A new clue about Season 3?



  • edited January 2010
    I think it was just a throwaway joke. Like the Speed Pickle picture in the office.
  • edited January 2010
    Apparently S&M creators really like gorilla-ish animals. The first games plot centered around finding a missing bigfoot.
  • edited January 2010
    Milkman08 wrote: »
    Guys I just found something while replaying
    Maybe Season 3 is a Prequel to season 1 (that deals with hypnotising, or let's just say psychic-powers)?
    it makes sense because it seems S3 has the same theme too ...
    Or, it's just me making another crazy theory ... :D

    I'm probably the only one on the forums that thinks that would be AWESOME!!!
  • edited January 2010
    maybe Max got psychic powers because he is the only one that comprehends the "paah" of the mind.

    "In all the Universe, the only "paah" beyond the mind's comprehension, is the "paah" to comprehend the "paah" of the mind.If anyone of us could unlock this terrible "paah", would we use it to explore the mysteries of the infinite, or would we use it to destroy???"

    Max would definetly use it to destroy!!!
  • edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    I'm probably the only one on the forums that thinks that would be AWESOME!!!

    I think it'd be rather cheap, given the popularity of movie prequels in recent years. Unfortunately, it wouldn't stop me from buying it - I'd be a little ashamed, though :)
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