Should there be a new cartoon of Sam and max?

edited February 2010 in Sam & Max
With all the comic book adaptions happening today, I sorta wondered why there isnt a new cartoon of Sam and Max. I know there was one in the 90's but when sam and max were rebooted in 06, I was sorta surprised nobody considering doing a new cartoon.

So do u think there should be a new cartoon of Sam and max?


  • edited February 2010
    Yes, with ezplosions and robots and animes and all that stuffs!
  • edited February 2010
    No, no, no. It'd be all dark and edgy and have an awkward sexual tension between Sam and Max that neither wants to confront and use tons of licensed alternative rock.
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    No, no, no. It'd be all dark and edgy and have an awkward sexual tension between Sam and Max that neither wants to confront and use tons of licensed alternative rock.

    Oookay, let's find a middle way.

    Um... Pulp Fiction Sam & Max?
  • edited February 2010
    Of course! Reboots are nothing without tons of extra material!!!
  • edited February 2010
    Oh yeah! It could be like "ReBoot" and be all 3D and stuff! And they could make jokes about old hot dogs or making secret serviceman sing nursery rhymes or Bosco's paranoia! That'd be awesome!
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    No, no, no. It'd be all dark and edgy and have an awkward sexual tension between Sam and Max that neither wants to confront and use tons of licensed alternative rock.
    No, it should have all that, and be as silly as it's always been, causing the audience to take the dark and edginess about as seriously as I take the darkness in Doctor Who.

    Alternatively, there should be an Impressionable Pre-Teen Sam & Max cartoon, in the tradition of cartoons that age their characters down for no apparent reason. Here are my notes on this.
    (dumps a large sheaf of papers all over the floor)
    There deserves to be a cartoon based on my fanfiction! :p
  • edited February 2010
    I would love to see a new Sam & Max cartoon! The first series was great, but a new one should be more aimed at an older audience, because I think, and I'm just guessing now, that the majority of Sam & Max fans are adults, or young adults.

    And when I say aimed at an older audience, I don't mean it should be filled with cursewords and bloody violence just for the heck of it. Somewhere on the same level as the Telltale series would suit just fine.

    A new show would be awesome, but maybe it should be an internet series, and later released on DVD/Bluray. It would probably not last long on TV... So many shows with great potential gets cancelled before they can really shine, in favour of more shallow and boring shows. :(
  • edited February 2010
    I once read that there is a company head at Adult Swim who would love to do a Sam and Max series. I think it was Williams Street but I'm not sure. I'd love to see it. LOVE. TO. SEE IT.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2010
    It was me.
  • edited February 2010
    So are you saying that if you hadn't been lured away from your position as programming hotdogger we'd have had an Adult Swim version of Sam and Max? Damn the seductive glamour of QA!
  • edited February 2010 plan is coming allong perfectly...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  • edited February 2010
    If they couldn't make a good cartoon back when good cartoons were possible, I doubt the mid-2000's would yield worthwhile results.

    No I am not the biggest fan of the cartoon.
  • edited February 2010
    If they couldn't make a good cartoon back when good cartoons were possible, I doubt the mid-2000's would yield worthwhile results.

    No I am not the biggest fan of the cartoon.

    It was still a good cartoon, it kept with the spirit of Sam&Max. If adult swim was able to get ahold of it, I think it would end up being "Stoner humore" By the end of the third season.
  • edited February 2010
    I would really love to see a new cartoon of Sam and max. I just hope its like the comics and has great animation.
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    No, no, no. It'd be all dark and edgy and have an awkward sexual tension between Sam and Max that neither wants to confront and use tons of licensed alternative rock.

    Sounds like "Spike TV's New Ren & Stimpy." & you're right, that's probably how it would roll.

    The problem is that it HAS to be an adult cartoon. You'll notice that all of today's cartoons have been castrated & beaten at the sign of showing any backbone. Is anyone besides Cartoon Network showing adult cartoons anymore? I guess if we could convince Williams Street that they would get ratings & money making a new Sam & Max cartoon for Adult Swim, then chances would be better.

    Post a "here here" here if you agree:
  • edited February 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    Sounds like "Spike TV's New Ren & Stimpy." & you're right, that's probably how it would roll.

    The problem is that it HAS to be an adult cartoon. You'll notice that all of today's cartoons have been castrated & beaten at the sign of showing any backbone. Is anyone besides Cartoon Network showing adult cartoons anymore? I guess if we could convince Williams Street that they would get ratings & money making a new Sam & Max cartoon for Adult Swim, then chances would be better.

    Post a "here here" here if you agree:

    Careful what you ask for... have you seen the latest episodes of Family Guy? The newer episodes have been better, but before that they basically got rid of most of the intelligent humour and replaced it with swear words and gross out gags.

    I'm not saying a Sam and Max cartoon shouldn't be adult, but it needs to be smart, the way Family Guy would push the bar before the bar got raised... or lowered depending on your standpoint.
  • edited February 2010
    Williams Street wouldn't know a good show if it hit them in the head.

    Sam and Max wouldn't fit their formula. Granted, ti would have less trouble than Moral Orel did, since Sam and Max wouldn't have intelligent, poignant, and truly dark dramatic overtones. But it would have the fault of not falling into the stoner humor that makes up a lot of their shows. Hell, the only reason Metalocolypse(their best show I think, by far) is still going on is that the atmosphere for the show allows for many gruesome on-screen deaths. As much as I like those, I don't think really SHOWING Max rip a guy's face off is within the spirit of the games or the comics, correct me wrong if I'm missing instances of this(no, Hit the Road's intro does not count).
    Icedhope wrote: »
    It was still a good cartoon, it kept with the spirit of Sam&Max. If adult swim was able to get ahold of it, I think it would end up being "Stoner humore" By the end of the third season.
    You can think that. But last time I checked, the cartoon was a castrated mess that added in a little girl purely for demographic purposes. A girl that did not, by any means, belong in there. The show is, at best, watered down.
  • edited February 2010
    Williams Street wouldn't know a good show if it hit them in the head.

    Sam and Max wouldn't fit their formula. Granted, ti would have less trouble than Moral Orel did, since Sam and Max wouldn't have intelligent, poignant, and truly dark dramatic overtones. But it would have the fault of not falling into the stoner humor that makes up a lot of their shows. Hell, the only reason Metalocolypse(their best show I think, by far) is still going on is that the atmosphere for the show allows for many gruesome on-screen deaths. As much as I like those, I don't think really SHOWING Max rip a guy's face off is within the spirit of the games or the comics, correct me wrong if I'm missing instances of this(no, Hit the Road's intro does not count).

    You can think that. But last time I checked, the cartoon was a castrated mess that added in a little girl purely for demographic purposes. A girl that did not, by any means, belong in there. The show is, at best, watered down.

    YES. HIT THE ROAD DOES COUNT. Being nitpicky with people about what examples they can use is the equivalent of a little child in a shopping cart throwing back all the the groceries his mom puts in the cart while shouting "NOOOOOOO! I DON'T WANT THAT!" like the little gremlin that he is.

    In fact you talk about the spirit of the games then immediately forbid anyone else to use one as an example. Bad Dashing. *newspaper smackididdly*

    Now, Max wouldn't go around ripping peoples faces off. It's ridiculous to compare Metalocalypse and Sam and Max. Max will rip the head off of a robot, heck he'll pull his own facial skin back to reveal his own skull just because he feels like it. However, Sam and Max isn't about bloody humor, and I think that Williams Street would recognize that.
  • edited February 2010
    YES. HIT THE ROAD DOES COUNT. Being nitpicky with people about what examples they can use is the equivalent of a little child in a shopping cart throwing back all the the groceries his mom puts in the cart while shouting "NOOOOOOO! I DON'T WANT THAT!" like the little gremlin that he is.

    In fact you talk about the spirit of the games then immediately forbid anyone else to use one as an example. Bad Dashing. *newspaper smackididdly*

    The head was a robot.

    And I humbly disagree that they would see that and make a good show. If they saw that, they'd not make it. Or make six episodes and cancel it.
  • edited February 2010
    Hello there!

    New to this S&M site, and I'm happy to see there are those who appreciate Sam&Max !
    I think I bought a comic book of these 'Freelance Police' either in the early 90's or maybe the mid-late 80's. My comic book has the duo driving a 1960 DeSoto 4-door hardtop with the dual-four-barrel-carb V8. Looks like (BUT ISN'T) a 1960 California Highway Patrol Chrysler of that era. Sam and Max couldn't have picked a better car for police work, whatever their intent ! A 1960 DeSoto is perfect. Perfect.

    The comic issue I have shows the boys having a situation with some bikers on a western highway. The boys figure that the way to get the hooligan's attention, is to stick a baseball bat into the motorcycle's spokes. It got their attention.

    EEK !

    Funny, funny stuff, that duo. I'm just really glad I thought of my old crazy comix collection, and thought to look up on this info highway to see if anyone else remembered them. I can now see there has been much going on since my last look from the 80's.

    Thanks for keeping such a funny kooky zany nutball madcap idea and art alive!

    Your Pal,
  • edited February 2010
    Welcome! The story you're talking about would be On the Road, the main part of the 1989 issue. This should be the cover:
    And that's not a baseball bat, it's Sam's gun :D.

    A lot has changed since the 80s. There haven't been a lot more comics, but there have been a classic video game, a cartoon series, and now a series of video games with the third season starting soonish.
    To catch up, you may want to look around the Sam & Max Wiki and read Telltale's great History of Sam & Max (more parts in the rest of the Summer page). And of course the perfect place to ask around is right here.
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