Series 1 Question

edited October 2009 in Sam & Max
Hi all was just wondering if the Sam & Max games story continue over each episode. Reason I was asking is I see you can download the full game of Episode 104 but didnt really want to do this and play it if you need to play the first 3 for it to make any sence!!



  • edited October 2009
    Don't worry. I played the 104 Episode first, and make sense without knowing the other chapters.
  • edited October 2009
    Yeah, I guess 104 goes nicely on its own. But if you're going for more after that, I still think you get the best fun when doing them in order. There are quite a few jokes referred to the past episodes later. :)
  • edited October 2009
    If you want to try out, download the 104 episode with no problems. If you like it, play its in order, including the 104 after the 103, for get some more jokes. There's no problems to play it out of order, but in order are more enjoyable ^^!
  • edited October 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    If you want to try out, download the 104 episode with no problems. If you like it, play its in order, including the 104 after the 103, for get some more jokes. There's no problems to play it out of order, but in order are more enjoyable ^^!

    I agree the series is more enjoyable, if you play it in order. Just don't start season two before one. My friend played all of season two before one and had no idea what was going on, until he played season. But thats not allways the case.
  • edited October 2009
    Icedhope wrote: »
    I agree the series is more enjoyable, if you play it in order. Just don't start season two before one. My friend played all of season two before one and had no idea what was going on, until he played season. But thats not allways the case.

    Just ask me: I played Abe Lincoln must Die, Ice Station Santa, Chariot of the Dogs, What's new Belzzebub?, Culture Shock, Situation: Comedy, The Meat, the Mob and the Meatball, Moai better Blues, Reality 2.0, the Bright Side of the Moon and The Night of the Raving Dead in THAT order. (Or, I played Reality 2.0 after What's new Belzzebub?... I don't remember...) I were the whole The Night of the Raving Dead laughing and saying "Now I get it!".

    After that, I played the two seasons again in order. I never saw some characters the same again...
  • edited October 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    After that, I played the two seasons again in order. I never saw some characters the same again...

    Hugh Bliss?

    Anyway to the OP's Question. Ep1-3 are quite slow and the best episodes for beginners, it's also a perfect time to appreictae the feel, puzzles and design of the episodes. However, they are mostly found to be the weakest episodes of the series.

    I recommend trying out Culture Shock, if you don't like it or find it lacking jump straight into the FREE episode of Abe Lincoln Must Die!

    If you enjoy Culture Shock, continue the series in order - it's the best way to go, because they are constantly referencing things that happened the previous episode, or in a case of the latest episode referencing stuff from the very first episode! :D
  • edited October 2009
    Hugh Bliss?

    No, he doesn't. He scare me since the beginning. The other big bad. In fact I had some sympathy for them until then.

    And... I don't know why all the people has to say, always, the first episodes are somewhat slow: They are re-introducing Sam and Max AND introducing the whole setting, they cannot go over board because you doesn't know the characters too well. Maybe they are guilty for take too many time in that, but the first episodes of everything are always introductory, and that their work. In fact, Bosco suddenly become funnier after I played Culture Shock, because I get to know him. Well, maybe it's just me.
  • edited October 2009
    Thanks guys think I will give 104 a go and then go back and start from 101 and play them in order.
    Im guessing I will like it have been playing tales of money island and love them and from the demo of sam and max they seem fairly simular in the way they play anyway!

    Thanks again!
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