Which supporting character(s) would you like to come back after Tales?
Spoiler Alert
Guybrush has had many supporting characters throughout the MI series. Of course Elaine, LeChuck, Stan and the Voodoo Lady always appear in every MI game so they're a given.
Which supporting characters would you like to see in the next MI game(s) (after ToMI,) and why?
You don't have to say Largo LeGrande or Murray because everyone knows they're both awesome. Nor do you have to say Morgan because the cliffhanger at the end of Ch5 involves her anyway.
Just maybe talk about which supporting characters were your favorite, and what you might see them doing if they came back... hopefully our ideas will be better than what they actually did to Murray and Herman in EMI.
[I know there probably is a similar thread like this on the forums, but because of possible Necromancy issues (replying to dead topics), and since RoTPG was released since then, I decided to open a new topic about it.]
Guybrush has had many supporting characters throughout the MI series. Of course Elaine, LeChuck, Stan and the Voodoo Lady always appear in every MI game so they're a given.
Which supporting characters would you like to see in the next MI game(s) (after ToMI,) and why?
You don't have to say Largo LeGrande or Murray because everyone knows they're both awesome. Nor do you have to say Morgan because the cliffhanger at the end of Ch5 involves her anyway.
Just maybe talk about which supporting characters were your favorite, and what you might see them doing if they came back... hopefully our ideas will be better than what they actually did to Murray and Herman in EMI.
[I know there probably is a similar thread like this on the forums, but because of possible Necromancy issues (replying to dead topics), and since RoTPG was released since then, I decided to open a new topic about it.]
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Morgans a shoe-in, so instead I'll give my second most wanted to Winslow. As long as Anemone doesn't follow.
All the same, I'm going to say Morgan anyway.
But if I was to choose someone other than Morgan, it'd probably be Bugeye, I just love how Guybrush ridiculed him in chapter 5
Also, I'd say one of the following should return: Elaine's father i.e. Herman (in his current governor state), Bugeye and Moose (maybe with De Cava again), and Galeb the creepy guy from the Crossroads.
Other than that, they should definitely revive Largo and Wally. It's a must.
How could I forget this! :eek:
I'd love to see Moose come back, because he was easily the funniest of the D.U.B.M.I members in my book, and one of the funniest characters of the entire season.
Also, I know I'm being a traitor to my username, but I don't care if we don't see the Men of Low Moral Fiber or not. They're not especially compelling or even memorable if you ask me.
I completely agree with this.
Not so sure about Bugeye, though. He's a good character, but I'm not sure if he should make another appearance, I'd need some convincing.
Well leave then. Don't come back, we don't want you here... just kidding
I read this and died a little inside.
Yeah, I sorta got the same feeling. I really love both of those characters and almost felt like someone had just insulted a friend or family member.
I'm not completely serious about that.
...the monkey? Agreed.
Mort too!
And just for continuity's sake (and to represent EfMI as not being a total flop) bring in Pegnose Pete and Largo LaGrande - part of a sinister gang...
Also, Winslow. But he also needs to be developed. The map's funny and all, but it's gotten old. The guy needs a new twist.
I'd much rather see new, awesomely-written and well thought-out characters, though. Maybe hear a nice background story or two...
Actually, something like barber pirates, or rock and roll pirates (Van Helgen), or whathaveyou, would be fun. So, maybe opera singing pirates? Ship builder pirates?
It'd have to depend on the story. What kind of character fits this place? How do they contribute to the story? I like this take, from CMI co-leads Jonathan Ackley and Larry Ahern:
(Interviews from the SCUMM Bar).
Everything feeds everything.
Less of the angry pirate, I mean. It'd be nice. Goodsoup and the Barbershop Quartet come to mind as good examples.
Not a bad idea, that one. I like the idea of a fierce pirate gang.
But that's kinda the point, ain't it ?
Part of the reason these guys were fun is that they were pretty much useles. Just a bunch of lazy butts sitting there doing nothing with a couple of funny lines and some junk you can use for a puzzle.
I don't understand why they got scrapped, because it seems hard to screw them up. They can fit in pretty much any town and they don't have much of a special personality that a writer should respect to get them "right".
Their presence or absence doesn't really change much as far as the whole game is concerned, but they'd still be a nice nod to the earlier ones.
Why would anyone love animated breasts?
Maybe people like her, because the character is written to rather sympathetic.
The simple fact that you're asking confuses me. Lots of people love animated (or otherwise drawn, sculpted and so on) breasts.
This being said, I don't think her breasts are her main feature. She's a complex character and feels very human. I think a lot of people can relate to her. I personally think she's the more realistic character in the whole series (which I guess can be a good or a bad thing).
I don't know why he wanted to underline pleasantness or unpleasantness of Morgan's breasts, when the game isn't focused to her breasts. And when it comes to works of art, sure breasts can be aesthetically pleasing also in the art. But I doubt that people actually love animated breasts, not at least in same manner as they love real breasts.
Since when did being evil qualify for anyone to hate a character?
Also, seriously, Morgan doesn't have big animated boobs. Boobies. Bazongas. Pineapples. Bananas. Pointer sisters....cough.
THESE are big animated boobs. Boobies. El Guapos. Atomic Bombs. Watermelons...cough.
Now compare that to this.
You tell me which characters win the overendowed, dependent on boobs for a fanbase category. And which characters have to depend on strong writing and being empathetic.
He could have discovered the secret of immortality, but it had to result in death (live as a ghost/zombie scientist). Or he didn't anticipate death and comes back because of discoveries as a ghost.
That'd be awesome as "you can't stop science!"
Well, she was all right character and I wouldn't mind seeing her again in future games, but there are also other good characters (like Santino) whom I would like to see again. Sometimes people get overexcited about something, but I don't see it as a good reason to dislike Morgan or Winslow.
I would love to see him too, but I do like original Herman a lot more than I like EFMI's Herman.
I don't think she has big breasts. I think she wears a corset which flattens her breasts while showing more cleavage on top.
Seriously though, I don't think she's a character who particularly calls for that type of discussion.
Yeah, I wouldn't say Morgan has a particularly huge rack as far as cartoon boobs go, she just happens to show a bit more cleavage than most. It's probably a distraction technique.