasia I have no idea. Do you study for/are veterinarian? Or did you have a lot of Big Dogs?
  • edited October 2009
    The Hip Dysplasia I have no idea. Do you study for/are veterinarian? Or did you have a lot of Big Dogs?

    My aunt had a great dane, and he had hip dysplasia, and the vet said it's common in big breeds.
  • edited October 2009
    Icedhope wrote: »
    My aunt had a great dane, and he had hip dysplasia, and the vet said it's common in big breeds.

    Well, Irish Wolfhound, according to the Wiki, is the biggest breed in earth, so, yeah.
  • edited October 2009
    I think they're the same age as whoever is creating the story they're in is. (Whomever?) And they're always made by guys in their mid-thirties (prove me wrong!). Anyway, does that mean Oct 25 is now a national holiday, or does that only work with the birthdays of Japanese emperors? I forget. (Wait, it's October? Candy month, yay!)
  • edited October 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I think they're the same age as whoever is creating the story they're in is. (Whomever?) And they're always made by guys in their mid-thirties (prove me wrong!). Anyway, does that mean Oct 25 is now a national holiday, or does that only work with the birthdays of Japanese emperors? I forget. (Wait, it's October? Candy month, yay!)

    Well... considering their first comics are from Steve Purcell went to school, I guess you can say it =P

    That mean, if I write a Fan Fic of them, they will be 25?
  • edited October 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Well... considering their first comics are from Steve Purcell went to school, I guess you can say it =P

    That mean, if I write a Fan Fic of them, they will be 25?

    Yes. For now.
  • edited October 2009
    Crap, I've been writing fanfiction with them in their 30s when I'm only 20. I don't know how I should've been handling eight-year-old and old man Sam and Max.
    The Hip Dysplasia I have no idea. Do you study for/are veterinarian? Or did you have a lot of Big Dogs?
    I'm not a vet, I just know that it's a problem in big dogs. I read it in a few places.
  • edited October 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Well... considering their first comics are from Steve Purcell went to school, I guess you can say it =P

    That mean, if I write a Fan Fic of them, they will be 25?
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Yes. For now.

    That means they should be 15 in my Fan Fics. XD
    Teenage Sam & Max for the win!
  • edited October 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    That means they should be 15 in my Fan Fics. XD
    Teenage Sam & Max for the win!

    You know, thats somthing I would really like to read.
  • edited October 2009
    Icedhope wrote: »
    You know, thats somthing I would really like to read.

    Seriously? Because it sounds like fun to write, too...
  • edited October 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Seriously? Because it sounds like fun to write, too...

    Go Ahead! It's never enough Fan Fic in the world
  • edited October 2009
    Espicially, since there is really no Sam and Max.
  • edited October 2009
    There's a little.

    But the only fanfiction I can find that was written in the last year or so is mine, and I've been having mental health problems that make writing difficult. So it's really lacking in fanfiction.

    I have a few ideas for young Sam and Max, but they're mostly kids, not teenagers. I do have one strong story idea where they're teenagers, but it's part of a messed up alternate universe, and I'm having trouble keeping that part feeling like Sam & Max. I'll probably be fine once I get home from Queensland and play the games again, though.
  • edited October 2009
    I find all this amusing because personally I felt Sam was in his 30s and max was in his 20s. of course a lot of that comes form max's immaturity and I suppose they coudl be the same(ish) age and sam is just more mature (not that I'd call sam "mature" but... More mature than Max...)

    Not that it's too relevant, but we DO know Sam is over 17 because in NotRD He says "My (drivers) lisence is just as expired as it was before"
  • edited November 2009
    They are the same age. Whenever there's a flashback to their childhood, they're the same age there. And the way they talk about their childhood makes it sound like they were in the same year at school.

    If they did have a big age gap, I like the idea of Max being older than Sam. It'd just be funny, I think.
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