How can we get MORE M rated Wii video games?
I am pretty sure that there are a few fellow Wii gamers on here. So I will ask each and every one of you this. Are u sick and tired of people bragging their lungs off about the Wii being a kids thing? I know I am...So I personally think there should be more M rated games for the Wii.
The only ones that I know are good are Madworld and No more Heroes. But the grinder looks like a fun FPS. So how can we get more M rated Wii video games?
The only ones that I know are good are Madworld and No more Heroes. But the grinder looks like a fun FPS. So how can we get more M rated Wii video games?
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The lines between children's entertainment and adults' entertainment are very indistinct these days - for example, it's perfectly socially acceptable for an adult to see the Disney/Pixar movie "Up" without taking a child along too.
In general, I wouldn't let my enjoyment of something be tarnished by other people saying it's not "adult" enough for my age group.
That is true, I enjoy all types of games, a rating is just something for parents to help by their kids games, as for me. If I like the description of the game, I'll buy it no matter what the rating.
Oh, those were the days...I miss you Conker... That whole game is all like Wat?
But it is still a classic in my opinion.
My wii hasn't been turned on in over a year. =[
I was 12 at the time I played it (please don't arrest me) so I guess I was more immune to bad potty humor. Worth it for the Sloprano chapter though!
A good game is a good game regardless of what rating it gets, and the Wii needs more good games.
Simple, get people to buy them. Though I believe that this boat has sailed for the Wii, with games such as No more heroes, Mad world, et al selling very few copies, therefore the likelihood of similar style games is quite low. At this point in the current generation the consoles identities have been cemented, with the 360 and the PS3 being the go to consoles for M rated games, and the Wii has a much larger casual audience.
The problem is that shovelware sells so well on the system. It's really the main 3rd party draw. If you aren't published by Nintendo, aiming for the "Hardcore Gamer" market isn't going to work on the Wii unless you're also launching on both of the other consoles. And then, of course, you aren't FOCUSING on the Wii, and the Wii really requires conscious development to make something amazing for the system.
I love some Wii games, but they're so few and far between, and whenever I look into them later, they have always sold poorly.
Look at it from a publisher's point of view. You can either make a cheap and nasty minigame collection, or spend more money and time on making a proper adult game. But in the end, they're both gonna sell about the same amount. Which would you do?
What he said.
Cursed Mountain just came out and... the developer goes under.
And jp, half of those games were god awful. Elebits? Shaun White Snowboarding? If that's the best the Wii has to offer, it's pretty piss poor.
I've got like 18 Wii games (most are my brothers) and I can honestly say I own every good game currently out on the console. I have 23 PS3 games and I can easily say that theres a good 80+ more good titles out currently, and March is gonna be a kickass month for releases.
The Wii IS marketed more towards kids, along with casual gamers, old people and "parents."
The sheer lack of power is always a step back for developing (for example) FPS games.
I've also been hearing how bad it's controls are, which I suppose sounds reasonable now that the gimmick's worn off. But then, this is another drawback if you want "mature" games in the sense of action titles; I'm an FPS buff and poor controls is the first thing that will make you chuck your monitor out the window, let alone a completely new system that also lags not from latency but from your input device itself.
The bigger question is why you'd want it. Is it because it's the only system you have, and you're getting bored? Maybe it's because you don't want the console to be seen as a kids toy for some reason?
If you're really in the market for more mature games, whether it's content or gameplay, pick up another console.
Of course, nothing beats good old PC.
Actually, it doesn't, other than a few exceptions. Look at EA, they supported the Wii heavily in the past year; however lost a F***ton of money, thus continued support is unlikely. Finally on the Wii, only first party games sell exceptionally.
I agree with you. If it doesn't have the the games you want, and personaly ratings shouldn't mean anything to a seasoned gamer, it should be about what you would find fun in a game or what looks like a good game not the rating of it.
If you do want M rated game only then switch to the X-box or PS3.
I think all systems have their heap of bad game releases, fair amount of good/okay releases, and few amounts of awesome releases, but I've gone "man I really need a PS3" more times in the past few months than I've been "man I really need [Wii game]." I hope they mean what they said and step it up for E3 this year, but then again the last time they got my hopes up it was a measly Wii Music announcement, so hell.
It's a shame, I think the system has potential.
The DS has that problem to a lesser extent. A huge amount of the DS "games" are not games at all, but at least there is a fair amount of good games released for it, too.
Gotta love the singing poo though
And if you want more M rated Wii games everyone'd best run out and buy 2 copies of The Conduit and Madworld, only Sega were really doing the mature offerings and they didn't ship that many units unfortunately so they're backing off on it
Dead Rising: Chop 'til You Drop
Dead Space: Extraction
GHOST Squad (questionable, but worth mentioning)
Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy (also questionable, but worth mentioning)
No More Heroes
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Resident Evil Archives: RE Zero (straight-up port of GC release, but still counts)
Resident Evil Archives: RE (same as REZero)
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
Resident Evil 4
Sin & Punishment 2 (not actually out yet!)
The House of the Dead 2 + 3
The House of the Dead: Overkill
...I'm sure there's more, but that'll do you for now.
Just for the sake of comparison, they list 145 games with the "M" rating on the PS3, and 189 titles with the "M" rating on the 360. Oh, and Metroid Prime Trilogy is "T", unless you're using "Mature" in a general sense rather than to refer to the ESRB rating. Which is somewhat confusing.
And I don't actually own MPT, so wasn't sure what rating it was. I admit to being wrong on that.
There are plenty fun games that are E-T rated and plenty stupid games that should never have seen the light of day that are rated M, and vice versa.
In short, a game's rating doesn't determine whether or not it's worth playing.
It's all relative, Monkey Island doesn't need gore and swearing, but in other games it's used to good effect, thakfully games come in all shapes and sizes to suit everyone's taste
I know. Thats what i liked about nintendo consoles. Maybe it's just me, but i find it really uncomfortable playing swear-filled "adult" games (GTA for example, HOTD:OK for another)
The problem people have is the fact that people are narrow-minded. Good games aren't games for matures, or even for teens. Good games are games that are good, that's all. The Wii already had a good share of such games. Sure, half of the good games are ports, but who cares? A good game is a good game. If Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is a good indication, that's a fighting game, and a good one at that. People stating otherwise aren't real gamers.
A) Have some buttons replaced by poorly-done motion controls
Basically, Ports don't work on the Wii.
The ESRB rating isn't an indication of quality, but it is an indication of what developers and publishers think of the audience. While M games are split between games that are meant for adults and games meant for juveniles and frat types, a library consisting of an overwhelming majority of E-T rated games is an indication that the publishers think of the device as a "family system". They aren't going to take it seriously. And when they don't take the audience seriously, and the audience treats it more like a toy than anything else, you end up with the Wii's library of software toys.
Make some. Or pay people to make some. Or wait until people make some. There really isn't an easy answer for this. It's not like you can write a letter to Nintendo and ask them to make some. It's not about what we can do, but it's more about the market.
Plus, if you really want M rated games, why not get the Xbox 360, PS3 or PC? The Wii is already designed for more unique games to played by whole families in their living rooms. It's already good without having more M rated games, which are more of the other consoles' specialty.
So if you're tired of people saying that the Wii is a kid's thing, tell them that being different is not childish.
This. All(most) gamers started of at a reasonably young age, with games that didn't have a mature rating. Take Zelda:OoT. It's the most critically acclaimed game ever released, and was able to be enjoyed by both young and old alike. I enjoyed it as much when i was 7/8, simply running round, exploring, as most people (myself included) do now, doing dungeons. Nintendo consoles are the perfect breeding ground for these sorts of games. They would get ignored by the "core gamer" if said systems were full of M rated games like the 360/PS3. If you want more Mature games, then maybe it's time to move on, leaving part of your childhood behind. For me, nostalgia plays a big part of my gaming experiance these days. I rarely buy new games, afterall, i have a back catalogue of nearly 12 years worth to play!
Considering "The Night of the Iguana" uncut warrants an American TV-14 rating, and "Black Narcissus" uncut is currently rated PG in the UK, I think it is very much possible to tackle sophisticated and "adult" subjects without watering or dumbing down its content or needing to be rated M for Mature.
To say that publishers will dismiss a "family system" as only suitable for "software toys" is not only a gross oversimplification of the video game industry, but is also a rationalization that supports the lower quality "family" entertainment available nowadays. There is no reason a film, book or game can not tackle serious and complicated issues and at the same time be appropriate viewing for people over the age of 13.
I think it just seems to be that outside of Nintendo titles no one title sells particularly strongly on the Wii, I saw games like Broken Sword and Another Code R trailing the bottom of the charts, as well as offerings like the high-budget Conduit and Madworld selling weakly. There just doesn't seem to be a big audience for it, as a Wii owner I hate to admit it, but at least there's some good games coming out this year. No More Heroes 2, Red Steel 2 (actually this one could be cack) Metroid: Other M, Mario Galaxy 2 and fingers crossed, that new Zelda game. So it's not all doom and gloom on the Wii. Chin up folks