Anyone here ever get through severe social problems?
I don't want to add the details of my life, some of those details are very inappropriate for these forums. I've had a ok life but it's been hard enough to COMPLETELY shatter my social life. I do far more and less than struggle when it comes to socializing.
My typing skills are fine but when it comes time to situational "context", verbally speaking and relating to others and holding a conversation, I have more problems than I know what to do with. Anyone ever go through something like that before? I'd really appreciate anyone's help.
We've even considered professional help here, I'll lean just a little bit into the why, because I've been introverted and without friends, real social bonding, for about 15-16 years.
It eats away at me and some times I share more than is appropriate with others about my past, or the drama that has plagued my mind from the strain of being in effect 22 years old and a stranger to everyone that I have psychical contact with. I've been "locked up" for more than a decade and a half.
My typing skills are fine but when it comes time to situational "context", verbally speaking and relating to others and holding a conversation, I have more problems than I know what to do with. Anyone ever go through something like that before? I'd really appreciate anyone's help.
We've even considered professional help here, I'll lean just a little bit into the why, because I've been introverted and without friends, real social bonding, for about 15-16 years.
It eats away at me and some times I share more than is appropriate with others about my past, or the drama that has plagued my mind from the strain of being in effect 22 years old and a stranger to everyone that I have psychical contact with. I've been "locked up" for more than a decade and a half.
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So I'm not very good at it, either. Well... it's not that I can't when I have to, but I'm by far not as social as I imagine is normal.
I won't bore anyone with details of what's wrong with me, but suffice to say... I'm very glad Tales doesn't require you to use the keyboard
I think, if it's such a big problem, then you really should get professional help, but I'll say that I've learned a lot about social skills by watching how others do it.
But on the inside I would rather be somewhere else....
It may be about my own personality rather than a general issue though, as I don't like much people's way of thinking around me, so explaining myself while trying to tune it down for others puts me in harsh situations. I say I'd like to keep my antisocial attitude till some people with MY way of thinking shows up.
I can fake it well enough on some occasions, but when the bi-polar, OCD, or various minor quirks show up, then it becomes rather obvious that my behavior requires some explanation. And it can be a bit difficult to explain why I go from being extremely jolly to withdrawn and vacant in record time, or why I default to non sequiturs when I can't make sense of simple conversations.
It probably sounds like I'm complaining and being sullen in this post, but I'm really not. I'm just happy that I've made it this far. I used to be much worse. It's still a daily struggle, but although my life experiences are far different than what's considered "normal", a lot of good came of it all. I've met some great people that go through what I do and worse, and I couldn't imagine where I'd be had I never met them. I certainly wouldn't be in front of this computer right now.
Luckily for me i'm one of those smartarse types that gets away with being a bit of a cheeky brat to people
And now time for an annecdote...
(an alcohol fueled debate has only just finished taking place)
Girl: Don't be so patronising!!
Me: That's a big word
A friend of mine, with a similar problem about relations and affection, is really happy with the results and always says it regrets not to have done it 10 years before. Another friend of mine (a girl), with a rather different problem, is also very happy with her results with psychoanalysis.
If you feel you need it, go for it.
Maybe I will, I deserve better than to be below average in social skills, I wouldn't mind being average.
Dangerously close to having some sort of moment
I'm in the same boat, when I got back from iraq, It felt like everyone was a stranger, and I just..feel weird around everyone, and I feel more comfratble with talking to people online.
That's ok too, lots of soldiers go through that coming home. I'm glad to have you aboard here (The forums). What you seem to be experiencing is actually being mentioned more and more in today's world, people are noticing your struggle. We mentioned it in a college class not long ago, you're definitely not alone. People still want to understand what you're going through and it's becoming more and more relevant. In fact, many people went through it in other wars, times haven't changed, but it was noticed less often and those people had to go through everything alone. That's becoming less and less true, and I definitely am satisfied that it's becoming more relevant.
Thank you for fighting for what you believe in to protect what I believe in.
I got to go get gas for my car, got college tomorrow.