Question for Telltale: Funny stories and stuff?

edited November 2009 in Sam & Max
I'm making a narrated playthrough of Sam and Max on the Wii, (for Youtube) and it's episode 3. "The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball". I was wondering if there were some important facts and stuff I should mention in the video. Maybe development stories and stuff. It would make the video more interesting to watch. Thanks!

Also, I'm gonna do a short "History of Telltale" kind of thing at the beginning. Just a two minute story about lucasarts, and how they stopped making adventure games... you get the idea. If you have anything to add that most people don't know, that would be just awesome.


  • edited November 2009
    natlinxz wrote: »
    I'm making a narrated playthrough of Sam and Max on the Wii, (for Youtube) and it's episode 3. "The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball". I was wondering if there were some important facts and stuff I should mention in the video. Maybe development stories and stuff. It would make the video more interesting to watch. Thanks!

    Also, I'm gonna do a short "History of Telltale" kind of thing at the beginning. Just a two minute story about lucasarts, and how they stopped making adventure games... you get the idea. If you have anything to add that most people don't know, that would be just awesome.

    They have audio commentaries from 3 different design teams for each episode, so there's your source.
  • edited November 2009
    That's a start, but I don't just want to steal all the comments from someone else's video.
  • edited November 2009
    You are asking them to give you funny stories, they are almost 2 years since season one, so I'd say that's about all you'll get. I appear to be coming off as a jackass.
  • edited November 2009
    You are asking them to give you funny stories, they are almost 2 years since season one, so I'd say that's about all you'll get. I appear to be coming off as a jackass.

    You just now realized this? :P Just kidding! Seriously though, natlinxz, why do you want to make commentaries on the episodes when the team already made some? I'm not against the idea, I just don't get it.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2009
    Please feel free to do your own commentary! The designers, dev team, and sound guys all did commentary for all the episodes on the DVD, but surely you have your own thoughts on the games, and maybe there's stuff you've picked up from the forums? Either way, I think we probably said most of what we have to say on the DVDs! At least until the 25th "does anyone still care after 25 years??" anniversary edition or something. :)
  • edited November 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    Please feel free to do your own commentary! The designers, dev team, and sound guys all did commentary for all the episodes on the DVD, but surely you have your own thoughts on the games, and maybe there's stuff you've picked up from the forums? Either way, I think we probably said most of what we have to say on the DVDs! At least until the 25th "does anyone still care after 25 years??" anniversary edition or something. :)

    Which will finally add Widescreen, right?
  • edited November 2009
  • edited November 2009
    I'm hoping there is a 25 five year edition of seasons 1,2, and 3. If season 3 comes out before the 25th.
  • edited November 2009
    Well, are there any funny stories about porting the game to Wii?
    (I know I'm sounding desparate here, but I want something that is exclusive)

    Anyway, most of the comments will be my thoughs/opinions and stuff, but it's nice to have a few stories from development.
  • edited November 2009
    Do a giveaway or something if you want people coming, just like, if you comment you have a shot at winning this ep for PC!
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