Interview with Joey Camen, voice of Bosco and the Two-Teeths

edited February 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey guys!

I just thought I'd let you know of an interview I recently conducted with Joey Camen, the guy who lends his voice to Bosco and the Two-Teeth family in Sam & Max. The interview covers, among others, how Joey got into voice acting, what direction he'd like to take his characters in and some shocking news about Bosco's appearance in season three...

You can read it here.


  • edited February 2010
    omfg, bosco's been CUT?!???! also, i do not recommend this as reading for anyone offended easily, under the age of 12, or whose parents keep a close leash on what is seen on the internet.
  • edited February 2010
    I had no idea about I wonder how long it's been around.

    edit:hm, since last Thursday, apparently
    edit 2:doh, pre-empted!
  • edited February 2010
    As far as voicing Bosco again, I was told Bosco was not needed for season three. I’m serious. It can mean one of two things. They are telling the truth and cut out his character OR they simply cannot afford me anymore and have replaced me with another voice actor, which does happen more than you know. Such is showbiz. Write them and ask, where is Bosco? Let’s get a campaign going boys and girls.

    Nuh-uh, it could also mean that he's there but he's mute now!

    Assuming he's telling the truth, it's possible that Season 3 just doesn't take place in the Neighbourhood, and therefore the characters from the first two seasons have less reason to appear.

    Either way I don't really care if Bosco's in the season or not, as long as Sam & Max are there.
  • edited February 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    I had no idea about I wonder how long it's been around.

    I launched the site on the 18th of February.
  • edited February 2010
    Well that's a promising site you've got there. It's looking slick and it reminds me of the old in its glory days (not that I actually experienced in its glory days, but I've done a lot of waybackmachine browsing so I have some idea).
    I'm glad someone's putting the wiki to good use, too. :D
  • edited February 2010
    It's hard to tell if Camen is completely serious in his last answer, considering how he answered the earlier questions. On the other hand, if he is speaking the truth, that would probably mean that the Two Teeth family isn't in this season as well (seeing as how he doesn't know if they didn't need him because of the script or because of budget reasons). I can't really imagine Telltale changing such a popular voice after two seasons, so I guess this is the end for Bosco. As someone above me said, this will probably mean the street is gone. I liked the street, but after walking down the same path for 10 episodes, I think I've seen enough of it.

    I agree with Harald, Pinchpenny, it's a great looking site. Are you planning more interviews with other voice actors?
  • edited February 2010
    Tjibbbe wrote: »
    It's hard to tell if Camen is completely serious in his last answer, considering how he answered the earlier questions. On the other hand, if he is speaking the truth, that would probably mean that the Two Teeth family isn't in this season as well (seeing as how he doesn't know if they didn't need him because of the script or because of budget reasons). I can't really imagine Telltale changing such a popular voice after two seasons, so I guess this is the end for Bosco. As someone above me said, this will probably mean the street is gone. I liked the street, but after walking down the same path for 10 episodes, I think I've seen enough of it.
    or it's just more motivation for us to buy the third season?

    I admit the suggested changes that Joey is telling us, does make me ever more interested of this very suspicious season, that's making sure it keeps all it's cards to its chest.
  • edited February 2010
    Actually, it's really great the know that they know the old characters from the earlier seasons now have little to no new material to show, so they're making a fresh start with fresh ideas and fresh jokes.

    Oh boy, this season will be really great.
  • edited February 2010
    Wich is a good thing, and as far as boscoe being cut it's a shame. But that means, we will be getting more and more good things to come.
  • edited February 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    Well that's a promising site you've got there. It's looking slick and it reminds me of the old in its glory days (not that I actually experienced in its glory days, but I've done a lot of waybackmachine browsing so I have some idea).
    I'm glad someone's putting the wiki to good use, too. :D

    Thanks Harald. The wiki is a brilliant resource, you and the other editors have done a great job on it. I made sure to link to it wherever possible, as I'm keen for people to be checking it out.
    Tjibbbe wrote: »
    I agree with Harald, Pinchpenny, it's a great looking site. Are you planning more interviews with other voice actors?

    Yep, I've got many more interviews lined up, I'll be pacing them out. Are there any questions people are interested in hearing responses to - either to voice actors or the guys at Bay Area Sound?

    Thanks for the positive feedback, guys.
  • edited February 2010
    Wow! I never knew Bosco was such a potty mouth! Good interview, though.

    I'm always interested in seeing voice actor interviews, so I hope you can keep them coming!
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2010
    Oh man, that's a really nice site you've got there. Keep up the good work!

    Oh, and as for the interview all will become clear in time.
  • edited February 2010
    Are you confirming Bosco's sex change operation?
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2010
    I'm confirming that it's a really nifty site.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited February 2010
    I'm confirming that I am in no position to confirm anything. Not even this.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2010
    Great Sam and Max site! It makes me pine for the old designs for which all ended up getting erased or slightly ruined over time. Awesome to see a new Sam & Max site up and running.
  • edited February 2010
    DjNDB wrote: »
    I'm confirming that I am in no position to confirm anything. Not even this.

    Oooh, right, 'cause you don't really exist. It's okay man, we still love you.
  • edited February 2010
    Ooh! Interview David Nowlin and William Kasten... pretty please with sugar on top? ^_^
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Oooh, right, 'cause you don't really exist. It's okay man, we still love you.

    You remembered :)
  • edited February 2010
    Will wrote: »
    I'm confirming that it's a really nifty site.

    I take you will be having a press conference in order to not say any more about the information you didn't give us?

    Joey sounds badass. That interview made me laugh more than watching an episode of The IT Crowd.
  • edited February 2010
    Or, y'know, he has been kidnapped by a new alien race and won't appear until towards the end.
  • edited February 2010
    You know he kind of reminds me of my uncle honestly.
  • edited February 2010
    A new Sam & Max site yayy. Love to see you do an interview with William Kasten. Wow Bosco's voice actor is one crazy nutter. That interview needs an explicit content warning ha
  • edited February 2010
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Love to see you do an interview with William Kasten.

    Or David Nowlin *cough cough*

    Loved the interview. I really enjoy hearing the trials, tribulations and fun voice actors go through, plus this one in particular was a humorous read; nutty voice actors are especially fun :p

    At the same time, I remain somewhat skeptical on his comment about Bosco not being in the third season, being how his previous answers were a bit on the "non-serious" spectrum. Though if it turns out to be true, I highly doubt it will make me enjoy it less.
  • edited February 2010
    At the same time, I remain somewhat skeptical on his comment about Bosco not being in the third season, being how his previous answers were a bit on the "non-serious" spectrum. Though if it turns out to be true, I highly doubt it will make me enjoy it less.

    Yeah, I'm the same. Not 100% sure if he's telling the truth, joking or... saying the truth is a deceiving way, but either way I don't really care, I'm sure I'll love the season.
  • edited February 2010
    Nice site, great interview. This Joey guy is quite... well... focused :)
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