Oh, and coz I know you silly daffers don't read the first post ever again:
It is time.
That's right people! The moment you've been waiting for since practically forever has finally come! IWWHIIWWHITOMIROTPG: The Game! is finally here!
There are still some things that I'd like to be able to do to this game, so there's a good chance that this might still be updated with changes in the future, but you've all been asking for it, so here it is:
I included the game without speech for those either without speakers or who just simply prefer the game that way or have slower connections. The speech file is also available as a standalone download in case you grabbed the wrong file. Just put it in the same folder as the game.
Controls are:
Arrow keys/Num Pad/WASD: Movement
Left click: Interact/talk to/look at (interacts wherever applicable)
Right click: Look at
Ctrl+Q/Ctrl+C/Alt+X: Quit game
There's also been some rumours circulating about some type of "cheat codes" so keep an eye out for those as well.
Im very impressed on the way you mimicked TOMI's inventory system, became a bit slow and boring after a while though since you cant hold the item to the mouse for more than one "use", so opening the inventory every time just to see all the gags with every object became kind of annoying.
Use WASD keys and go to the left (it took me some time to figure out there was NOT a hotspot to the left of the screen for the mouse even though the character moves most everywhere with it)
you can pick a mushroom from the floor at the left of the first screen
on the second screen you will be asked for a "cookie", then talk to Morgan and she will give you a net thingy
That was great! I was laughing through pretty much most of it! The only place I got stuck was figuring out there was a second screen. I totally forgot that there are controls to move Guybrush when clicking on something moves him automatically. xD
(the credits did seem to drag on a little bit, though...)
The most impressive thingie was the menu, I don't know how you managed it, but awesome job!
It just goes to show ya, Monkey Island has the most awesome fanbase on the Planet!!
Really nice, the voices are cool (yes, Morgan's voice too!) and if I don't say this I won't be able to sleep at night: I want more! Haha!!
That was...satifactory... and... well... disturbingly hopefull-to-happen-ly (in both, IWWHITOMIROTPG and in TOMIROTPG! Its meaty and dangerous in there
Nice work, guys and girls
It is time.
That's right people! The moment you've been waiting for since practically forever has finally come! IWWHIIWWHITOMIROTPG: The Game! is finally here!
There are still some things that I'd like to be able to do to this game, so there's a good chance that this might still be updated with changes in the future, but you've all been asking for it, so here it is:
Download (full game) (35.43 MB)
Download (no speech) (1.47 MB)
Speech file download (33.96 MB)
I included the game without speech for those either without speakers or who just simply prefer the game that way or have slower connections. The speech file is also available as a standalone download in case you grabbed the wrong file. Just put it in the same folder as the game.
Controls are:
Arrow keys/Num Pad/WASD: Movement
Left click: Interact/talk to/look at (interacts wherever applicable)
Right click: Look at
Ctrl+Q/Ctrl+C/Alt+X: Quit game
There's also been some rumours circulating about some type of "cheat codes" so keep an eye out for those as well.
Enjoy the game folks!
Besides...you were so busy planning our lives together that you didn't even notice what I was doing back here. :rolleyes:
It would never work out between us.
You don't like green tea.
Of course, I'm stuck..... any hints?
Sure, id give you hints
(the credits did seem to drag on a little bit, though...)
Aw, no it's not! You're perfect for Morgan! *hugs*
Downloadingdownloadingdownloadingdownloading!! Aaah, it takes forever, I can't wait!!
there was no click'n'drag though
Cool voices, great backgrounds and no bugs! I loved it.
Before IWWHITOMIROTPG is released? You're not asking much are you.
Incredible that this was completed in little more than a week! Well done.
The most impressive thingie was the menu, I don't know how you managed it, but awesome job!
It just goes to show ya, Monkey Island has the most awesome fanbase on the Planet!!
Really nice, the voices are cool (yes, Morgan's voice too!) and if I don't say this I won't be able to sleep at night: I want more! Haha!!
Nice work, guys and girls
Edit: Good job everyone.
Morgan's voice wasn't bad, it was pleasant even...
2nd Edit: It's worth playing once, anyone who hasn't already should play it once.
Yes, there is, apenpaap
Further spoiler, may seriously ruin things for you, so don't check unless you definitely think you ought to: :eek: :eek: :eek:
And is the more than one cheat?
Unless that's what you meant.
I laughed out loud at the brains line - hilarious
One problem: when (not if