Hit the Road revisted?

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
This has probably been discused here all ready, but ill post it again.

What if Telltale games were to remake Hit the Road with 3D graphics and the new voice actors?

I think it would be a chance for them to earn an extra money and for the people who never got the chance to play Hit the Road, to play it at last.



  • edited March 2010
    No matter how cool or lame this idea might be, the actual hit the road game still belongs to Lucasart, so if they ever decide it'd be worth it, they'll probably do it themselve.
  • edited March 2010
    And what're the chances of that happening while the Star Wars cash cow still has some dribbles of milk left in it's teat?
  • edited March 2010
    Tbh, i seriously doubt that Lucas Arts has the skill to pull it off. they lost so many of there great and skilled people.

    Even the remake of Monkey island, it was fun, but still it lacked the spark.

    Lucas Arts can only do mediocre Starwars games. its a game shame, if i had a time machine, then i could go back and find out WTF happened, i mean they were the king nobody could touch them in terms of Adventure games, then suddenly NO CANCEL ALL CANCEL. lets milk the Darth Vader cow TRY! its pretty damn sad :(
    edited March 2010
    The only possibility I see was if Telltale bought Hit The Road's rights.
  • edited March 2010
    Leave the game alone. It's fine as it is. We are getting season 3, that should be enough.
  • edited March 2010
    If anything, Lucasarts would do a Sam and Max: Hit the Road Special Edition game, although I seriously doubt that would happen. I see no reason why they would sell the rights of Hit the Road to Telltale Games. Besides, I would imagine that Telltale would rather make season 3.
  • edited March 2010
    Yes I want a Special Edition. A beautiful HD and 2D edition.
  • edited March 2010
    A Special HD edition for the consoles/iphone would be great!
    edited March 2010
    I doubt that will happen because not only Hit The Road belongs to LucasArts, but now it's Telltale the one that owns the rights to publish Sam & Max games.

    So neither LucasArts nor Telltale can publish a remake of that game on their own. Unless they make some sort of agreement, that is. But I don't think LucasArts thinks it's financially viable to release a remake of that game, since they already cancelled its sequel some years ago.

    The most likely next LA remake will be probably Monkey Island: LeChuck's Revenge </captain_obvious> :rolleyes:
  • edited March 2010
    There's nothing wrong with the old voice acting, and it doesn't need to be in 3D. It would be better if the graphics weren't so pixellated, but that's the only reason I can think of for an update.

    Although I don't know why Sam looks so bored in that game. You're a dog, show some enthusiasm.
  • edited March 2010
    OMA wrote: »
    I doubt that will happen because not only Hit The Road belongs to LucasArts, but now it's Telltale the one that owns the rights to publish Sam & Max games.
    The only way I can see is making an agreement which both companies are satisfied with. They managed to do this with Monkey Island, so why not with Hit The Road?

    Although, I don't need it that badly. Adding voice acting to the older games makes more sense to me.
  • edited March 2010
    Why would they touch the voice acting in a game that already has perfectly good voice acting?

    It'd be cool to get the modern port remake thing for various consoles with an art style that resembles Purcell's for all the backgrounds and sprites, but yeah not that big a priority. A straight port/rerelease would be just as well
  • edited March 2010
    A PS3 release of Hit the Road by LucasArts would make perfect sense!
  • edited March 2010
    actually, an iPhone release of Hit the Road wouldl be awesome, seeing how I am unwilling to jailbreak my iPod touch just to put on ScummVM
  • edited March 2010
    A Special Edition with same kind of overhaul as Monkey Island got (as in HD2D, they don't need to redo the voicework) would suit me fine. :D Hopefully they'll do that after they've released MI2.
  • edited March 2010
    I would love a special edition... if it was 2D and true to Steve's art.... if they went all SoMI:SE and redesigned the characters willy nilly I would probably vomit.
  • edited March 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I would love a special edition... if it was 2D and true to Steve's art.... if they went all SoMI:SE and redesigned the characters willy nilly I would probably vomit.
    Oh I wouldn't want a character re-design or anything. Just an awesome less pixellated finish to it all.
  • edited March 2010
    Why's everyone so keen on these special editions.
    Just enjoy the games the way they are! They're still quite good after all these years you know.
  • edited March 2010
    Meh for me it's more a case of accessing the games. At least a newly tinkered with product will run on modern systems and is easily found. So yeah, I'd probably buy an untouched re-release too.
  • edited March 2010
    Hit the Road doesn't need any tweaking, I think the only games that need 'messing' with are the non-talkies.
  • edited March 2010
    Joop wrote: »
    Why's everyone so keen on these special editions.
    Just enjoy the games the way they are! They're still quite good after all these years you know.

    LucasArts has not officially released Sam & Max:Hit the Road in America. So how are people supposed to enjoy the original?
  • edited March 2010
    Hero1 wrote: »
    LucasArts has not officially released Sam & Max:Hit the Road in America. So how are people supposed to enjoy the original?

    You, me and everyone else on this forum know that all it takes to get Sam and Max Hit the Road is a little creativity. And if Lucasarts doesn't make it available, that kind of justifies that way of acquiring it.
    (I'm not going into any specific details.)
    And even so. Let the re-release the game with Scummvm or something. I still stand by my opinion that the SE's are totally unnecessary.
  • edited March 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    Tbh, i seriously doubt that Lucas Arts has the skill to pull it off. they lost so many of there great and skilled people.

    Even the remake of Monkey island, it was fun, but still it lacked the spark.

    Lucas Arts can only do mediocre Starwars games. its a game shame, if i had a time machine, then i could go back and find out WTF happened, i mean they were the king nobody could touch them in terms of Adventure games, then suddenly NO CANCEL ALL CANCEL. lets milk the Darth Vader cow TRY! its pretty damn sad :(

    It was the CEO of LucasArts at the time who closed down the Adventure department, he seemed to have some sort of hatred towards them and insisted on closing them down, saying they might revisit it in 15 years time but at the moment they weren't making money, which was completely untrue but it seemed he wanted to focus on the more milkable Star Wars franchise.

    He was later replaced which is when LucasArts started to go back to their adventure gaming roots with the recent special editions.
  • edited March 2010
    Joop wrote: »
    You, me and everyone else on this forum know that all it takes to get Sam and Max Hit the Road is a little creativity. And if Lucasarts doesn't make it available, that kind of justifies that way of acquiring it.

    What? Are you suggesting that buying it second-hand needs justification?!
  • edited March 2010
    What? Are you suggesting that buying it second-hand needs justification?!

    No, no, no... YES!
  • edited March 2010


    Look, there is a site, that allows you to...."acquire" out of print(and even IN print!) video games. There are several, actually, if you know where to look. LucasArts only had to release it once for people to be able to play it. The game is readily available.

    For example.
  • edited March 2010
    Look, there is a site, that allows you to...."acquire" out of print(and even IN print!) video games. There are several, actually, if you know where to look. LucasArts only had to release it once for people to be able to play it. The game is readily available.

    For example.
    I got it there, and I'm glad I did. I could have been waiting for all that time and who knows how much longer.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
  • edited March 2010
  • edited March 2010

    Oh, yes. That's where I went. I thought you were suggesting downloading it illegally or something. Which would be wrong.
  • edited March 2010
    Will wrote: »

    Whaha, that ones funny too.
    I was however referring to this.
    (At 1:55)
  • edited March 2010
    Joop wrote: »
    You, me and everyone else on this forum know that all it takes to get Sam and Max Hit the Road is a little creativity. And if Lucasarts doesn't make it available, that kind of justifies that way of acquiring it.
    (I'm not going into any specific details.)
    And even so. Let the re-release the game with Scummvm or something. I still stand by my opinion that the SE's are totally unnecessary.

    There is no way to play Sam & Max:Hit The Road on the Playstation 3 or Xbox. Why wouldn't LucasArts want to release it on PS3/Xbox360/Mac/iPad/iPhone/iPad and PC? Also if you are releasing games on those systems you want HD graphics that look good on a big TV screen.
  • edited March 2010
    Hero1 wrote: »
    There is no way to play Sam & Max:Hit The Road on the Playstation 3 or Xbox. Why wouldn't LucasArts want to release it on PS3/Xbox360/Mac/iPad/iPhone/iPad and PC? Also if you are releasing games on those systems you want HD graphics that look good on a big TV screen.

    Actually, I agree if your going to re-release it formodern systems, have the HD but also have it where you can switch back to the original just like SoMI:SE.

    Now if you Excuse me, FFVI beckons me to fight things.
  • edited March 2010
    I wouldn't mind it in updated artwork, but it would be terrible in 3D. Seriously, don't mess with classics, or at least, don't mess with them TOO much.
  • edited March 2010
    Hero1 wrote: »
    There is no way to play Sam & Max:Hit The Road on the Playstation 3 or Xbox.

    http://forums.scummvm.org/viewtopic.php?t=2970 may or may not help. Apparently you can run Linux on Playstation 3
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