Supmandude85 should be banned for typing his username without a capital 'S,' thus creating a conflict between his username and the rule of using a capital letter in the beginning of the sentence.
The rule of using a capital letter in the beginning of the sentence won.
caeska should be banned to show that he, as a Monkey Smuggler, will be punished to the fullest extent of the Internet law for smuggling monkeys... and that other stuff he does.
Mr Nutt should be banned, but only after explaining which character caused him to name his user. (Although I do remember him mentioning something about Wallace and Gromit.)
Sarendor should be banned for not knowing that ted12's name works like Crypto's from Destroy All Humans. It has a number that goes up with every clone in case you didn't know.
Sarendor should be banned for suggesting someone should have played a game that I also have not played, causing me to question whether I should have played this game myself.
The rule of using a capital letter in the beginning of the sentence won.