eBay Alert: Sam and Max Effigy Mound Sketch Book

edited November 2009 in Sam & Max
There are currently two copies of the "Effigy Mound Sketch Book" on eBay right now. One is Buy it Now, and the other is an auction. I'd say go for the auction first since it starts significantly lower than the Buy it Now. However, like most of the Sam and Max rarities, it is likely to jump way up in price once the bidding wars commence. I've already got my copy from the TTStore, so I'll be sitting this one out. Good luck.

1. Buy it Now at $120 w/ $7 S&H
Condition: Mint - no signs of wear and tear.
Auction link: Here
Ending: Dec 13, 2009 @ 7:30 PST

2. Auction starting at $24.74 w/ $8.25 S&H
Condition: Link New - very minor wear and tear around the cover.
Auction link: Here
Ending: Dec 09, 2009 @ 6:48 PST

Sketch Book Cover:!Be+N2rg!2k~$(KGrHqQH-DIErdzeYJD6BK+hfPIrP!~~_12.JPG


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