Thank you, but now I have a more recent (and more eyebrow-efficient) picture (the others were around January-Feburaryish):
Eyebrow action shots! Nice. I have a friend with really bushy eyebrows and girls always call them cute. Either all girls are utterly insane* or there's a niche in the market.
*I've yet to properly study one yet. Need to figure out their eating/sleeping habits first. I'm pretty sure they only eat raw fish.
Eyebrow action shots! Nice. I have a friend with really bushy eyebrows and girls always call them cute. Either all girls are utterly insane* or there's a niche in the market.
Dude. Did you see the pic with my ex?
That is in the grade above mine?
I think the weirdest thing I did with chocolate was eat chocolate chips with goldfish because I liked cheese, chocolate, and salt and wanted to eat them all together. I can't really remember how it tasted, but I don't think I ever did it again. It was probably similar to when I ate a pat of butter by itself or mixed water and Tabasco sauce into a lovely beverage.
Went to the Heritage Festival. I got to wear a yukata. Yay!
The best part was having super nice Japanese women dress me up.
I had ginger tofu, Ian had camel curry (he liked it. It's apparently tender and a bit chewy due to it being a bit fatty) and we shared papaya salad and a chocolate-coated banana.
The Greek pavilion had a book with the best title ever.
I went to London yesterday, and went on the London eye, five years on from when i last went on it, so it's comparison Pic time!
^Yesterday^ Thats my two sisters on the right.
And back in 2005. Boy I was chubby then!
The Heritage Festival is in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I had missed it 3 times already (it's a yearly thing) so I really wanted to go this time. It was pretty neat, if you forget the fact the sun tried to KILL ME.
That set of comparison photos I thought was interesting so I thought I'd compare a couple of myself a few years apart. So here it is, using the best two photos I can find of myself.
The photo on the left was taken at my 18th birthday in 1999. The one on the right was taken at a friend's wedding in 2008, when I was 26. I couldn't believe the difference in myself, I really don't remember ever being that thin.
Because of that I've managed to find an older photo taken in 1995 (I think, could have been 96) when I was at a holiday camp in Wales (think it was a Butlins) on a school trip. I would have been around 14/15 years old.
I apologise for the quality of that, I blame the poor scanner I used when I transferred the photo on to my computer ages ago.
Anyway, I guess no one else will find this interesting but it's not often that I can stand to look at myself, especially in my current state considering what I was like in the past. But enough of that as no-one is here to read my self-depreciating thoughts.
Eyebrow action shots! Nice. I have a friend with really bushy eyebrows and girls always call them cute. Either all girls are utterly insane* or there's a niche in the market.
*I've yet to properly study one yet. Need to figure out their eating/sleeping habits first. I'm pretty sure they only eat raw fish.
Dude. Did you see the pic with my ex?
That is in the grade above mine?
Steak and chocolate are also probably acceptable. Not together though. That would be gross.
Not just fish, either. :eek:
You guys are disgusting :eek:
We probably just feel that you should be an informed consumer. Probably.
I'm the one in the tuxedo on the right. My eyes aren't normally red, for the record.
Well thats a shame... & here I was thinking that you were some kinda shape shifting demonic god....
Who's the chick? Girlfriend? Ex? Stranger? Mother? Demonic buddy?
I'm sorry to disappoint. I don't shapeshift. (That I know of, yet)
The evidence seems to be mounting....
The last one's actually the closest one to the truth...
Very good, or extremely good? Heh heh, heh heh, HEH.
I wish.
Seen here in his rare horizontal form.
Yet you do not deny being a Demonic God.... hmmmmm.....
I already said I don't shapeshift.
Well.....I's kind of.....
It's almost like it's genetics or something crazy like that.
And have that boy wearing a shirt, goshdarnit!
I think it's the kids who look like the parents, not the other way around. Just saying >.>
But the kids came first
Attack of the floating head...
Went to the Heritage Festival. I got to wear a yukata. Yay!
The best part was having super nice Japanese women dress me up.
I had ginger tofu, Ian had camel curry (he liked it. It's apparently tender and a bit chewy due to it being a bit fatty) and we shared papaya salad and a chocolate-coated banana.
The Greek pavilion had a book with the best title ever.
^Yesterday^ Thats my two sisters on the right.
And back in 2005. Boy I was chubby then!
So, did your sisters get shorter?
Now, that is awesome! Although i first read "geek" as "Greek"!
@avi: where was that?
@bonefreak: Puberty can be very confusing...
The photo on the left was taken at my 18th birthday in 1999. The one on the right was taken at a friend's wedding in 2008, when I was 26. I couldn't believe the difference in myself, I really don't remember ever being that thin.
Because of that I've managed to find an older photo taken in 1995 (I think, could have been 96) when I was at a holiday camp in Wales (think it was a Butlins) on a school trip. I would have been around 14/15 years old.
I apologise for the quality of that, I blame the poor scanner I used when I transferred the photo on to my computer ages ago.
Anyway, I guess no one else will find this interesting but it's not often that I can stand to look at myself, especially in my current state considering what I was like in the past. But enough of that as no-one is here to read my self-depreciating thoughts.
You know that the number of hairs of your left eyebrow differs from your right one?!
@Geisha Avistew
Did you close your eyes by intention?
I always wanted to visit Japan but so far it sadly hasn't worked out...
It's interesting that you wrote the sun would try to kill you, considering the fact that we are built of elements breed by dying suns.
The whole situation made me super shy. I'm not sure if that counts as "yes" or "no".