Lord of the Rings Parody 1 and 2 - Soundtracks available online for free! (page 3)
Hey guys!
Finally, after all this time, I managed to add english subtitles to this thing.
What is it?
It's a parody, you read the title! It's the first big movie that I ever did. You'll find a very young SilverWolfPet in this thing.
How long does it last?
One hour. It was divided into 8 parts on youtube.
Who's in it?
My bro, Mihai, when he was around 10 years old. I was 17 at that time. My friend, Daniel Niculcea, with whom I am working now on our biggest projects. Due to this movie I met my friend and camera-guy Cosmin (you'll find his name in the credits of plenty of our clips).
So, when was this made?
In 2004. Pre-Production took 2 years. Production took 2 weeks. Post-production took 2 not-eating less-sleeping weeks for me.
So, why are you showing it now?
Well, I just like to share stuff with you guys. Besides, I just managed to finish the subtitles, thanks to Majus for pointing out a quick way of doing that. They're not perfect, but hey! It's my first time doing this!
Awesome! Where can I see it?
Right here
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Wait, don't you like LOTR?
I love it! This is why I brought this tribute to it! Enjoy! Oh, and in case you're wondering, my bro is playing Gimli, and I'm playing Aragorn. This was before we had long hair.
Hey guys!
Finally, after all this time, I managed to add english subtitles to this thing.
What is it?
It's a parody, you read the title! It's the first big movie that I ever did. You'll find a very young SilverWolfPet in this thing.
How long does it last?
One hour. It was divided into 8 parts on youtube.
Who's in it?
My bro, Mihai, when he was around 10 years old. I was 17 at that time. My friend, Daniel Niculcea, with whom I am working now on our biggest projects. Due to this movie I met my friend and camera-guy Cosmin (you'll find his name in the credits of plenty of our clips).
So, when was this made?
In 2004. Pre-Production took 2 years. Production took 2 weeks. Post-production took 2 not-eating less-sleeping weeks for me.
So, why are you showing it now?
Well, I just like to share stuff with you guys. Besides, I just managed to finish the subtitles, thanks to Majus for pointing out a quick way of doing that. They're not perfect, but hey! It's my first time doing this!
Awesome! Where can I see it?
Right here

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Wait, don't you like LOTR?
I love it! This is why I brought this tribute to it! Enjoy! Oh, and in case you're wondering, my bro is playing Gimli, and I'm playing Aragorn. This was before we had long hair.
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Or German...
We Americans are so lazy...
Heh... It took me some YEARS to finish the subtitles!
At the bottom right of the clip you have a little button.
You click on it and two more buttons appear up.
The (CC) button contains the captions aka subtitles.
Romanian sounds like such an awesome language too ~
Check out the images:
I think there wasn't one part where I didn't laugh out loud! What I especially loved were those totally unexpected jokes, like the ring falls in Fredo's mouth or Ghindalf eats the moth or Elcube (was that his name?) couldn't speak Hungarian. *lmao* And "Saruman's" (sorry, I totally forgot how he was called here) voice was just hilarious!! *roflmao*
The costumes were awesome, too! You really did a great job here!
I also looked at the related music videos, they're pretty cool, too. And I stumbled over this "10 years" video - wow, you guys really started early! *awe*
Great to hear you're going to do a second part. Even if it's gonna be 5 years later. Maybe you're gonna make the trilogy full some day.
Anyways, great parody!
Great! Not only did the ending feel unsatisfying without a sequel, but I can't wait to see you using all the skills you've learned through the years (not to mention equipment you've probably bought) to make it more epic then ever.
Plus, it's something to look forward to when Monkey Island is over. *there is not a smiley sad enough for my sad face*
Wow... that looks incredible! When will it be released in cinemas?
In the meantime, here are some movie stills to see what you think
Cele Doua Turme = The Two Herds
Yeah! That would be aweomse!
Haggis, fetch my coffee! Then throw away the coffee and fetch me my peach juice! I HATE COFFEE!
Well... these images are from post-production
As for the blandness, it has some bland parts but it also has some beautiful scenery...I saved THOSE images for the movie
He's already thirty steps ahead of you and got you your chocolate flavored lemonade-milk mixture! (Ewww...)
I just don't like the lord of the rings, but DAMN! Nice Post-Production editing because it looks very not-sunny!
P.S.: Weren´t you afraid of bears?
Haggis do we have to do another fight to the death, because the last one turned kind of messy and I'm running out of Phoneix downs.
I think me and Haggis should be your personal assistants.
There crisis adverted.
'Scuse me?
I already made you a shrine. It's made out of flaming geckos and cheese shaped babies. Pretty sweet if I do say so my self.
Surprisingly, a Gecko with Pyrokinesis was the protaginist of these comics I made when I was younger.
What about Gex?
Reminds me of this. Looks good though, you guys always do great on makeup and costumes.
The guy playing Legolas has to go away, fly out of the country on tuesday...basically, it's a one-time-shot with him. If something goes wrong (for example, if I miscalculate the right color for the bluescreen), I can't re-do those shots.
So, wish me luck! I'm going to need it! If everything goes well, I promise some nice screenshots tuesday night
In the meantime, here's just a demo for Legolas' costume and actor, only the upper part.
But I hope you don't need it anyway!