A wonder what happens Sam&Max version

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
I was thinking there needs to be a Sam&Max I wonder what happens series.
Because seeing them on the trial for ep 4 was awesome, and yes I made it a poll. So Vote and Discuss.


  • edited November 2009
    That depends on whether the people that do them (I remember who they are, I just... don't remember everyone) are big enough Sam & Max fans to want to do one.

    I'd try it, but I can't draw or animate, and I don't have a microphone.
  • edited November 2009
    I meant to add if it's done by Majus and his crew.
  • edited November 2009
    I don't think it would count as an "I Wonder What Happens" if it wasn't done by Majus et al. But yes, we need this to happen. I want to hear Majus do Bosco XD!
  • edited November 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I don't think it would count as an "I Wonder What Happens" if it wasn't done by Majus et al. But yes, we need this to happen. I want to hear Majus do Bosco XD!

    Maybe where the hell are Sam&Max?
  • edited November 2009
    Hey ... wait a second! You voiced Sam in the last "I Wonder What Happens?", didn't you? Oookay. Now I see why you started this poll :D ...

    Still want IWWH S&M edition though.
  • edited November 2009
    I was joking about making one myself, I guess I wasn't clear. That's why I said I couldn't draw and don't have a microphone.
  • edited November 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Hey ... wait a second! You voiced Sam in the last "I Wonder What Happens?", didn't you? Oookay. Now I see why you started this poll :D ...

    Still want IWWH S&M edition though.

    Dominic Voiced Guybrush, and he wanted a new Monkey Island game :P
  • edited November 2009
    If Majus does make a series of them, his fans will be supporting him all the way!

    I don't want to pressure him into making them if he's busy or anything, but on the other hand if at any point he gets "animator's block" and wants something to do, maybe he'll give it a go.

    Whenever he makes a new Monkey Island Flash movie, I show it to the rest of my family. I showed the chapter 4 animation to my mum, brother and grandad a few weeks ago and they all loved it! My mum and grandad aren't even familiar with Monkey Island as a game series, they just think the Flash animations are hilarious. Kudos to you, Majus!
  • edited November 2009
    Scrawffler wrote: »
    If Majus does make a series of them, his fans will be supporting him all the way!

    I don't want to pressure him into making them if he's busy or anything, but on the other hand if at any point he gets "animator's block" and wants something to do, maybe he'll give it a go.

    Whenever he makes a new Monkey Island Flash movie, I show it to the rest of my family. I showed the chapter 4 animation to my mum, brother and grandad a few weeks ago and they all loved it! My mum and grandad aren't even familiar with Monkey Island as a game series, they just think the Flash animations are hilarious. Kudos to you, Majus!

    I know what you mean! I've watched some of his German animations and they're still funny even though I don't really know what's going on. The Shadow of the Colossus and Star Trek ones are my favorite :D
  • edited November 2009
    Haha, it's pretty concrete so far. Sam and Max is quite possibly an even more complicated universe to spoof though. As it is individual stories not a wholesome story. Although they did tie everything up nicely in Season 2.
  • edited November 2009
    I think it would be awesome, if he would do a sam and max casefiles. Like different cases, and things like that.
  • edited November 2009
    Well, unlike Tales of Monkey Island, the possible episodes of Sam and Max Season 3 can be as wacky as possible flash cartoons based on it, so there isn't much reason to make them.
  • edited November 2009
    Icedhope wrote: »
    I was thinking there needs to be a Sam&Max I wonder what happens series.
    Because seeing them on the trial for ep 4 was awesome, and yes I made it a poll. So Vote and Discuss.

  • edited November 2009
    I'll love it.

    If Majus&co get inspired, that it
  • edited November 2009
    I hope they do. Because it would be awesome!
  • edited November 2009
    Where's the, "They better get started on this right away!" option? :p
  • edited November 2009
    I agree.
  • edited November 2009
    Someone needs to send them this page in a PM. Chances are they haven't even seen it as they appear to be big time Monkey Island fans and the issue of this thread could be addressed up front in a PM.

    The only thing is that you face immediate rejection, or acceptance, lol.
  • edited November 2009
    I started this thread, so I guess I'll do it.
  • edited November 2009
    Hehe, no, I’m here, reading! (»New Posts«-Button is awesome.)

    Great idea, but my head is filled with other projects (beside Monkey Island) and other stuff right now, so I can’t really say how possible that is. For now.

    After Monkey Island I may have time to plan some future-projects.

    And thanks for the very, very nice words people. I appreciate it!
  • edited November 2009
    Majus wrote: »
    Hehe, no, I’m here, reading! (»New Posts«-Button is awesome.)

    Great idea, but my head is filled with other projects (beside Monkey Island) and other stuff right now, so I can’t really say how possible that is. For now.

    After Monkey Island I may have time to plan some future-projects.

    And thanks for the very, very nice words people. I appreciate it!

    LOL Sam and Max has a large fan base though. I'm showing some more love for the idea. Can't wait for your next projects! A Sam and Max one is a good idea, not just because we want one but because TTG will probably post your work just like they did for TMI. :) There's definitely a significant voice for it right now and it's red hot. People like old school, just look at Hollywood. You're moving on up, really getting noticed. Can you afford to go quiet for a while? I'm sure TTG appreciates your hype you give them, I'm sure they do...you're making bonds, you do see that, right?

    I think it couldn't hurt what so ever and I'd definitely be more inspired to look at your own indie work. From the masses of the World, Google searches and youtube searches, you'd get a larger audience because people are going to search Sam and Max just like they do Monkey Island. It's an extremely popular search and your popularity is solely based on web searches and views.

    It's a major thing, and I really see the quality in your work being able to spoof major game titles like Monkey Island and getting away with it. I know I discovered you first through a Monkey Island search.
    I hear people say the same thing here all the time, a lot of people found out about you through a monkey island search. A lot of people do a Sam and Max search, because TTG and other major companies are noting current activity of the franchise. It's really neat how your personal work is being posted on this major company's sites, no?

    I can say that a large part of your fan base is actually looking for a Sam and Max spoof as well as a What Happens next. The polls here show a majority ruling and people really aren't all that different. There's factual evidence here that one is wanted.

    Artists post work in galleries, this place is your gallery, all over the World people come here to look at Monkey Island games that are current and they see your work. If you want to post in the big galleries and assure success then you need to chase down the big, controversial ideas. This is your gallery, it's
    huge! Your work has been spread all over the internet because it's got a lot of rep and respect behind it, it's like having a good agent or spokes person to a descent tv series. You should be forming alliances as an artist and posting your work in the places with the most viewing potential.

    You're monkey Island work is huge...Sam and Max is the next great big topic.

    Just something for you to think about, while you look over your important projects...
  • edited November 2009
    Am I the only one wondering what I Wonder What Happens is?
  • edited November 2009
  • edited November 2009

    It's a series of Flash animations done by fans. As the name suggest, it shows fans' guesses of what happens in the next chapter of ToMI (all episodes of those flash cartoons are made before corresponding chapter is released by Telltale).
  • edited November 2009
    doodo! wrote: »
    Blah blah blah
    Having done a series of well regarded spoofs for a game company is cool, beeing stuck doing them because you're afraid to move on is sad.
  • edited November 2009
    fajerkaos wrote: »
    Having done a series of well regarded spoofs for a game company is cool, beeing stuck doing them because you're afraid to move on is sad.

    Huh? Sorry, I don’t get it.

    Thanks for the big thought, doodo, I know that already :) . But for me a growing fan-base and a well-sized audience isn’t the only reason for making movies like that. It’s awesome, but my motivation doesn’t come only from that part.

    There are obviosly other reason for that I cannot tell right now if I’m doing the movies or not. There are huge, and I mean huge, plans for the next year, and they are that huge that I need to clear all that first. It’s very important and awesome stuff.

    After that w'll tak about »I wonder«-Sam&Max-Edition again, okay? :)
  • edited November 2009
    I felt he was insulting you by saying you should be happy to keep om doing this, even if you wanted to do something else.
    To keep on doing these shorts by fear of otherwise being forgotten.

    Maybe I sensed sarcasm in something that wasn't.

    And if that's the case, the adventure game community is pretty inbred anyway, everyone who plays Sam & Max most likely already plays Monkey Island and have already been exposed to your awesome shorts. So you wouldn't widen your audiance that much.
  • edited January 2010
    why does this poll even exist? we all really want it, but Majus has his own agenda (for world domination, hopefully...)
  • edited January 2010
    I can confirm that "World Domination" is written all over his agenda... I peeked when he wasn't looking.
  • edited January 2010
    That would be awesome. If Majus can't or won't do it for any reason, I hope other people would be willing to jump in (even though it most likely wouldn't be as good).
  • edited January 2010
    Only if they copied Majus's style instead of doing their own thing. There's no reason why there can't be just as talented fans who weren't involved in the I Wonder What Happens series.
  • edited January 2010
    Strong support: I would be EXTREMELY interested to see the space gorilla, Max's psychic powers, etc. in this format.
  • edited January 2010
    KNTR wrote: »
    Am I the only one wondering what I Wonder What Happens is?

    I Wonder What I Wonder What Happens Is: The Series
  • edited March 2010
    I can confirm and deny something. What is it, you'll all have to wait and see...
  • edited March 2010
    I've waited one whole entire second now, Icedhope, and now I want to see!
  • edited March 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    I may or may not be able to confirm or deny something. What is it, you'll all have to wait and see...

    Fix'd to make better grammatical sense.
  • edited March 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »

    I've seen that like, 15 times and I still laugh. I'd love to see him do a Sam & Max. :)
  • edited March 2010
    I think somebody said that since Sam & Max are so off-the-wall anyway, doing a "I Wonder What Happens" would be difficult. I suppose that it would either have to be even crazier, which is a tall order, or so incredibly prosaic that the sheer dullness of it becomes the joke. Or perhaps both at the same time.
  • edited March 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Dominic Voiced Guybrush, and he wanted a new Monkey Island game :P

  • edited March 2010
    No thanks. Lets have something new and original for Sam & Max, rather than rehashing something for TMI.
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