Space Gorilla

edited December 2009 in Sam & Max
Now, we know that there is to be a power-hungry space gorilla in the new game, but what the heck is a power-hungry space gorilla? I think we need to obsess about this ridiculously before Telltale posts a trailer or something.

My guess? Escapee from the Galactic Zoo of Chromitron 12.


  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Now, we know that there is to be a power-hungry space gorilla in the new game, but what the heck is a power-hungry space gorilla? I think we need to obsess about this ridiculously before Telltale posts a trailer or something.

    My guess? Escapee from the Galactic Zoo of Chromitron 12.

    Hmmm....I think I have came up with a possible theory.

  • edited December 2009
    Hmm, I don't know ... he looks more attention-hungry than power ...
  • edited December 2009
    4 words.
    Planet of the apes.
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Hmm, I don't know ... he looks more attention-hungry than power ...

    Yes, put can you not see that, evil sinister grin he has...Evil, I tell you EVIL!
  • edited December 2009
    I don't know, he looks more smarmy than evil ... oh! You mean the monkey! Yeah, he does look like one, mean, sonovabachelor!

    @adventureaddict: It ain't Planet of the Apes without Roddy McDowell :(
  • edited December 2009
    Rubber pants commandos!
  • edited December 2009
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Rubber pants commandos!

    That made me smile sir..that made me smile.
  • edited December 2009
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Rubber pants commandos!

    *Gasp!* Perhaps some alien being has taken control of his mind and Max must use his psychic powers to turn him back to good?
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    *Gasp!* Perhaps some alien being has taken control of his mind and Max must use his psychic powers to turn him back to good?

    or maybe....the space gorilla is Sgt. Blips brother, and through utter defeat at the hands of his brother. Sgt Blip enlists the help of Sam&Max.
  • edited December 2009
    Help me Max y Sam. You're my only hope!
  • edited December 2009
    I'm just wondering how Max gets his psychic powers...thats what gots me the most intrigued.
  • edited December 2009
    ^He's always had it as far as I can think, that's why he's immune to hypnosis and why he can levitate coffee mugs.

    As for the Space Gorilla, it's obviously a power mad person who wants to rule the universe.
  • edited December 2009
    splash1 wrote: »
    ^He's always had it as far as I can think, that's why he's immune to hypnosis.

    I think thats because of the metal plate in his head.
  • edited December 2009
    Hang on - Blip is a chimpanzee. How could a gorilla be a chimpanzee's brother?

    Yes, I am over thinking this.

    Perhaps the Space Gorilla is a contact of Lactose the Intolerant?
  • edited December 2009
    Molokov wrote: »
    Hang on - Blip is a chimpanzee. How could a gorilla be a chimpanzee's brother?

    Yes, I am over thinking this.

    Perhaps the Space Gorilla is a contact of Lactose the Intolerant?

    Second cousing, thrice removed?

    Or Maybe Lactose the Intolerant and the Uglions have something to do with my mind wanders, over the possibilities
  • edited December 2009
    Icedhope wrote: »
    I think thats because of the metal plate in his head.

    That wasn't because he was the most agressive and chaotic thing in earth (And the only one cappable to stop Hugh Bliss) and, since Hugh Bliss made all those hynotic devices, that make him invulnerable somehow?

    (Any way, I didn't get the part of the gorilla. The narrator has a weird accent, and that is already beyond my English Level (I mean, I took a whole day to catch that Powah or something were "power". I mean, It's easy when you read it, but when you "hear" them... no))
  • edited December 2009
    I think Rather Dashing wrote down all the quotes in the beginning of the Sam and Max 2010 thread, Ginny, if you want to look them up. They are all overly dramatic yet intriguing!

    I think Max got his psychic powers as a prize in a cereal box.
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I think Rather Dashing wrote down all the quotes in the beginning of the Sam and Max 2010 thread, Ginny, if you want to look them up. They are all overly dramatic yet intriguing!
    Well, I did miss one. There's one quote that seems to come up almost randomly if you click around after the last one. I don't know how to duplicate it, but I did hear it. Shwoo transcribed that last one about three posts after my own. Anyway, here is my post, for anyone interested.
    I think Max got his psychic powers as a prize in a cereal box.
    I think found them in the large intestine of an unruly criminal. How they got there, and how he got to them, is another story all in itself. Because of this, we can consider Sam and Max to be Season Four, with the gruesome Season Three to be developed by Rockstar Games to create a more "Manhunt"-esque atmosphere. Note that none of the website materials say "Season Three"!
  • edited December 2009
    I think found them in the large intestine of an unruly criminal. How they got there, and how he got to them, is another story all in itself. Because of this, we can consider Sam and Max to be Season Four, with the gruesome Season Three to be developed by Rockstar Games to create a more "Manhunt"-esque atmosphere. Note that none of the website materials say "Season Three"!

    Tales IS MI5! Oh, *ahem* sorry, sorry. Does anyone else think Sam and Max might actually be horrible sharp-shooters? I always kind of imagine them going in, guns blazing, but not really caring about what they may or may not hit. I just don't see Max taking the time to actually aim.
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Tales IS MI5! Oh, *ahem* sorry, sorry. Does anyone else think Sam and Max might actually be horrible sharp-shooters? I always kind of imagine them going in, guns blazing, but not really caring about what they may or may not hit. I just don't see Max taking the time to actually aim.
    I think that Sam's aim is alright. He obviously "hit"
    Hugh Bliss
    at the end of Season One, and there have been a few puzzles that required him to shoot something accurately.

    Max probably CAN shoot accurately, if fueled by a pure enough malice. Like if the target was wearing a shirt in a color that Max particularly didn't like, or if they used a word he didn't understand. Otherwise, you're likely right, he lacks the concentration.
  • edited December 2009
    Yeah, that's pretty much how I figure it, too ... although you do have to admit
    hitting Hugh Bliss wasn't the world's most difficult shot.
    But Sam would be passing fair, I guess. Max, not so much. Max with a knife, on the other hand ...
  • edited December 2009
    "Space gorilla". I swear, only Steve Purcell's work is bizarre enough to get away with that kind of thing.

    Well, that and Japan, because in Japan you can kick gorillas into space.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Kroms wrote: »
    "Space gorilla". I swear, only Steve Purcell's work is bizarre enough to get away with that kind of thing.

    Well, NASA's work came close with Ham the Space Chimp. :p

    Actually, looks like Jacques the magnetic monkey in Tales of Monkey Island owes something to Ham as well:
    Wikipedia wrote:
    In his pre-flight training, Ham was taught to push a lever within five seconds of seeing a flashing blue light; failure to do so would result in an application of positive punishment in the form of a mild electric shock to the soles of his feet, while a correct response earned him a banana pellet.
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Tales IS MI5! Oh, *ahem* sorry, sorry. Does anyone else think Sam and Max might actually be horrible sharp-shooters? I always kind of imagine them going in, guns blazing, but not really caring about what they may or may not hit. I just don't see Max taking the time to actually aim.

    See beginning of S2E4. The answer lies in there ;)
  • edited December 2009
    It reminds me of Hit the Road.

    Bruno the Bigfoot, Space Gorilla... Both hairy and monstrous. Well, I ASSUME a space gorilla is monstrous. Unless they pull of a "possibilities are endless, so... here's an infant gorilla" joke or something.
  • edited December 2009
    Because it was only spoken maybe he ment guerilla. This concept seems slightly more dull though.
  • edited December 2009
    I think that Sam's aim is alright. He obviously "hit"
    Hugh Bliss
    at the end of Season One, and there have been a few puzzles that required him to shoot something accurately.

    Max probably CAN shoot accurately, if fueled by a pure enough malice. Like if the target was wearing a shirt in a color that Max particularly didn't like, or if they used a word he didn't understand. Otherwise, you're likely right, he lacks the concentration.

    I do believe they actually comment about it in Night of the Raving Death:

    "Max: To the head! it's the only way to keep them down!
    Sam: Quiet Max, with our aim we're lucky to hit them at all"

    And the first two pages of On the Road are in fact pretty descriptive about it.

    But, let's say they have aim when the script said they do have. In other circunstances, I don't think so.
  • edited December 2009
    It's also brought up when
    Sam is in Hell
    in 205.
    Sam: (Shoots at the rope holding the safe above Demon Peepers' head) Missed! Satan must have messed up my aim, to torment me!
    Demon Peepers: But Sam, you're a lousy shot in real life, too!
    Sam: I said, Satan must have messed up my aim.

    Anyway, I agree. He's a good shot when the plot calls for it.
  • edited December 2009
    Because it was only spoken maybe he ment guerilla. This concept seems slightly more dull though.

    What's about a guerrilla of space gorillas?
  • edited December 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    What's about a guerrilla of space gorillas?
  • edited December 2009
    Spadge wrote: »

    I lol'd so hard.
  • edited December 2009
    Spadge wrote: »
    :D :D :D :D brilliant!
  • edited December 2009
    The banana is just the perfect touch :D Hmm, it's hilarious, but at the same time I'm loving the idea of the tough-as-nails gorilla commander barking out orders around his cigar ...
  • edited December 2009
    With motocycles! with motocycles!
  • edited December 2009
  • edited December 2009
    See beginning of S2E4. The answer lies in there ;)

    I'm usually not very curious but you have my attention, go on:D
  • edited December 2009
    I'm usually not very curious but you have my attention, go on:D
    Sam, Max and Flint break into Bosco's shop and start shooting wildly. When they discover that this hasn't solved their problem, they realise that they'll have to try a more difficult, less fun solution.
  • edited December 2009
    Molokov wrote: »
    Sam, Max and Flint break into Bosco's shop and start shooting wildly. When they discover that this hasn't solved their problem, they realise that they'll have to try a more difficult, less fun solution.

    That are
    all the detective skills they do know. At least Flint has good aim with zombies
  • edited December 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    That are
    all the detective skills they do know. At least Flint has good aim with zombies
    That aren't Sam or Max.
  • edited December 2009
    4 words.
    Planet of the apes.

    My thoughts exactly
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