Slipcover case

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
I was a bit disappointed that we don't get a slipcover DVD case if we preordered the season, but it would probably be too much for Steve to do. Still...


  • edited March 2010
    My guess is that Steve is going to do a cover for the DVD, like he has for the last two seasons, and it's not going to be a pre-order exclusive.
  • edited March 2010
    Yeah I'm sure that Steve would do a cover for the DVD! It's Sam & Max!
  • edited March 2010
    yeah, of course, i meant something like the ToMI preorder exclusive (well, not anymore) slip cover, but of course there's going to be one!
  • edited March 2010
    yeah, of course, i meant something like the ToMI preorder exclusive (well, not anymore) slip cover, but of course there's going to be one!

    I hope so, because honestly...I don't mean to be rude to the monkey Island fans, but I think we should get something extra special, because well Sam&Max made telltale games, and with out sam and max, I don't think we could have gotten ToMI.
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