Sam & Max 105: Reality 2.0

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
So I was playing this episode. I enjoyed all the previous 4 and this episode immensely. Was looking forward to finish this season and start season2, till I reached the horrendous Reality 1.5 part.

I just don’t know how to express how much I hated it. This episode went from the best to the worst episode for me. It irritated me so much that it killed any desire I had to play Sam and Max for any time soon. I will probably not even finish the season although only one episode is left.

I thought you were not in the business of defeating people! It’s not just because it was hard, it was just irritating and nonsense and I didn’t find anything nonsense in Reality 2!

... I had to write this. :mad:


  • edited March 2010
    I liked it, except the fact that it bugged every time I went to the office, except in virtual reality. I solved that problem by always going to the office in virtual reality then switching to real reality, but that proved to be a problem later. So it was annoying.

    Other than that, I liked it.
  • edited March 2010
    I liked the Reality 1.5 part most because I got to try to give max Bosco's E-Convenience

    I liked the whole little save point that autosaved when you clicked on it. I like stuff like that, made it easier for me (since I was in crossover)
  • edited March 2010
    Oh, Reality 1.5 was the text thing? I thought they meant 2.0 and made a mistake. Didn't remember it had a specific name.
    I liked the text adventure. I had never played any and it was nice doing so. The different colours so you could remember where you were were a nice touch. (That's a lot of w(h)eres in a row).
  • edited March 2010
    My only dislike was with Reality 1.5 "the text adventure". I had no problem with Reality 2.0.
  • edited March 2010
    Many friends of me and I found the Reality 1.5 part, actually, utterly ingenious. It's a homage to the old games, it's not THAT hard simply because there are only 4 places to go, and because there are no graphics, writers didn't hold theirselves to write something that's REALLY hard to visualise. I loved it, and I still think it's one of the strongest parts of the entire episode, if not the season.

    It's just that many people here are used to finish an episode in 3 hours or less, and count it as a mere insult to their intelligence if an episode takes more than that. I felt like that too, but then I realized that there is a SAVE option as well that makes it able for you to continue from wherever you left. If you get frustrated, just save and get some Cold Ones. Relax, take your time doing other works of yours, and then return to the game with a fresh mind. It helps. Especially against unneeded hate towards quality stuff.
  • edited March 2010
    Hehe, pool of nausiating (probably spelled that wrong) cuteness :D.

    Like the others, I have to agree that part was utter brilliance. And I am too young to have played adventure games when they were still only text.
  • edited March 2010
    I thought this ep was great and it made me think of my past as a gamer and I enjoyed it.
  • edited March 2010
    Hehe, pool of nausiating (probably spelled that wrong) cuteness :D.

  • edited March 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    I thought you were not in the business of defeating people! It’s not just because it was hard, it was just irritating and nonsense and I didn’t find anything nonsense in Reality 2!

    Well, it wasn't hard at all as you had a very limited number of choices, and like many others, I think it was hilarious. Give it another chance is what I'd suggest, carefully reading the texts.
  • edited March 2010
    I really liked that bit too, thought it was really funny and totally unexpected.

    I didn't find it too hard, but then I'm one of those people that will try doing everything possible at least once in a game just cause I like hearing the dialogue, so even though some of it was weird and not necessarily what I would have thought to do (like
    picking up Bosco's and using it with the puddle of cuteness
    ) I ended up doing it anyway by accident, so no harm no foul I guess.
  • edited March 2010
    There were parts of Reality 2.0 (the episode) that I liked and parts that I really hated and did not like. Overall it was the worst episode, Reality 2.0 (the world/game) wasn't an improvement on the 'real' Sam & Max world in any way at all.
  • edited March 2010
    Since we are on this subject. How real is the Sam and Max world supposed to be? Eventually started Episode 106 and I'm kind of surprised and "put off" by going to the moon that way. Is that supposed to be real? Or indication that we are still in a Reality 3.0 maybe?
  • edited March 2010
    106 is as real as any other Sam & Max story. Their car is just that cool.
  • edited March 2010
    Are you asking about real in a game about an Antropomorphic dog and rabbity-thing?
  • edited March 2010
    the world of reality 2.0 wasn't actually an improvement at all, I don't think it was supposed to be.

    and seriously it isnt real at all. In Bad Day on the Moon Max put a bunch of matches in the desoto's tailpipe to launch it (or hit the big red launch button in the cartoon series). Maybe they did it again in Bright Side of the Moon

    It isn't supposed to make sense. deal with it
  • edited March 2010
    *Is reminded of the episode "The second show ever".*

    But yeah, their car is capable to do... well... pretty much anything.
  • edited March 2010
    Are you asking about real in a game about an Antropomorphic dog and rabbity-thing?
    Yes, but everything including Fantasy stories have some ground rules. Honestly the car going to the moon was too much for me!
  • edited March 2010

    they impossibly go into space in both. in sam and max the only ground rules are that Sam is a dog and max is a maniac rabbit
  • edited March 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    I thought this ep was great and it made me think of my past as a gamer and I enjoyed it.

    It was actually one of the best gaming experiences I had ever had.

    Then when I came around to replaying it (like I've doing for the whole series), it kind of seemed much more dull in comparison.

    The little text adventure was very funny, deep and meaningful as well, it was surprising how telltale could have done such a marvellous final level of the ep with presumably as little disk space and memory as possible.
  • edited March 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    Since we are on this subject. How real is the Sam and Max world supposed to be? Eventually started Episode 106 and I'm kind of surprised and "put off" by going to the moon that way. Is that supposed to be real? Or indication that we are still in a Reality 3.0 maybe?
    One of the jokes in the series is that they can drive wherever they want whenever they need to. There's a comic where they go to Ancient Egypt somehow, although it's not clear whether they drove there or not.
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