Sam&Max Tattoo

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
So, I'm thinking about next week to go out and get a Sam&Max Tattoo.

Two photos really stick out.





  • edited March 2010
    second photo is borked
  • edited March 2010
    I fixed it.
  • edited March 2010
    Where's the first photo?

    (And by the way, I will never been that courageous for make me a tatoo. Good luck with that one. I hope you don't finish like Max in the Full Throttle Comic =P)
  • edited March 2010
    I still dont see the second one and I haven't the slightest clue on how to delete cache without deleting Cookies or history on chrome
  • edited March 2010
    Even though I can't see the second one, I say more power to you. Hope it works out alright.
  • edited March 2010
    I say the first... on account of the second not loading so I cannot make any other suggestion.
  • edited March 2010
    For those who can't see the second image, it looks like this:


    Icedhope, you are a bold man. I don't have the chutzpah to get anything more permanent than a henna tattoo. But -- if it were me, I would go with the first one. Sam & Max are actually interacting with each other there, which I see as a huge plus. The fact that I'd feel less like a walking advertisement with that image doesn't hurt either, but that might just be me. :o
  • edited March 2010
    I too like the first one better.

    But are you allowed to get a tattoo of something that's copyrighted? I remember a friend had to create a modified version of the image she liked because she couldn't have it as a tattoo due to it being copyrighted. The tattoo artist wouldn't do it.
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I too like the first one better.

    But are you allowed to get a tattoo of something that's copyrighted? I remember a friend had to create a modified version of the image she liked because she couldn't have it as a tattoo due to it being copyrighted. The tattoo artist wouldn't do it.

    Actually, I don't think their is a law about beacause tattoo's are art but they're not Plagerism if that makes sense, because they aren't being displayed for money, or they're not being used to make money so I don't they're is a problem with it, people I know have the ghostbusters logo, just like it is on the movie but then again I think it's the artists decision too.
  • edited March 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    because they aren't being displayed for money, or they're not being used to make money

    Small comment: copyright law doesn't care at all if you're making money out of it or not. Fair use usually includes fanart, though, and I guess that could probably apply in some weird way. And I don't think Purcell is likely to sue you anyways.
  • edited March 2010
    Just out of curiosity, where you planing to get it? Oh yeah and pics when you're done, k?
  • edited March 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity, where you planing to get it? Oh yeah and pics when you're done, k?

    On my Upper Arm, and of course there will be pics. I'm planning on getting it done, thursday but Budgets come into mind, so we will see if it's this month or Next month.
  • edited March 2010
    I think the first one would look better as a tattoo. Good luck with it!
  • edited March 2010
    first one ftw
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    And I don't think Purcell is likely to sue you anyways.

    Considering has been done before and he know it...
  • edited March 2010
    Yeah, as I said it's not risky. I was just a bit surprised because as I said the tattoo artist wouldn't do it for my friend so I assumed they all refused to protect their backs.

    And it's still good to know, because some other people might sue. And lots of people misunderstand copyright law. There are still people thinking it's okay to use music if it's under 30s. It's not. It's still illegal without permission, length has nothing to do with that, and the fact that you're not making profit has nothing to do with that either.
  • edited March 2010
    Tatoos are ok if you're doing em for sentimental reasons, eg if a relative dies and you tatoo their name or something along those lines, but I can't see why you would want Sam and Max tatooed on your arm.

    Maybe just buy a poster? Strikes me as something less stupid.

    Sam and Max are cool, but you'd have to be mentally retarted to have one permately on your arm.
  • edited March 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Actually, I don't think their is a law about beacause tattoo's are art but they're not Plagerism if that makes sense, because they aren't being displayed for money, or they're not being used to make money so I don't they're is a problem with it, people I know have the ghostbusters logo, just like it is on the movie but then again I think it's the artists decision too.

    It's usually best to get the artist's permission before getting ink, even if it just out of courtesy. I'd also say that the second would make a better tattoo, particularly with the shading, be sure to go to a reputable tattoo artist also.
  • edited March 2010
    patters wrote: »
    It's usually best to get the artist's permission before getting ink, even if it just out of courtesy. I'd also say that the second would make a better tattoo, particularly with the shading, be sure to go to a reputable tattoo artist also.

    That is true, now I need to find someway to get Steve Purcells permission to get a tattoo
  • edited March 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    That is true, now I need to find someway to get Steve Purcells permission to get a tattoo

    Post a comment in his blog. He read all those comments. Really. (Now, if he will answer you? No idea. But he will read it =P)

    Edit: Or wait when he show up in the Police Dispatch forum. But post in the blog anyway!
  • edited March 2010
    Well, I left a comment and if I get answer awesome, if I don't...I'll hold off.
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