Sam & Macs Popularity
I of course knew before I voted that Sam & Max would be the winner, but I didn't know how close SBCG4AP is. It's only 20% behind, which is surprising because there is little activity goin on in that forum.
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I see what you did there.
Oh wow. SBG4AP is catching up FAST. When I voted it was down by about 20-30%. Come on comrades! Boost dog and rabbit to glory!
If your franchise needs support to pull ahead, reach out
I was deducing that when I saw how Strong Bad escalated and so fast. The fanbase of Strong Bad is somewhere else and they are attacking now for some reason (where are they for the Halloween contest I wonder? oh well...)
That or Strong Bad got Bubs to fix it so that he could vote as many times as he wanted, but since they're not real, I prefer the first explanation.
That explain everything!
Both explanations.
I hold the theory that somebody of Aardman put the link in their site and then the wars will begin.
But, who knows if that is going to happen...
I must admit though, I feel kinda sorry for the Wallace and Gromit fans. I'm a fan of the series but not as much as I am with Sam and Max. Sorry Gromit ol' pal!
Would be quite hilarious though if suddenly, at the very last minute, they take the lead and win.
I will vote for W&G before SBCG4AP everyday. For some reason, I can't like that game...
Hey, we're trying to make a big deal out of this, do you mind?
It does. I couldn't really argue with the little vote thing on the menu page, clearly telling me not to vote for S&M, even though I'm a fan of both series. But since someone mentioned that S&M actually does work on Mac & SBCG4AP doesn't, I voted Strong Bad.
I though voting for W&G wouldn't matter about Sam and Max's chances, because at the time Strong Bad was only on 20%. Now I feel guilty.
Still, I guess my one small vote for S&M wouldn't have mattered, seems like everybody's voting now.
C) by setting up blogs about sam and max with a link to telltale games
D) by putting a virus on the homestarruner website
Maybe the MacWorld paper votes have now been counted.
Yes, Max Imp said you HAVE to vote!
Off Topic: What's means FYI?
For Your Information.
No, but I'm still laughing of what he wrote ^^!