Question on the PS3 version

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey telltale!

I just spent $200 in the store on TOMI merch.... so I'm putting off buying Sam and Max for a few weeks until I can get some money up.

I think it's awesome that Sam and Max is on PS3, but I'm tossing up between it and the PC version. Are the releases going to be the same, or will the PC version be released first? Because I love Sam and Max, and I'll get it on whatever console it comes out first on.

So is it simultaneous, delayed like TOMI on Wii or a complete stuff up on microsofts part like Wallace and Gromit?

(I'm in Australia btw, if that affects anything)


  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    Ideally, it will be simultaneously. That's what we are shooting for at any rate.
  • edited March 2010
    Actually what is the special perk for pre ordering it on the PSN, is there any special perks?
  • edited March 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Actually what is the special perk for pre ordering it on the PSN, is there any special perks?
    Only a $5 discount, according to Jake. Probably because purchases made outside of the Telltale site can't be tracked by Telltale, much like how Steam purchasers don't qualify for the free collector's DVD.
  • edited March 2010
    Will wrote: »
    Ideally, it will be simultaneously. That's what we are shooting for at any rate.
    So PS3 owners won't get the first episode on April 15th? April 15th is on a thursday (which is when PSN updates), so I don't see much reason to release it simultaneously.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    Wait, what? No, the goal right now is a day one simultaneous launch across all PC, PSN, and Mac on April 15. Obviously if something big comes up, sometimes dates have to change, but nothing I know of right now.
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