Cat guy here. Though well, I love both, but I'm said that I'm allergic to both (which may actually be a way to prevent me asking for one, but there are other reason that I can't get a cat).
Dunno if it's relative but people say I resemble them cats. And fish. Kinda ironic.
The natural world fascinates me, so I'm an animal person in general. Growing up on a farm meant having all manner of pets, from the faithful old cattle dog to cats, rabbits, ducks, guinea pigs, and a rescued cockatoo that had picked up some bad-ass swear words in its previous life. Don't live with any pets now though.
If I had to play favourites, dogs would win out over cats.
Totally a kitty-cat guy. Oddly enough, for some reason I have an extreme dislike for dogs. I'm really not sure why.
Our cat likes snoozing in boxes and enclosed spaces, so I've placed a towel over the box my PC came in and placed that near to my heater. It's nice when she chooses to have a nap there.
As a person who has owned numerous dogs and cats throughout her lifetime, I generally prefer dogs. Cats are pretty cool too though, but in my experience cats make the better pets (they are clean, usually calmer and can take care of themselves in lots of situations) while dogs make the better friends.
Dogs by far. For one, I'm allergic to cats. For another, we've always kept dogs in my family. A house/apartment seems empty to me if there's not a dog in it. (that's what I hate about this apartment... no pets)
Cats. I don't mind dogs, but they seem more filthy and unhygienic than cats. Also, the dogs require more work, and I prefer animals that can look after themselves without us needing to keep an eye on it (unless there's food on the table :P).
Depending on your location, you can just let your cat out when he wants to go out and stuff too... and they can be alone at night, and don't need a kennel looking after them when I go on a short trip. A friend of family can feed the cat once a day or so (depending on the amount of food you give him), and the cat can easily stay out of the house for a week or two. Especially in summer (you should probably make sure there's a warm place for the cat if you do this in winter, if you live in Norway).
On this subject, what is everyone's favorite breed of dog and cat?
I love my mutty dog very much and would not trade her for anything and I am more for the adoption of dogs from pounds and rescue agencies than over-breeding of expensive purebreds, but I would love to own a Pembroke Welsh Corgi or a Japanese Spitz one day. Corgis are adorable both as puppies and adults and I love dogs that like to run. (I take my own dog to a large grassy area around my house and play frisbee and catch with her, it's great fun and healthy for me and the dog)
I actually don't know much about the typical behavior of the Japanese Spitz and I generally prefer short-haired dogs, but christ just LOOK at them, they are like walking cotton balls as puppies and just beautiful as adults. Supposedly they keep themselves clean too, so you don't have to worry much about the really white fur getting dirty easily and just brush them regularly. I'm sure if they were known to be jerks I wouldn't like them very much, but I've never heard of a bad experience like that with a Spitz.
As for cats, the Himalayan and the Russian Blue are my favorites.
My mom (And everyone in my family, but especially my mom) is quite partial to Dashhounds. Mostly because our first dog was one. She want to have a troop of dashhound some day. And become the most dangerous house in the block.
I'm a cat person. I like dogs but never know how to act with them, and I find them too enthusiastic for me.
I have two cats, for the record. A 5 year old grey-tabby I got from a friend of a friend whose cat's pill failed, and a ginger and white Maine Coon who followed us home in October and is probably around a year old now (but it's hard to say. He's double the size of our other cat and still growing).
My husband loves both although he's more of a dog person, basset hounds in particular.
I like both, but I lean towards cats. I was bitten by a dog at a young age, and have always had an instinctual fear of them since. I still love dogs though, but cats are just downright hilarious.
I'm a total animal lover, hell - I'm vegan. So I love both, but lean towards cats.
And I just love big dogs. Though I have a slight repulsion towards dogs that seem to bow down and be like "Yes, master." I want them to live for themselves, not for me. That's why I love strays.
I'm very fond of both species, though I find myself leaning towards the feline spectrum because they don't smell or drool as much and are generally much easier to care for. But dogs really can be man's (or woman's, in my case) best friend when lonely
I love Dogs. I have a silly Welsh Springer Spaniel and I love him to death. I like cats too but since I discovered I'm slightly allergic to them my enthusiasm has waned.
In all honesty, I love both cats and dogs. Really depends on their temperament, but I always love petting dogs and playing with them, or scratching behind the ears of cats.
I am in ownership of a dog, though - but I really don't prefer one over the other...
<-- There's my lovely lazer-eyed black and white Tux (non-pedigree label not his name. His name is Merlin). (He's awesome as he has black paws, nose, even black lips)
I've had that rascal for over 12 years, and he still comes up with crazy and original things to worry me about.
Two things he does or has done recently that he has never done before.
1. He now digs his face into his tail sometimes when he is lying down, and kinda looks like he has faceplanted. He's completely fine, but it kinda looks like he has something wrong with him, especially as he's so still when he sleeps like that.
2. I still don't see how he physically managed to get himself on our roof.
The only possible way to get on there is by climbing the satellite dishes of different sizes stacked outside and above my brother's windowsill.
Even more baffling is why would he need to do it.
Was he really that desperate to grab my attention on that day.
I guess it worked for the sneaky bugger as I normally let him in at night, throw a few biscuits down for good measure, and keep my window closed.
Man that cat can be pretty smart.
He knows when we get up, and is waiting. He knows my older brother usually leaves his window open. He knows that if he's naughty he gets thrown out so sometimes he is deliberately naughty just because he can't be bothered to ask to be let out for the loo in his normal way, (he has a meow specifically for this).
He knows how to get past foil, he knows he can push open doors that are ajar, and pull them if he has room.
His sense of smell coupled by his greed makes him a meat detecting machine!
He's also a really cuddly cat. Not to strangers usually, though he is okay with most people, but he just loves to be petted and to lie down on ya. He doesn't do loads of kneading these days, but he does sometimes do a little air kneading if he's on his side.
Loves his ears and his chin scratched. Used to favour the chin, and still stick his head forward when you do it, but he loves the ears now.
Sometimes he'll even collapse in your hand just for the ears.
Hates being touched on the belly or his legs though, and can attack ya if you do it too much to annoy him.
Man, I'm gonna miss that cat when he's gone.
As for dogs, the little ones are okay, and some breeds of big dog are alright too, but some breeds do intimidate me.
Dogs are more active, and kinda needy I guess. Some more playful than cuddly.
I guess I'm not really a fan.
Dunno if it's relative but people say I resemble them cats. And fish. Kinda ironic.
hmmmm. clearly you hate all animals, especially cats.
I am a dog person but personally could care less.
If I had to play favourites, dogs would win out over cats.
Haha, nice
Our cat likes snoozing in boxes and enclosed spaces, so I've placed a towel over the box my PC came in and placed that near to my heater. It's nice when she chooses to have a nap there.
Sure, why not?
Depending on your location, you can just let your cat out when he wants to go out and stuff too... and they can be alone at night, and don't need a kennel looking after them when I go on a short trip. A friend of family can feed the cat once a day or so (depending on the amount of food you give him), and the cat can easily stay out of the house for a week or two. Especially in summer (you should probably make sure there's a warm place for the cat if you do this in winter, if you live in Norway).
I love my mutty dog very much and would not trade her for anything and I am more for the adoption of dogs from pounds and rescue agencies than over-breeding of expensive purebreds, but I would love to own a Pembroke Welsh Corgi or a Japanese Spitz one day. Corgis are adorable both as puppies and adults and I love dogs that like to run. (I take my own dog to a large grassy area around my house and play frisbee and catch with her, it's great fun and healthy for me and the dog)
I actually don't know much about the typical behavior of the Japanese Spitz and I generally prefer short-haired dogs, but christ just LOOK at them, they are like walking cotton balls as puppies and just beautiful as adults. Supposedly they keep themselves clean too, so you don't have to worry much about the really white fur getting dirty easily and just brush them regularly. I'm sure if they were known to be jerks I wouldn't like them very much, but I've never heard of a bad experience like that with a Spitz.
As for cats, the Himalayan and the Russian Blue are my favorites.
I have two cats, for the record. A 5 year old grey-tabby I got from a friend of a friend whose cat's pill failed, and a ginger and white Maine Coon who followed us home in October and is probably around a year old now (but it's hard to say. He's double the size of our other cat and still growing).
My husband loves both although he's more of a dog person, basset hounds in particular.
Don't have any at the moment, when the time is right...the (cat) world is my oyster!
Both of these would depend on the breed though.
And I just love big dogs. Though I have a slight repulsion towards dogs that seem to bow down and be like "Yes, master." I want them to live for themselves, not for me. That's why I love strays.
(Actually I really like cats too, but I'm allergic...)
EDIT: Your dog is adorable, Emily!
By the way a cat being hygeinic is only common in domestic cats. A wild cat will hardly ever clean itself.
Cats fit my personality better I suppose.
And hating both seems rarer than I would have though.
Not much of an animal person, that doesn't mean to say I hate them, though.
In all honesty, I love both cats and dogs. Really depends on their temperament, but I always love petting dogs and playing with them, or scratching behind the ears of cats.
I am in ownership of a dog, though - but I really don't prefer one over the other...
Here's that picture of Max again for good measure.
<-- There's my lovely lazer-eyed black and white Tux (non-pedigree label not his name. His name is Merlin). (He's awesome as he has black paws, nose, even black lips)
I've had that rascal for over 12 years, and he still comes up with crazy and original things to worry me about.
Two things he does or has done recently that he has never done before.
1. He now digs his face into his tail sometimes when he is lying down, and kinda looks like he has faceplanted. He's completely fine, but it kinda looks like he has something wrong with him, especially as he's so still when he sleeps like that.
2. I still don't see how he physically managed to get himself on our roof.
The only possible way to get on there is by climbing the satellite dishes of different sizes stacked outside and above my brother's windowsill.
Even more baffling is why would he need to do it.
Was he really that desperate to grab my attention on that day.
I guess it worked for the sneaky bugger as I normally let him in at night, throw a few biscuits down for good measure, and keep my window closed.
Man that cat can be pretty smart.
He knows when we get up, and is waiting. He knows my older brother usually leaves his window open. He knows that if he's naughty he gets thrown out so sometimes he is deliberately naughty just because he can't be bothered to ask to be let out for the loo in his normal way, (he has a meow specifically for this).
He knows how to get past foil, he knows he can push open doors that are ajar, and pull them if he has room.
His sense of smell coupled by his greed makes him a meat detecting machine!
He's also a really cuddly cat. Not to strangers usually, though he is okay with most people, but he just loves to be petted and to lie down on ya. He doesn't do loads of kneading these days, but he does sometimes do a little air kneading if he's on his side.
Loves his ears and his chin scratched. Used to favour the chin, and still stick his head forward when you do it, but he loves the ears now.
Sometimes he'll even collapse in your hand just for the ears.
Hates being touched on the belly or his legs though, and can attack ya if you do it too much to annoy him.
Man, I'm gonna miss that cat when he's gone.
As for dogs, the little ones are okay, and some breeds of big dog are alright too, but some breeds do intimidate me.
Dogs are more active, and kinda needy I guess. Some more playful than cuddly.
I guess I'm not really a fan.