Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood - Spoiler Discussion!
Here's a place to chat about the game for those who wish to talk about the later events in the story.
I've seen a few people mentioning later-game events and also expressing a desire to talk about spoilery things, so here you go!
Note obviously that you should steer clear of this thread if you want to avoid spoilers of Chapter 4's story!
I've seen a few people mentioning later-game events and also expressing a desire to talk about spoilery things, so here you go!
Note obviously that you should steer clear of this thread if you want to avoid spoilers of Chapter 4's story!
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Anyways, hopefully what happened with morgan, will happen with Guybrush *suddenly vanishes and will pop up at voodoo lady*
Loved it, seemed longer than the previous episodes and the twists made it all the more interesting.
Stan's Character honestly didn't do much for me. Sure he was slightly comedic...but not at the epic level Murray (aka: Santino) was during Chapter 3.
Looking forward to the conclusion...and as much as it pains me to say this, I wonder how Telltale could top Tales of Monkey Island with a sequel now. I want one really bad, if nothing else for Monkey Island to continue onward....but the story just seems to be leading to a Series Epic conclusion of some sort. Please don't let that be the case TTG!!!
BTW: I really hope Morgan isn't dead permanently......that was really anticlimactic after the hilarious bar brawl sequence.
also did any1 notice (if my eyes and ears didnt dicive me ) that earl boen did the voice of evil le chuck again?
Although I think I would have liked a little more indepth about LeChuck accusing the Voodoo Lady, like reading an excerpt of the diary.
Nighttime. De Singe was a great villain, and I'm sorry to see him go, Stan, and the big unsurprising revelation about the Voodoo Lady.
When the camera panned down to Morgan I was expecting Guybrush's hand. Seeing Guybrush so angry was very different.
And when Guybrush died, I expected something to happen with the Jeu de Vie, but...he died.
Holy ---- my favorite video game character is dead, but I REALLY can't wait for the final chapter!
CMI and EMI were both pretty light on heavy story developments, They didn't took that many risks with the characters. You really have balls (canonballs, that is. no innuendo here) for killing Guybrush. And not in a funny way (like the two times he 'died' in CMI), but by having him literally stabbed to death by LeChuck himself.
I also really didn't see Morgan's death coming (although there's probably more to it), the mood was very well done in that scene.
The ending cutscene had me on the edge of my seat, the final piece with LeChuck and Elaine clashing swords was awesome. I can't wait to see how this will end. And of course, I hope it won't end
Also, nice job on getting Earl Boen
"Funny, I didn't think you could die in LucasArts adventure games."
"Well, this is a Telltale adventure- maybe they're trying something different."
I wanted, at the end of the credits, for old times sake, a simple 'GAME OVER - You scored 0 out of 800 points.' message
You, telltale, have made my 'list'! (unless something happens in the last episode)
Or as TV Tropes calls it the Ironic Echo.
Also, shouldn't you be working on your best-selling novel?
Oh wait, never mind.
*Goes back to his own best-selling novel*
While I enjoyed the game immensely, my feelings on the ending differ slightly
Actually it is possible to die in monkey island 1 - During the theft of the idol of many hands, you can drown if you wait longer than 10 minutes (I was bored one day hehe).
In monkey island 2 (hard mode I believe) you could get dunked into the acid in LeChucks palace if you used the wrong chat options with wally instead of putting out the candle, however the game would conviently crash before 'dying.'
I didnt crash, Elaine notes that if Guybrush had died, how could he be there telling her the story.
I'm just gonna go ahead and say that Tales of Monkey Island is, in my book, an instant classic!
Thank you Telltale!
Want to hear something really sad?
I played this episode at Telltale's office a couple of weeks ago. It was still pretty rough but I was really moved and excited by the way the story developed and couldn't wait to see how it looked once it was all finished and polished... so this morning, when it released, I played the entire episode again. In one sitting. When I was supposed to be working on my novel. :eek:
(And those scenes turned out great! The sword clash at the end was epic - much better than when I playtested it and Elaine just stood there.
A few things on my mind though - Where did Morgan's body go? And Jacque the monkey! Are we led to believe that he killed Morgan? With said body dissapearing though, is she really dead?
There seems to be alot of flame around the forums concerning Guybrush dying. I personally can't see that he'll stay dead. Take the title of the last episode, 'Rise of the Pirate God'. Why can't Guybrush be the Pirate God.
I said the exact same things in my posts in different threads and like I said if Jacques the monkey has electric build up or whatever it is wouldn't that make Morgan sword move and possibly stab herself with it :eek:
Simply... Bravo!
Both deaths were crushing because they were so unexpected, specially the first one.
Also, in ending... Who thought Elaine was going to go with Chuckie? I did
Oh, I almost forget: a special applause for Michael Land. His music in this episode was specially remarkable. I think that's because he has matured musically and works better with darker stuff. For example, the ending credits with the LeChuck's theme dark variation was amazing. Bravo!
Bravo to everyone who worked on this!
Now I'm starting to wonder who it was that killed her...
And Guybrush! Oh my goldfish! LeChuck stabbed him!
Best. Episode. Ever.
Since Telltale seems to have a knack of having awesome, better-than-the-rest-of-the-episodes season finales, and this one was just totally epic and awesome... well, just imagine how good the next one will be.
If you didn't catch it, that was a reference to the conversation between Mort and Griswold Goodsoup after Guybrush's first "death" in Curse. The whole thing was a joke about how LucasArts adventure games were purposely designed so you couldn't die, so as to allow the player to try every puzzle solution they could think of without fear of getting a game over if they did something wrong.
Also, trying the wrong options would only result in Wally getting spat on. The "death" was triggered by waiting too long, as in the first game, and as was already said, the result is Elaine pointing out that if Guybrush had died, he wouldn't be telling her the story.
He also ran him through with the same sword :eek:
Did anyone else notice that when Guybrush was dying he says, "Is that you, Mother?... I washed my hands..." As much as I hate to say it that sounds like a very strong reference to the ending of MI2.
You know what, I think it would be really awesome if at the start of chapter 5, Guybrush wakes up from a dream and is now back in the ending of MI2. Now that would make it impossible not to reveal the secret of Monkey Island.
- Telltale, I love you.
- I said Monkey Island was the best thing you guys have ever done, and I wasn't lying about that. I just wished I saved that comment until this episode, because this really is a huge, huge step forward for Telltale. Don't get me wrong, I own every Telltale game and I enjoy them all hugely, but this one is just so goddamn good. I was expecting an epic finale, but man, this was just better than anything I expected.
I wasn't looking forward to going back to Flotsam at first, but it just feels so right. It felt like a familiar location, but instead of the jolly, cartoony pirate town (which I loved), it's suddenly this dark town filled with actual pirates. Everything just felt so right, walking around the docks in the moonlight, following the fireflies through the jungle, the awesome looking pub, courtroom and pub (the pub was so good, it had to be mentioned twice). The music in these scenes was excellent as well.
And man, I'm not someone who's often actually moved by videogames (I enjoy a good story in a game, but it's not often that I actually care about the characters), but Morgan's death just hit me like a bomb. I wasn't expecting something like this in a game like this. Oh man. Everything about that scene just worked so well. The scene that moved me even more was towards the end of the game, were Guybrush tries to explain to his wife how he's just trying to help her, and she's still out for his blood. Funny and sad at the same time. Excellent stuff.
Elaine really was the star of this episode. The way she creapt into the courtroom, the awesome bar fight, the way she looked at you in that lovely, homicidal way. The only character that topped her was Hemlock's cat, and I don't think I need to explain that. I liked all the characters in this episode, even the ones I didn't really care about before. Pirates! Pirates everywhere! The cast felt huge for a Telltale game.
And Stan's back. I don't know if the change in actor had to do with budget or with Telltale's taste, but it worked out great for me. I was never too big of a fan of the voice actors in the previous games, I always thought they just hit on part of his personality. But this actually is a fast-talking untrustworthy sleazebag who you can still mistake for your friend. And I loved his jacket. Speaking of voice actors, I knew something was up with LeChuck's voice when Stan showed me his LeChuck action figure, and it was great to see my suspicions confirmed when the credits rolled. Can't wait to see him in the next episode.
And now, some theories:
- Morgan isn't really dead. DeSinge had no reason to lie about killing her, LeChuck was in prison at this point, and your monkey friend couldn't have killed him because monkeys don't kill - they can only love. I think Morgan wanted to make up for her past sins by killing DeSinge, but when she failed to do that when DeSinge ran into the jungle, and she heard how Guybrush was coming up the stairs, she just decided to make it look like she was dead so she could disappear out of Guybrush's and Elaine's life without all that mucking about with emotions. After all, she could have been hit with some of DeSinge's life potion. That would explain why her body is gone the second time you enter DeSinge's lab. So it's either that or the Voodoo Lady voodoo'd her body away for safe keeping, and we'll be seeing her in the land of the dead, where Guybrush is now(?). Considering Guybrush might be in the land of the dead - quite a lot of people died during these episodes. I think Noogie might have something to say to our mighty pirate. Hmmm.
- The Voodoo Lady isn't really evil. She's just weird. I love how this popular fan theory is woven into the story like this, and I really don't know wether to trust her or not. But I don't think she was lying when she was in jail. She might have done some things that are questionable, but it was always for the greater good, whatever that might be.
- Hemlock's cat is the Pirate God.
Hmm, these aren't really footnotes, but hey, I can't stress enough how good this episode is. When someone will be making a retrospective of this company in 50 years, this episode will be mentioned as a milestone. It's really, really, really, really good. Oh man.
But I like that he's back to normal now too. If he stayed human that would have ruined any chance of us getting another TOMI because who would be the villan?!
That's it. now I'm off sacrificing a newborn lamb to Dave Grossman and Mike Stemmle.
I was EXACTLY the same, raycichocki! They had me sucked in literally until the last second.
LeChuck barges into the courtroom to save Guybrush, all good and noble, I practically cheer...
Guybrush talks to LeChuck in his cell, I'm thinking aw, what a beautiful budding friendship... this is so nice and sweet... warm fuzzy feelings...
LeChuck rocks up after the final battle with De Singe... I'm like yay, LeChuck finally arrives to help!...
And then he just whips out this cutlass STABS Guybrush in the guts... then it's all WTF LECHUCK YOU UNHOLY B*STARD!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I TRUSTED YOU!!! You are SO crossed off my Christmas card list!! :mad:
As for the future? The Voodoo lady is indeed behind the whole story, but her ultimate goal is not bringing evil in the form of LeChuck, her goal is to (if the title is to be trusted) to return the pirate god, most likely in the form of Threepwood. LeChuck is just a necessary pawn in this game. It's all a bit Star Wars; Anakin had to turn evil so that the balance of the Force could be restored via his son. Here we need evil in the form LeChuck so that the pirate god can return.
This could of course turn out to be all wrong, and I can't wait to actually play the last episode! But if Morgan isn't brought back, curse you Telltale, I am coming to get you
I actually got suspicious at that part. I figured LeChuck had some grand scheme to get himself executed and become undead again, or some such thing. But the way he conversed with Guybrush in the cell put me off-guard again.
Anyway... one thing from this chapter that will stay with me forever, is Morgan's death scene. When she first arrived, I couldn't imagine getting so attached to her character. I hope she'll return in some way or form, I really do. Actually, Morgan's death somehow felt worse than Guybrush's. It's pretty much a given that the big hero of the series won't really die (I can see that Jus de Vie playing a big part in resurrecting him), but Morgan... she's actually the first character in the Monkey Island series to die in such a dramatic way. Man... I'm almost getting emotional again just typing this...
Funny, I didn't get suspicious until the jail cell conversation.
Either way...masterfully done, Telltale. Between Morgan's death and the ending (oh, that ending), this whole episode felt like a swift blow to the ribs; I was shaking by the time the credits rolled. I think there's more emotional punch packed into the last half of the episode than there is in the rest of the series combined, and by God, I loved every bit of it.