prizna should be banned for being unaware, or not realizing, that I am 3 hours behind him due to living in WA and not having to tolerate the incredibly mundane daylight savings as it is not in effect this year.
EDIT: Ha, come to think of it, it's already Australia Day over there. Got Chinese-made Australian flag yet?
prizna should be banned for making me explain why I don't like waking up to dark, cold(er) mornings and having daylight at 7:30, not to mention the pain of having to try to re-adjust to the whole time change as well as the pain of having to get up a whole hour earlier on the first day.
Sorry, I meant to say "for not sitting through Hewitt's loss". I didn't get time to edit it because my computer began running slow at that particular time. prizna should be banned for taking advantage of my currently slowish running computer.
PS: I will ban you if you say "haydenwce27 should be banned for actually watching the tennis."
or "haydenwce27 should be banned for having a currently slowish running computer".
EDIT: Ha, come to think of it, it's already Australia Day over there. Got Chinese-made Australian flag yet?
PS: I will ban you if you say "haydenwce27 should be banned for actually watching the tennis."
or "haydenwce27 should be banned for having a currently slowish running computer".
EDIT: And for not being in bed yet! Now turn off your computer and go to sleep!
Tom Pravetz should be banned for overtly (and covertly) asking to be a mod.
(I hate maintenance!)