Whereabouts in the PSN Store is Sam and Max Season 3?

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey All.

I logged onto the PSN Store today to see if Sam and Max was up, because I wanted to see what they did with the prices. The telltale store just follows the exchange rate but the ps3 does something weird, so I wanted to check the price.

But I couldn't find it on there at all. Is it only available in the US or something? Because if it's delayed in Australia, I'll just get the PC version.


  • edited March 2010
    The pre-order is only available in the US at the moment.. All this region stuff for an online store sucks.. We haven't even got the trailer in PSN
  • edited March 2010
    That sucks.

    Well, screw PS3. I hated Grim Fandango's controls anyway.

  • edited March 2010
    This game most definitely does not use Grim Fandango's controls. I'm not sure what in the world would even lead you to believe that.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    Any adventure game which doesn't use a mouse uses Grim Fandango's controls, if you haven't heard!
  • edited March 2010
    Grim Fandango controls are the only way an adventure game will work on a console.

    The problem with Grim Fandango was that it was annoying to orient yourself and you were forced to use a controller, and even then you had to remember what button did what. Sam and Max looks better, it has the icons in the top right, but I still prefer PC. I really liked the 3D Wheel thing, I was iffy in episode 1 but I got used to it and it worked really really well.

    Is Sam and Max on PC going to be using the same thingo as TOMI?
  • edited March 2010
    Fury wrote: »
    Is Sam and Max on PC going to be using the same thingo as TOMI?

    yes it will.
  • edited March 2010
    Fury wrote: »
    Grim Fandango controls are the only way an adventure game will work on a console.
    No, it's not. Have you not played a console game in the last 20 years? 99% of console games do not control as awkwardly as Grim Fandango, I don't know why in the world you believe Grim Fandago has the only possible control scheme in existence. It is truly mind boggling.
  • edited March 2010
    Zeik56 wrote: »
    No, it's not. Have you not played a console game in the last 20 years? 99% of console games do not control as awkwardly as Grim Fandango, I don't know why in the world you believe Grim Fandago has the only possible control scheme in existence. It is truly mind boggling.

    What, use control sticks/D-pad for movement, then have the four buttons correspong to look, use, pick up and inventory? It's pretty common. Broken Sword did it, EMI did it. It's what everything uses.

    What adventure games are you thinking of?
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    Fury wrote: »
    What, use control sticks/D-pad for movement, then have the four buttons correspong to look, use, pick up and inventory? It's pretty common. Broken Sword did it, EMI did it. It's what everything uses.

    What adventure games are you thinking of?

    By this reasoning, every game on a console has the same controls.
  • edited March 2010
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    By this reasoning, every game on a console has the same controls.

    Well if you think about it...they kinda do...it's like playing one game on X-box, and then Playing the same game on the Ps3 and figuring out the control from there or that might be tottaly off topic.
  • edited March 2010
    Fury wrote: »
    What, use control sticks/D-pad for movement, then have the four buttons correspong to look, use, pick up and inventory? It's pretty common. Broken Sword did it, EMI did it. It's what everything uses.

    What adventure games are you thinking of?
    I wasn't talking about any adventure games, I was talking about games in general. Even if it was a "common" control scheme, it doesn't mean it's the only possible control scheme. They did it with point and click controls, I'm sure someway somehow they could manage it with a controller as well.

    And it's pretty clear it doesn't use the same control scheme if you watch the game in action. You don't have to constantly reposition Sam to move around like in Grim Fandango, and the Triangle button is used to switch to Max mode, so that's another clear difference in the control scheme. I'm pretty sure there were other differences as well.
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