bai ganyo should be banned for being racist.
TheNuclearReactor (who started this god-forsaken, most vile and infernal thread) should be banned for being a hatemonger and for spreading conflict amidst the fragile geeks, occupating this forum.
Hayden should be banned for not banning prizna for accusing me of trolling when all I did was remarking that it was a trap. Surely that is not trolling, but rather a helpful warning.
I am shocked! caeska, how come you're residing in this here forum, without knowing of The Slender Man?! You ought to be banned, preferably into an unholy forest.
Hassat Hunter should be banned for stating something without elaboration.
Why am I the favourite new member of plenty forumites? Was there a competition I missed? :P
Onenky should be banned for typing "I come from a land down unda." in 'location'. That section of your profile is for your place of residence, not your origin. Ha!
StrongBrush1 should be banned both for a lazy ban and for accusing me of practicing douchery (or douchebaggery), and VeronicanPlay shall be spared for banning said accuser.
You should all be banned, damn your eyes!
TheNuclearReactor (who started this god-forsaken, most vile and infernal thread) should be banned for being a hatemonger and for spreading conflict amidst the fragile geeks, occupating this forum.
..while he ought to be banned!
Caeska should be banned for bringing up Chuck Norris.
Those jokes are so 2010 >.>
Hassat Hunter should be banned for stating something without elaboration.
Why am I the favourite new member of plenty forumites? Was there a competition I missed? :P