I just had two wisdom teeth pulled
...and I would just like to say "ow". Getting them pulled isn't that bad at all, it's when the local anasthetic wears off. Plus I can't smoke for 48 hours, which has put me in the most darling of moods. AND, in a months time i've to go back up to belfast to get the other two pulled and do it again!!
Anyway, my point being. Anyone got any good strategies to cope or any good tales? I've already been annoying people with my teeth, putting them down my brothers back, leaving them in the bathroom sink....the usual
Anyway, my point being. Anyone got any good strategies to cope or any good tales? I've already been annoying people with my teeth, putting them down my brothers back, leaving them in the bathroom sink....the usual
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Oh yeah and I got sick of slim fasts after a while.
And the not smoking thing? Well, I can't really help you there, since I've never smoked before, but I imagine it's the same with every addiction. Get your mind off it by playing video games.
As for dealing with the pain, just think about this guy:
Look at him. Just chilling out. Also, I find that laughing kind of helps, and according to a recent study, so does swearing. You could always slit your wrists though. That would take your mind off the pain in your mouth by releasing endorphins (I wouldn't actually do that if I were you to be honest)
I had all 4 of mine done at once. The good thing about that was knowing I didn't have to go back for another round of pain. :rolleyes:
Did you have them done "in the chair", or under general anaethetic? Mine were done in the chair, with the dentist using what looked like a set of garden tools. One of the teeth was REALLY stuck and I seriously thought at one point that he was either going to give up or brace his foot on my forehead to lever it out.
As for the pain, I have no useful suggestions aside from drugs. The stuff they gave me (codeine) was so strong it knocked me out, which was fantastic for sleeping through it as much as possible. Hooray for narcotics! Snuggling with my little doggie was also a big help... yeah I'm a sook. Annoying your siblings is good for taking your mind off the pain, sounds like you already got that one figured out.
Eurgh, that stuff tastes so gross too.
What about a video game addiction?
I don't remember a lot of bleeding, but then again I have really low blood pressure so it's never easy to get blood out of me. And don't watch funny stuff. Smiling? Not such a good idea when your cheeks are the size of baseballs.
And what's a sook and video game addiction? How can you be addicted to video games? That's like saying, "I'm addicted to water" or "oxygen".
Sook (n.) - a person seeking emotional comfort in a babyish or infantile manner. Pronounced to rhyme with "look". Also see sook (v.), sooky (adj.), sook-face (n.), "have a sook".
Welcome to my lexicon.
And thank you for inviting me to your lexicon! Allow me to share a word with you, "hippacanoodious". hippacanoodious (adv.) one behaving in a silly manner for the amusement of others; innocently facetious.
Obviously you've never had a video game addiction.
...I don't have a problem!
I'd stick to the addiction if I were you.
Spoons are shiny.
Cheesecake with strawberries, on the other hand...
I've not had any dental work done (mainly because I think it's going to have to be full-day with all the crap wrong with all my broken teeth) but somone at work did and said the best way to kill the pain was to hold vodka (or other high ABV + Low sugar drink) in your mouth where the tooth used to be. This will numb it fast and last a reasonably long time.
Though granted I dont know how much she was 'holding' and how much she was drinking...
Vodka also cleans stains off your teeth while you slosh it around (no joke) really good after eating cake with lots of food coloring in it.
In my childhood I had to see my dentist many times and when I got into my teens I started to regularly see an orthodontist about correcting my bite and my various wonky teeth (they've never lined up properly and I had a fair bit of an under bite). I had one major operation on my teeth when I was around 14 which was a bone graft where a piece of bone was taken from my hip and put into my upper jaw. Recovering from that wasn't pleasant is by far the worse operation I've had (which was I think my 11th or 12th in total by that point).
When I reached 16 I was given for the first time the choice to have more work done or not. They wanted to break my jaw then reset it more correctly to get rid of my under bite after which I would have got braces to get my teeth properly aligned. Unfortunately my previous operation was still fresh in my mind and I said no. And while I regret that decision I made 12 years ago I still don't want to see a dentist even though it's in my own best interests to do so.
Anyways, though I never had mine pulled, one of my best friends did last year. All four of them actually; they were growing at a very odd angle that would've effected her jaw. I spent a couple days with her after the procedure and from what I've witnessed of her recovery, it is no fun at all. Just pain and swelling, and on top of it an she got an infection. As for coping, we basically just watched a bunch of movies, which seemed to help (just stay away from the hard-core comedies; not good for the swollen, Chipmunk cheeks).
I wish you a speedy recovery and for a strong immune system to combat potential infections that may follow
I love your choice of words here.
Also, 200 posts! Woo!
I am not, I am a man of steel..I have no babyish tendencies...except when people hurt my feelings, or I get hurt, and then I ball like a little baby.( That was sarcasm.) But yeah, we are a little babyish at some points.
That's a great tip for children's birthday parties.
Oh you have no Idea, how funny it is seeing a flock of 6 year olds, running into things, and tell you how beautiful you are. It's a great thing if you've never experienced it.
Oh I got em done there and ten in the chair, had to man it up for this one, it's really not that bad and the local anasthetic'll get you through the journey home
I'd love to use some booze to numb the pain but i've been banned from drinking (as well as my smokes) for another 36 hours. Today's gonna be a long day
It's allways long bad day, when you can't smoke. Booze, I can live without but not my cigg's.
As for alcohol, it thins the blood, so it's not a good idea when you have a gaping hole in your mouth. Also, STOP SMOKING, it's very bad for you!!! :mad:
I found that one out myself, I was decidedly bad-ass and ignored doctors orders today, I had to sit down for that smoke
Well seeing as you asked :rolleyes:
I like to think I put the kids off it by making it look even more uncool
Don't you hate it when you lick the spoon after eating mint chocolate chip icecream and it's all shiny except for one little chip of chocolate smudged up against the spoon? Like... why can't all spoons just have uniform shininess? Or maybe just make all foods that are eaten with a spoon uniform in spoon-masking capabilities; that way whenever you lick the spoon it'll always be either shiny or not shiny all over. I don't usually behave OCDishly but that's always annoyed me.
Also, ice cream hurts my teeth. If someone told me not to eat icecream because of this then their words would contain wisdom.
stay on target... stay on target
The only good thing that will come of this is a day or 2 with nothing to do but playing video games.
Yeah, the more you acknowledge it, the more it exists.
And since the roots were so strong they couldn't even pull them out, so the teeth had to split and surgically removed by cutting my gums. I was under anesthetic for all of them besides the first, but needless to say, it wasn't a plesent experience.
Can you do it through your nostril?
Unless it's a cigar or a pipe or something. Then you'd be hard-pressed.
The best part is i got my gf to be with me in my room and my family helped. The worst was when i wanted to yawn, till this day my jaw makes some cracking sounds due to the yawning i did when it was completely swollen.