What do you want Santa to bring you?
Hey guys,
Just felt like opening a thread like this in celebration of the fact that I managed to buy the X-Mas Gifts for my bro! Yaaay! I'll share pictures with you soon enough and I'm sure it will be safe, because he doesn't access this part of the forum.
So, what do you guys want for X-Max? I mean, X-Mas?
Lemme begin,
Dear Santa,
Thank you for considering bringing me Monkey Island stuff, but I already have about everything one can have on the subject. Let's talk about Lord of the Rings...
My favorite character is Aragorn! So anything related to him is awesome!
Thank you,
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Just felt like opening a thread like this in celebration of the fact that I managed to buy the X-Mas Gifts for my bro! Yaaay! I'll share pictures with you soon enough and I'm sure it will be safe, because he doesn't access this part of the forum.
So, what do you guys want for X-Max? I mean, X-Mas?

Lemme begin,
Dear Santa,
Thank you for considering bringing me Monkey Island stuff, but I already have about everything one can have on the subject. Let's talk about Lord of the Rings...
My favorite character is Aragorn! So anything related to him is awesome!
Thank you,
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What I would like for Christmas is
A ps3
A new film editing software.
Sam&Max Season 3
and last but not least Tarja Turunen (Wrapping isn't required.)
your favorite child at heart
(That may be a hint, Telltale).
I really laughed when I read this xD
I'd PAY Santa for that.
Pay Telltale. 6 million dollars.
The only thing I want for Christmas is to hug all my family, who I love so much that sometimes I think it will make my heart explode. Unfortunately though they are on the opposite side of the planet (that's about as far apart as you can get without space-travel capabilities).
So it would be great if you could give me a teleportation device, a tunnel through the centre of the Earth, a flying DeSoto, or even just really really REALLY long arms.
Thanking you in advance,
Australian abroad
I actually have everything I want. And in fact, the things I don't have I can easily buy with money. I don't want to bore you with how good my life is right now, so to make it short: It's awesome right now.
Because of that my wish this year isn't for me or my family, it's for all people who don't had as much luck and pleasure as me. I know that you can't do everything and I'm fully aware of the fact that my wish gets unnoticed but it's worth a try.
I wish for every kid to be happy. I wish for quarreled families to be united again. I wish for the war to stop. I wish that politicians are honest and care about the citizens. I wish that poverty and starvation will be non-existend in the near future. I wish that people (especially, but not only the people in charge of things) stop being selfish. I wish that people stop worrying about change and embrace new things in their life while trying to influence it with their ideas to make a better future.
I'm no child anymore. So I know you probably won't be able to fulfill ALL my wishes. But I hope that you can manage at least a few and at least at this time of the year where it is cold and mean outside.
Take care and don't get sick you lovely old man.
Best wishes,
If you REALLY wan't to get me something you can buy with money, I'd take the Casio EX-F1. Thank you
Don'T worry about the Camera too much though. If you don't get it for me I'll get it myself. My other wishes do have higher priority!
IMO booze store is best place to buy Christmas presents for your adult relatives.
Wait no, I want mind flex, and a PSP my bad.:D
Oh well, if not that, Batman: Arkham Asylum.
If not that, a copy of Charles Dickens The Old Curiosity Shop.
If not that, a copy of LeChuck's Revenge.
2) A unicorn
3) Sam and Max Season 3
4) And an XBOX 360 that doesn't break
(I think that last one was pushing it a bit)
Erm, I mean,
Dear Santa Clause,
This year I have decided to keep my wishlist short and sweet so I won't be as much of a bother.
I would be really happy if I were to get these things for the Holidays this year:
PS: We're going to use eggnog instead of milk this year. Hope you like eggnog!
We don't celebrate Christmas here as you know. But while flying over here, if you happen to be carrying an extra PS3 and "accidentally" drop it on the garden in front of my apartment thanks to a little disturbance in the air caused by hard weather conditions, I'd be gratefully take it to my home and retain it until you come over by any chance. You don't have to be in a rush, my home is not in your list after all and I hate ruining people's plans. You also don't have to worry about it, I always keep my promises and I promise I won't cause any harm to it.
Just to let you know.
2) A bottle of scotch from from 1721
3) A car. Preferably an Aston Martin Vanquish, but I'll settle for a Mini Cooper S. Or failing that, a Ford Escort Mark VI.
4) Some tickets to the 2010 British Grand Prix
5) A six-pack of Red Bull.
As you know, we're working on the second and final part of our Lord of the Rings parody. Sooo, I saved money... and bought my little brother THIS!
I hope he likes it, after all, his favorite character is Gimli!
P.S. Mom just found out. There isn't really a smiley that can describe her face right now.
Please stop leaving suggestive notes around the house.
P.S. Please may I have a Lamborghini Murcielago for Christmas. You wouldn't disappoint a little kid on Christmas day would you? Thought not. Thanks!
Please watch over those I can't right now, and make as many kids happy as you can.
P.S. SWP is a good big brother, but if you could keep my little brother from seeing his post, I'd appreciate it. He set the bar a leeetle high there ...
How's it going, old man? I'd like to ask that you keep my list secret. After all, those mean guys at the Telltale forums will just make fun of items on my list(:(!). Anyway, you probably know I've had my eye on bigger external hard drives for awhile, especially those nice 2TB drives. The portability of that much stuff would be really cool! Secondly, I am REALLY looking forward to Dragon Box One I've been wanting this since the Japanese release of the boxes YEARS ago, but as you probably know they were a pre-order only deal and it costs over a thousand dollars to import the series that way now. It even uses the Japanese names in the reference material and books, and defaults to the Japanese track with subs, it's everything I've wanted! Toei and Funimation did most of the work already, can you just drop that off at my house? Thanks. Oh, and I've had my eye on Dragon Age for the PC. If I could get that, it'd sure be swell. That's all for this year, Santa, though you're really free to drop off extra presents my way if you think I'd like them!
Your best pal,
Rather Dashing