caeska should be banned because him finding out why the spam sketch bugs him so much is as likely as me coming up with a good Blackadder style analogy.
caeska should be banned because I did not approve this unauthorized and offensive use of my image. My lawyers are standing by. I count about... 85 of them.
There you go. Mr Nutt should be banned for his lack of creativity.
Okay, I'll have a roast beef sandwich.
Also, StrongBrush1 is banned for contempt of court.
Also this this is for ninjaing me.
caeska should be banned because I did not approve this unauthorized and offensive use of my image. My lawyers are standing by. I count about... 85 of them.
He probably still has a shred of life, and with his excellent intelligence of puzzles, he should be able to come back to life, like Momma Bosco did.
Also, caeska should be banned for discriminating against the recently deceased.
Mr. Nutt should be banned for.......
I just can't do it, guys.
Aww, I can't do it either! I can't ban Sal!
I should be banned for not banning Sal.
Seibert, You're off the hook for now. I felt like it had to be done.