it safe to say

edited December 2009 in Sam & Max
that the
Soda Poppers are dead?

I mean, I know at the end of episode 205, they promised a comeback. But I suppose in their current state, it wouldn't be much of a comeback - am I right? :p


  • edited November 2009
    Well you know those crazy writers... :rolleyes:
  • edited November 2009
    Well you know those crazy writers... :rolleyes:

    I think somebody, mentioned in the forum darth poppers. Not going to lie I think that would be an awesome Idea, as season 3 three's first villains.
  • edited November 2009
    Well if you remember before they got hit with lava they mentioned that Sam & Max couldn't destroy them. Like if you tried to shoot them...? My feeling is that they're trying to make it *seem* like they're dead and couldn't come back, but they actually survived.
  • edited November 2009
    Well if you remember before they got hit with lava they mentioned that Sam & Max couldn't destroy them. Like if you tried to shoot them...? My feeling is that they're trying to make it *seem* like they're dead and couldn't come back, but they actually survived.

    That makes the most sense, though seeing a pair of eyeballs floating down a stream of lava was more than a bit unnerving. :D
  • edited November 2009
    WE CAN REBUILD THEM! Bigger, Stronger, Faster...

    Personally I think we've exaused the jokes on these fellas, if they return I hope they play a hidden role so we dont deal with them much...
  • edited November 2009
    Since there's a mix of tagged and untagged spoilers, I'll put a 205 SPOILERS AHOY! warning for my post here, FWIW.

    Yup. They're dead. Of course, this hasn't stopped other dead characters from reappearing. Death is kinda cheap in Telltale's Sam & Max, albeit not in a bad way.

    On the other hand ...
    Well if you remember before they got hit with lava they mentioned that Sam & Max couldn't destroy them. Like if you tried to shoot them...? My feeling is that they're trying to make it *seem* like they're dead and couldn't come back, but they actually survived.

    Ah, but that's the joke! They start into a cliched villainous monologue about how they will return for revenge, blah blah blah, how they can't be destroyed --- and then are promptly incinerated by a lava flow. It's not so much foreshadowing as the writers Fate thumbing its nose at them. Beyond that, it plays out in a way that makes a future "Soda Poppers seek revenge!" plot seem unlikely. There's a note of finality to their deaths, like Telltale was answering their "We shall have our revenge!!" with "Ummmmmm no. Not really. But thanks for playing!" I don't see them coming back as villains, at least not for Sam & Max themselves.

    Hmm. Come to think of it, the villains don't seem to pose a real threat once killed. I'm not just talking about them being, um, tied to their desk jobs in Hell. It's been awhile since I've played 205, but I don't remember any of them being all that interested in revenge -- "neutralized" by death, perhaps? So that might be another strike against a revenge plot.

    Or not. I'd only be a little surprised if I was totally wrong about this. But that's cool. I like it when Telltale surprises me. :)
  • edited November 2009
    Or not. I'd only be a little surprised if I was totally wrong about this. But that's cool. I like it when Telltale surprises me. :)

    You mean you like it when Telltale gives you a good surprise?
    Because frankly the Marachis being the villans of 204, really was a horrific surprise. They were wonderful as a small recurring joke through 201-203, but exposed as proper characters was just ghastly, and ruined the insignificant but funny joke of their past appearances.

    Sorry to take this off-topic btw. :p

    No, you pretty much summed it up, light_rises:
    Ah, but that's the joke! They start into a cliched villainous monologue about how they will return for revenge, blah blah blah, how they can't be destroyed --- and then are promptly incinerated by a lava flow. It's not so much foreshadowing as the writers Fate thumbing its nose at them. Beyond that, it plays out in a way that makes a future "Soda Poppers seek revenge!" plot seem unlikely. There's a note of finality to their deaths, like Telltale was answering their "We shall have our revenge!!" with "Ummmmmm no. Not really. But thanks for playing!"

    But frankly below is not what I would like at all, any return of the Soda Poppers would be awful - we have too many recurring characters as it is, I would seriously like the #@~%";! Poppers to end out with a decent joke - on claiming another cliched lame revenge, than to reappear in traditional sitcom fashion - their time is up. I also don't want the Marachis to return either...
    I don't see them coming back as villains, at least not for Sam & Max themselves.
  • edited November 2009
    Far I remember, they know they created the most annoying characters ever and that's why they made them the big boss in the Season 2: For kill them in a really epic way =P

    I don't think we will see them again, and I'll not surprised if we found Peppers' eyes in Sam and Max Closet.
  • edited November 2009
    Oh God, please no! I just finished playing both seasons (yeah, I was a little late to the party, but I still drank my share from the keg) and while they were a bit funny at first, I just groaned every time they showed up AGAIN and AGAIN. Featherly didn't do much for me either but I liked his 'drunk' comment at the
    bachelor party
    near the end.

    Overall I liked both seasons, but the plot was a confusing mess at times. That's not really a complaint, but more of an observation. I've been on pain killers for several months now and that definitely didn't help. Regardless though, they've gotten another fan and I look forward to another season. I liked W&G as well and wouldn't mind another season of that either. Of course another season of ToMI goes without saying! :)
  • edited November 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I don't think we will see them again, and I'll not surprised if we found Peppers' eyes in Sam and Max Closet.

    That closet's getting too full, remember in Chariots they didn't show you the souvenir from NOTRD. They delayed that until Beezlebub, in Sam's personal hell, but they didn't bother showing the souvenir from Chariots (because travelling through time and bringing back a souvenir from the future or past would cause a paradox). Anyway even with 9 objects in the closet I think it's getting too full up, perhaps if they put a shelf in the closet for some of the older stuff and keep the bottom of the closet for the newer stuff?
  • edited November 2009
    Well if they finally let Leonard out they'll have that shelf. Which is not to say they couldn't stand to lose a few other souvenirs too.
  • edited November 2009
    Harald B wrote: »
    Well if they finally let Leonard out they'll have that shelf. Which is not to say they couldn't stand to lose a few other souvenirs too.

    They let him out, so, they have that shelf. I guess put there season 1 souvenirs is not that unlikely. And somehow I feel they eventualy has to get rid of... well... Hugh Bliss...
  • edited November 2009
    The souvenir from Chariots of the Dogs was the volcano, I think. Don't know how it got there, though.

    And it's hard to tell whether they let Leonard out or not. I hope they did, but Sam just said he would. I know he appeared in the credits, but some of the characters that appeared in the credits were dead, and he was still gagged.
  • edited November 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    The souvenir from Chariots of the Dogs was the volcano, I think. Don't know how it got there, though.

    It is outside Jimmy's rat hole. But no actual souvenir for the closet was given for COTD. Lots of souvenirs surround the office from previous episode (Whack Da Ratz, etc.) but usually the office/other locations get changed e.g. Mr Spatula, Hubert, the Gumball Machine. The closet has been known for keeping all the souvenirs intact throughout the series, as a memento to previous cases for players.
  • edited November 2009
    I guess there's no souvenir from Chariots of the Dogs because they can't enter to their office until What's New Belzeebub? is done. According to this, will be 2 new souvenirs in the closet in the first chapter of season 3, one for Chariots and another for What's new, unless of course, they consider the two chapters as the big "Rescue Bosco" Case, so, we will see only one.
  • edited November 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I guess there's no souvenir from Chariots of the Dogs because they can't enter to their office until What's New Belzeebub? is done.
    Yeah, this logic makes sense, although
    after Flint announced Bosco is "vanished off the face of the Earth" at the end of NOTRD, are we seriously meant to be believe that while Flint was leading Sam and Max to Bosco's store for investigating his disappearance (the start of COTD), that Sam snatched Zombie Abe Lincoln's brain from Stuttgart and held off saving Bosco for a few minutes to just put a souvenir in their closet?
    GinnyN wrote: »
    According to this, will be 2 new souvenirs in the closet in the first chapter of season 3, one for Chariots and another for What's new, unless of course, they consider the two chapters as the big "Rescue Bosco" Case, so, we will see only one
    I'm the writers will have something clever like this, to solve the ever overcrowding closet space problem, I mean they can't stop using the closet, because it was evident in COTD that they have an overwhelming amount of souvenirs in the closet.
  • edited November 2009
    Yeah, this logic makes sense, although
    after Flint announced Bosco is "vanished off the face of the Earth" at the end of NOTRD, are we seriously meant to be believe that while Flint was leading Sam and Max to Bosco's store for investigating his disappearance (the start of COTD), that Sam snatched Zombie Abe Lincoln's brain from Stuttgart and held off saving Bosco for a few minutes to just put a souvenir in their closet?

    Considering, in the middle time
    Sam makes Max give an speech as Zombie and after that he has to drive back to Stuttgart to get Max's Soul
    before Chariots of the Dogs starts, that is not that unlikely.
  • edited November 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Considering, in the middle time
    Sam makes Max give an speech as Zombie and after that he has to drive back to Stuttgart to get Max's Soul
    before Chariots of the Dogs starts, that is not that unlikely.
    ohk. I forgot Max's soul was floating around.
    Which like you said obviously it took them a while to pull theirselves together.
  • edited November 2009
    See also Abe.
  • edited November 2009
    Here's a scary thought... what if they took all the poppers and made them into one character! mincing the surviving parts together and making a freekish monster that has split personalities (or maybe even multiple faces/heads/we) now there is a nightmare for you!
  • edited November 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    Here's a scary thought... what if they took all the poppers and made them into one character! mincing the surviving parts together and making a freekish monster that has split personalities (or maybe even multiple faces/heads/we) now there is a nightmare for you!

    God please no. There are two things that will make it unable for me to watch that; a stomach and mental stability.
  • edited November 2009
    I just hope a 4-th Soda Popper or their Mom or someone like that doesn't come out of nowhere and starts
    them. And then one of them comes out as a ghost, another as a zombie, and the third one as a demon with flaming facial hair. Even then I'd be "ENOUGH with these guys!"
  • edited November 2009
    Spadge wrote: »
    I just hope a 4-th Soda Popper or their Mom or someone like that doesn't come out of nowhere and starts
    them. And then one of them comes out as a ghost, another as a zombie, and the third one as a demon with flaming facial hair.

    Don't give them ideas! :eek:
  • edited November 2009
    umm... they're in hell.
    they died.
    don't they just go back to hell, but not in a lava pit?
  • edited November 2009
    I was actually thinking the same thing. That would really suck if they did go back, since there was a lot of foreshadowing at the end of some of the episodes.
    "Oh, don't worry, you'll be dead soon enough."
    "I wouldn't want you to get tired of me so soon, since you'll be seeing so much of me later."
    Something along those lines.
  • edited December 2009
    Also, I'd love to see a vengeful Peepers cyborg.
    The only human/demon part left of him are his eyes (assuming those were his eyes floating through the lava)
  • edited December 2009
    lecharles wrote: »
    Also, I'd love to see a vengeful Peepers cyborg.
    The only human/demon part left of him are his eyes (assuming those were his eyes floating through the lava)

    Let's hope they're gone forever. They are not LeChuck, they are annoying. If they ever come again, it'll be even more annoying.
  • edited December 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    Let's hope they're gone forever. They are not LeChuck, they are annoying. If they ever come again, it'll be even more annoying.

    This may sound horrid, but I was snickering in the last scene of 205.

    " Now they are gone."

    But I was a little disturbed by the bondage gear....
  • edited December 2009
    The only reason to bring them back, is watch them die over and over again.
  • edited December 2009
    The only reason to bring them back, is watch them die over and over again.

    There we go! Perfect momento form the case, Max coudl video-tape their death and in 301 it open with him watchign it and sam say "max you've watched that 351 times, your going to burn out the VCR" lol
  • edited December 2009
    I hope they stay dead forever. FOREVER.
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    There we go! Perfect momento form the case, Max coudl video-tape their death and in 301 it open with him watchign it and sam say "max you've watched that 351 times, your going to burn out the VCR" lol

    I agree, that it would be a hilarous memento. Although I think fans would be picky that Max couldn't possibly have video taped their death, if they were in the volcano or such - and if he could, the whole idea sounds a-bit far-fetched/random.
  • edited December 2009
    ... and if he could, the whole idea sounds a-bit far-fetched/random.

    Are we talking about the same Sam and Max here? EVERYTHING they do is far-fetched and random! :D
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    Are we talking about the same Sam and Max here? EVERYTHING they do is far-fetched and random! :D

    Hmmm, still I'd be picky with this - if it wasn't backed up with a well-meaning explanation.
  • edited December 2009
    Hmmm, still I'd be picky with this - if it wasn't backed up with a well-meaning explanation.

    Like the explanation of why they can breathe on the moon? (Because those pansy astronauts didn't bother to try?)
  • edited December 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Like the explanation of why they can breathe on the moon? (Because those pansy astronauts didn't bother to try?)

    Yeah persisely like that. ;)
  • edited December 2009
    Question: Why do the &@#! Poppers have to come back? They got dumped on by lava, I say they're dead for good.
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