What do you look like? (Post a Pic!)
I was just posting to one of these on another forum and decided to post on here too when I was stunned to find there is not a thread on here for it! (and I searched! I searched through of 17 pages of results!)
So, very simple 1-5 pics of yourself per post, no double-posting pics (though if you want to post more you can at a later point. Please no photoshopping (except red-eye removal or brightness/contrast)
I'll go first

click for full-size view!
Ok, who's th next victem? I mean volunteer!
So, very simple 1-5 pics of yourself per post, no double-posting pics (though if you want to post more you can at a later point. Please no photoshopping (except red-eye removal or brightness/contrast)
I'll go first

click for full-size view!
Ok, who's th next victem? I mean volunteer!

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Here's me and my youngest last summer;
what? so I was made-up as a tiger and I stuck a pair of neko-ears on my head, how's that hardly letting you know what I look like?
anyway... cute gremlin, how old is he in the pic?
I may upload a image later. If i feel like it.
Here I am being a gangsta. Note the Windows 7 bag in the background for added effect.
@Ashton - So, install a wall duct recently?
A hur hur hur.
If you don't mind me saying, you have very nice eyes.
Also I don't have a picture of myself
Tell a lie..
this is from about a year ago though, my hair's a little longer now
This is me and my utter beautiful chilled self.
either that picture's not working for me or you look like a box with a red cross in :P
anyway, me, chewing on a delicious DSi stylus:
Me on just about any other day
This is me sporting my president's day attire. Since this photo I've shaved my luscious beard and grown my hair down to my nose.
Or not.
And no, I'm not reaching for a gun, just a picture of one of my friends back home.
Either way, I usual look mean. Except for when I visit Georgia. Ah, Georgia.
That and blue/green eyes seem to be a trend too.
I'm just another one of those "everyone"
Me being shy and nerdy. The antennae that normally bobble out from the top of my head are currently in hibernation.
I thought the same thing
Mine's blonde, it just looks dark due to the lighting.
I'm just displaying my patriotism towards the fine presidents who have served in the great country of America.
I'm not saying that Sherman shouldn't have been president though.
Oh, no.
No, I'm just his female doppelgänger.
Just kidding, just kidding. And I know Daniel Radcliffe is a guy, he was in "Equus" after all
Sorry ShaggE, I couldn't actually see your photo. So we now have three blonds, one of whom has the potential to be governor of California. Isn't there anybody with blue hair? We've gotta have a guy with blue hair.
I can't believe I've been your BFF for 4 years and I didn't know you were the terminator.
I actually have blue hair.
Always thought you looked more like this:
Although it does look like those teeth have been in a House of Pain...
Not many people understand the "hidden agenda."
Good Question.
No! Shield your eyes!
Hey, I think that's one of our natives. From the looks of him, he probably lives in the same suburb as me.
I'm the one on the left.