Animal Crossing: City Folk

edited December 2009 in General Chat
This is my most recent addiction. If anyone else has Animal Crossing: City Folk, feel free to add me to your friend roster, and then reply to this post with your code (so that we can visit each others towns, write letters, share items, etc).

Code: 1634-4759-9087
Town: Wenfork
Name: Mike

I know, Nintendo's code system is rather annoying...


  • edited December 2009
    I haven't been on it since December 26th. It's a good game, if you haven't played previous installments. Having said that, it is my fourth most played wii game (at 51 hours). How long have you been playing it for?
  • edited December 2009
    I have had the game for a little over a week now. According to the Nintendo Channel, I have been playing for roughly 30 hours; which just barely surpasses my New Super Mario Bros. Wii play time. At this rate, Super Smash Bros. Brawl will not be sitting on top for very much longer.

    PS. I also own the GameCube version of Animal Crossing. I never played the DS version, though.
  • edited December 2009
    Mike Haley wrote: »
    I have had the game for a little over a week now. According to the Nintendo Channel, I have been playing for roughly 30 hours; which just barely surpasses my New Super Mario Bros. Wii play time. At this rate, Super Smash Bros. Brawl will not be sitting on top for very much longer.

    PS. I also own the GameCube version of Animal Crossing. I never played the DS version, though.

    I played it for 50 something hours total, over the course of a month. I think my problem with it was that i played the DS version to death (i had 75% of all bugs/fish, all the fossils, biggest house, tons of money, the perfect house (for my tastes anyway)), so starting all over again just didn't seem the same. Plus every new addition seemed flawed in someway, like the auction house (One bid, once a week, on one item, and you don't even get to see how the biddings going? It may aswell just be a raffle...). But i guess seeing as you skipped the DS version, the whole online thing is totally new to you.

    If you are looking for FC's, try here Thats the biggest online AC community.

    SN: Did you know City folk was given the horrendously cheesy name: "Let's go to the city!" Here in the UK?
  • edited December 2009
    Friar wrote: »
    Plus every new addition seemed flawed in someway, like the auction house (One bid, once a week, on one item, and you don't even get to see how the biddings going? It may aswell just be a raffle...). But i guess seeing as you skipped the DS version, the whole online thing is totally new to you.
    Honestly, I rarely visit the city myself. There is not nearly enough to do there, but since I am accustomed to the GameCube version, I don't feel as though the overall experience is hampered in any way.

    Also, Shampoodles is a ripoff. I will simply change my Mii from the Mii Channel.
    Friar wrote: »
    If you are looking for FC's, try here Thats the biggest online AC community.
    Actually, I registered on there a few nights ago. I posted here because I would rather play with people that I have a pre-existing acquaintanceship with. That goes for most of the Telltalers.
    Friar wrote: »
    SN: Did you know City folk was given the horrendously cheesy name: "Let's go to the city!" Here in the UK?
    In Japan, it is called Machi e ikō yo: Dōbutsu no mori (Let's Go to the City: Animal Forest). I guess that the North American localization team was the only one that decided to change the words around.

    PPS. I only payed 20 bucks for Animal Crossing: City Folk. So, my expectations were rather low to begin with.
  • edited December 2009
    My kids still play it often... I have to say though it doesn't hold my interest for long..
  • edited December 2009
    I need more friends on that game D8


    I'm just procrastinating right now 8D
  • edited December 2009
    I played online with Haggis earlier today. I was a bit surprised to see that, when I first arrived, the sun had already set in his town (Scabb), as he lives in a far away time zone (Netherlands). I wonder if my on-screen persona will suffer from any jet lag effects as a result of this...

    Anyway, I wish that more people still played this. The more players that you interact with, the more possibilities will open up, it seems. The animal villagers have even been known to gossip about other Nintendo WFC users. I know that mine are saying a lot of stuff about Haggis now.

    In other words, be careful what you tell your animal villagers. It may get back to another player on your friend roster (if you have any).

    EDIT: I am still trying to figure out who Scot from Treehut is. Several animal villagers are raving about his designs. One of Haggis' other friends, maybe?
  • edited December 2009
    Mike Haley wrote: »
    EDIT: I am still trying to figure out who Scot from Treehouse is. Several animal villagers are raving about his designs. One of Haggis' other friends, maybe?
    I think it's some sort of default town. My animals have been talking about designs from Babylon since day one, but I don't know about that town.

    Also, surely there are other people who play Animal Crossing City Folk on here? After all, the more, the merrier!
  • edited December 2009
    If I get a Wii I'll join you all.
  • edited December 2009
    Mike Haley wrote: »
    I played online with Haggis earlier today. I was a bit surprised to see that, when I first arrived, the sun had already set in his town (Scabb), as he lives in a far away time zone (Netherlands). I wonder if my on-screen persona will suffer from any jet lag effects as a result of this...

    Anyway, I wish that more people still played this. The more players that you interact with, the more possibilities will open up, it seems. The animal villagers have even been known to gossip about other Nintendo WFC users. I know that mine are saying a lot of stuff about Haggis now.

    In other words, be careful what you tell your animal villagers. It may get back to another player on your friend roster (if you have any).

    EDIT: I am still trying to figure out who Scot from Treehut is. Several animal villagers are raving about his designs. One of Haggis' other friends, maybe?

    Maybe. Or at least a friend of a friend of a friend (and so on). Check you designs in Mabels, you may find he's added a few.
  • edited December 2009
    My kids bought this memory card cheating thing so they have some saved game that came on it...... I think it gave them a bunch of in game money or whatever.
  • edited December 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    My kids bought this memory card cheating thing so they have some saved game that came on it...... I think it gave them a bunch of in game money or whatever.
    I still remember the Game Genie on NES. I used to spend entire evenings hacking the hell out of Super Mario Bros. I am surprised that I never really got into programming...

    I don't know if that is quite what you were talking about, but I know that there is a similar device that utilizes the memory card port on modern consoles. I don't like to play with that sort of stuff anymore, though. It can seriously glitch games, and potentially corrupt saved data.

    On-Topic: I now have two invites to Crazy Redd's. If anyone needs one, let me know. Personally, I trust that fox about as far as I can throw his forged paintings.
  • edited December 2009
    I used to use Game Genie and then gamesharks when I was a kid.... But what they have is more of a SD card with a ton of save games... so you start out games with tons of lives or money..
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